

    FrontPage Server Extensions 1.1 for Win9.x, WinNT4 and Win2000


    Following is based  on a Xato  Network Security Security  Advisory
    XATO-082000-01.   The FrontPage  Server Extensions  are vulnerable
    to  a  remote  denial  of  service  attack  that  will disable all
    FrontPage operations  on a  web site.   By requesting  a URL  that
    includes a DOS  device name, the  server extensions will  hang and
    will not service  any further requests.   To re-enable the  server
    extensions requires restarting IIS or rebooting the server.

    There is also  a secondary problem  with certain DOS  device names
    that reveal the server's physical path.

    To exploit this vulnerability, you must request a URL through  the
    shtml.exe component of the  FrontPage Server Extensions.   The URL
    you request must include a DOS device name followed with the  .htm

    The following DOS devices will lock up the server extensions:  (if the server has a com1)

    Note also that the following URL's will also have the same effect:

    However,  the  following  URL's  will  NOT  have any affect on the

    Also note  that the  device names  MAILSLOT, PIPE,  and UNC do not
    have  the  denial  of  service  effect.   However, they do have an
    interesting side-effect that they  do return the physical  path to
    the server.  If you send the request:

    You will receive the following error:

        Cannot open "C:\InetPub\wwwroot\pipe.htm": no such file or folder.

    Finally, using the device name  NUL (as you would expect)  returns
    a blank page.

    When one of the above URL's are sent to the server, all  FrontPage
    operations become disabled for that  web site.  If the  web server
    hosts multiple web sites, only  the one that received the  request
    will become disabled.

    By disabling the  FrontPage Server Extensions,  you block all  web
    authoring, web  administration, WebFolders,  InterDev, and  WebBot
    operations.  The server will otherwise function normally until the
    IIS Service is restarted.

    Note that there  is another related  issue when using  the vti_rpc
    list_documents method that includes  a reference to a  DoS device.
    However, since one would need authoring permissions to issue  that
    command, it is not much of a threat.

    So how is this all important to you?  Lets go over some scenarios:

    SCENARIO 1:  The Everlasting Hack
    Suppose  that  Company  X  has  a  web  site hosted at a large web
    hosting service that allows their customers to author their  sites
    using  FrontPage.   And  suppose   that  as  a  further   security
    precaution,  that  hosting  service  has  shut  off telnet and FTP
    access, forcing users  to author with  the FrontPage client.   One
    day the CEO and the web designer get into an argument and the  CEO
    fires the web designer.

    As a  going away  present, the  web designer  posts on the company
    home page some pictures of the  CEO drunk at a company party.   He
    then sends the site a FP DoS and packs up his personal belongings.

    Needless to say, the  CEO begins to get  calls about his web  site
    and quickly opens his FrontPage client to undo the web  designer's
    changes.  To his  demise, he is unable  to connect to the  site so
    he calls the tech support at the hosting service.  The  technician
    says that permissions  seems ok and  the FrontPage extensions  are
    working properly on all the other  sites.  He suggests to the  CEO
    that the problem may be with his FrontPage client.  The CEO panics
    as he reinstalls FrontPage on his own computer and after a day  of
    calls back and forth, he finally convinces one of the  technicians
    to completely  take down  the company  site until  the problem  is
    fixed.   Finally, someone  reads the  Xato advisory  and sees  the
    problem and that  they must completely  restart the IIS  server to
    get the FrontPage extensions working again.

    SCENARIO 2:  Bad Sales Day
    Several months have  passed and the  CEO of Company  X has learned
    that his former web designer  had stolen company secrets and  sold
    them to a competitor, Company Y.   Company Y is now ready to  come
    out with a  product using all  of Company X's  ideas.  The  CEO of
    Company X is  irate but instead  of spending years  in litigation,
    he decides to get  some revenge.  He  notices that Company Y  uses
    the FrontPage Form  Bot to take  product orders online.   He waits
    until the release  date of Company  Y's new product  and sends the
    FrontPage DoS, disabling the order form.

    By mid-morning, Company  Y notices that  there have been  no sales
    at all for their  new product.  They  check their web site  and it
    seems to be up  and running.  They  even browse to the  order form
    page  which  also  comes  up  properly.   They  spend half the day
    trying to  figure out  why they  are not  getting any  orders when
    they finally get an e-mail complaining that their order form  gets
    an error  when you  click on  the submit  button.   After a couple
    more hours of  debugging, they finally  reboot the server,  having
    lost nearly a whole day of sales.

    SCENARIO 3:  Killing the Client
    But the CEO of Company X  isn't finished with them yet.   He keeps
    checking  for   the  url
    Once that  file appears,  he knows  that someone  has the web site
    open for  authoring in  the FrontPage  client.   Once he sees that
    file, he once again sends the FP DoS.  Meanwhile, the web designer
    is working  hard on  some new  designs for  the web  site.  He has
    several pages  open that  he is  working on  and after things look
    just right he goes to save his  work.  He clicks on save and  sits
    there.  After  a minute or  so waiting, he  clicks on save  again.
    Something is obviously  wrong so he  switches to a  web browser to
    see if the  site is up.  Sure enough, it  is up and  running.  But
    now when he switches back to FrontPage, the screen won't  refresh.
    Eventually he has to use CTRL+ALT+DEL to stop FrontPage and  loses
    all his work.  Dismayed, he starts up again and now he can't  even
    connect to the server.  Time for another reboot.

    Daniel added following.  Windows 2000 (IIS 5.0) and FrontPage 2000
    extensions - while GET with  DOS device in name is  ACTIVE, server
    shows  100%  cpu  utilization,  but  still  works and serves other
    requests.  After HTTP GET  time out, everything is back  to normal
    and everything _works_ (so no need to restart anything).  Still it
    makes computer go to 100% CPU utilization, so IT IS threat.   This
    is true for any combination shown by sozni in his report.


    Microsoft has  addressed these  issues in  the 1.2  version of the
    FrontPage server extensions available at: