Front Page


    Win NT (UNIX too)


    Following issues are not bugs, but bad configuration.  However, as
    these mistakes are made often Security  Bugware will address  them

    Perry Harrington posted  following.  You  want a rogue  program to
    run, and the victim has  anonymous uploadable FTP (or you  sign up
    for a  service and  you want  to run  binaries on  the server, but

        mkdir _vti_bin
        cd _vti_bin
        put [whatever bin]

    Web browser:

    Boom you've  got stuff  runnin on  that server.   And why  is this

        ScriptAlias "*/_vti_bin/*" /somedirpath

        <Object ppath="*/_vti_bin/*">

    And now more about FP extensions. Firsly, they maintain a crapload
    of meta files (one shadow  for every file managed) then  they have
    all of their config info in a bunch of text files in the  _vti_pvt
    directory.  If you  go to a site  that has FP extensions,  you may
    encounter following as result of bad configuration.  Just pick any
    directory in the  URL, yank the  filename off, and  put "_vti_cnf"
    there'll get a complete listing of all the files  in
    the real directory.  With  this you can snatch files  that weren't
    meant to  be seen  by the  public...and it's  available on  ALL FP
    enabled sites.

    Want to know an  even cooler hack?   Want to break into  Frontpage
    enabled sites?  Just snarf the administrators.pwd and  authors.pwd
    file in:

    That'll net you the  password file for the  web.  Just convert  it
    properly and run Crack  on it to obtain  a useful password.   Want
    even more???

    Frontpage 98 makes permissions so  bad that it makes the  _vti_pvt
    directory WORLD WRITABLE!  You  can do whatever you want  to stuff
    in that directory.

    'chameleon' from  Rhino9 Security  Team added  following (you  can
    find more at

    1. Frontpage extensions  for UNIX can  lead to some  bad problems.
       Around  90%  of  the  time  when  your  sitting on a shell of a
       provider  that  has  frontpage  server  extensions you can do a
       find / -name  service.pwd -print and  then from that  list grep
       out readable ones.  Usualy, as said before, 90% of the  time...
       you will be able to have read access and sometimes write access
       to a persons service.pwd.

    2. Frontpage extensions for UNIX..... Also more then 50% or so  if
       you do

       you  will  be  able  to  read  the  remote computer service.pwd
       because of bad chmod permissions.  IIS 4.0 and FP98 do not  use
       a service.pwd file, or any .pwd files, NTFS permissions on  the
       .dlls themselves control access (as is pointed out in the  good
       reference at:

    3. Frontpage  password cracking:  As Vacuum  and 'chameleon' first
       discovered an documented,  frontpage server extensions  use DES
       encryption. So basically you can take the frontpage service.pwd
       (chameleon:jk53kjnb43) and then add:


       and drop that into your password cracker and boom. You get  the
       idea.  Note: A lot of times people will use the same  frontpage
       password as their other passwords for the UNIX shell.

    4. You may be  able to connect to  a server with frontpage  server
       extensions  and  being  able  to  alter  the  page  without any
       password.  The reason you can do this is the NT everyone group.
       Its very common  that a server  with, NT4.0 server,  IIS3.0 and
       frontpage  server  extensions  installed,  you  can alter their
       webpage  via  frontpage  because  the  everyone group is on the
       computer and it drops you right in.  That shouldnt be too  hard
       to understand.   Note:  Right  after installation of  frontpage
       server extensions on a NT4.0  IIS3.0 box it addes the  everyone
       group to have access to the server via frontpage explorer  etc.
       This is from  lameness on the  part of the  admin.  When  FP is
       running on NT,  you have an  admin.dll and an  author.dll.  The
       NTFS ACL on  these DLLs sets  who can do  what.  You  typically
       want to make an authors  group, and set permissions to  the DLL
       for that  group.   If you  set permissions  on the  DLL to give
       access to everyone,  then everyone is  an author or  an admin -
       whatever.  If the admin  has also left the NTFS  permissions on
       the web site at default, you can probably use it to insert  new
       content, and  cause various  bits of  mayhem.   Note that these
       DLLs aren't always global - there are ways to restrict  certain
       areas by adding more DLLs and changing their permissions.   See
       pg 371-372 in the IISRK for details.

    5. Find File exploit used for frontpage hacking.  It is possible
       to use the find file exploit:

       and search  for FILENAME=*.pwd.   About 20%  of the  time or so
       you will be able to find  pwd files on the remote sytem.  Note:
       By default the find file exploit will let you read any file  in
       its search area with no access restrictions.


    Note that if someone has anonymous ftp uploads setup so the upload
    are readable and are inside a tree that is available from the web,
    _that_ is the problem.  As for bug described first, create  Custom
    NSAPI / Apache module:

        NameTrans fn="prefix_fpdir" prefix_path="/somedir/cgi-bin/frontpage" name="cgi"

    plus Custom Stub:

        /somedir/cgi-bin/frontpage/cgi-wrapper [path to real binary]

    The  current  FP  releases  (1330  and  post)  fix the promiscuous
    permissions  problems  with  the  password  files  and  such.  The
    outstanding issues are these:

        _vti_pvt  directory:   On  a  misconfigured  webserver,   this
        directory can be  read via /_vti_pvt  in a website.   This can
        still  be  read   via  an  FTP   client,  given  the   default

        Fixes:  * add  a deny directive in  the obj.conf under NS,  or
                  use a mod_redirect or similar under Apache.
                * Make  sure  that  the  permissions  on the  _vti_pvt
                  directory are somewhat sane.

        There is a problem with this: shtml.exe must read the password
        files as  the user  of the  webserver.   So, either you create
        a wrapper which  does a setuid(owner  of web) before  invoking
        any FP extensions, or you set the permissions strictly and run
        as root.

       _vti_cnf directory:  This is a privacy issue.  If you access an
       FP web with /_vti_cnf, you will get a shadow directory  listing
       of all the files in that  current directory.  It the meta  info
       FP keeps about every file it has under control; think of it  as
       a CVS directory in a checked out tree.

       Fixes:  * add a deny directive for */_vti_cnf/* in NS or Apache