"You are now in France" attack
Win NT 4.0
Peter Gutmann posted following. The MS CryptoAPI mailing list
recently carried an example of how an actual "You are now in
France" attack might work. It turns out that if you switch the
system-wide locale of an NT system to French, the encryption
functionality of CryptoAPI disables itself (signing and hashing
still works). Conversely, switching the locale from French to
something French-related (Belgian, Swiss, or Canadian French)
re-enables the crypto. Since NT allows per-thread locales, it'd
be interesting to see if you can selectively enable/disable the
crypto for a particular application without needing to change
your system-wide locale setting (set the system locale to French
Canadian, then set the thread locale to French so you get the UI
acting as "French" French but the crypto acting as Canadian
France does not allow the use of strong crypto. Thus, a proposed
attack on systems that take this into account is to fool them into
believing they're operating in France, whereupon they quietly
disable their crypto. What NT is doing is a fairly reasonable way
to comply with a silly restriction, but it does provide a good
example of how a "You are now in France" attack might be
Nothing yet.