

    Win NT 3.x, 4.0


    David  Reed  found  following.   Apparently  the  windows nt logon
    dialog, including  the "unlock  workstation" dialog,  contains two
    ole  container/object  fields  -->  the  username  field  and  the
    password field.  Both fields will respond to the standard  CTRL+X,
    CTRL+C,  CTRL+V  shortcut  keys...  at  the console and via remote
    control (tested sms with key-pass-thru on, but assuming timbuk and
    others  work  as  well).   Anyone  can  lock  NT4sp4  computer and
    otherwise believe it to be  reasonably secure and some users  even
    set  their  screensavers  to  password  protected (wow!), with the
    assumption that it is completely secure, however at least part  of
    nearly ANY clipboard contents are potentially available to someone
    with physical access to the box...

    While  not  a  huge  security  hole  (physical  security is almost
    everything!), it is "worrisome".  Initial testing shows that  most
    types of ole  objects (obviously) aren't  available, so the  nudie
    pics the boss was cut-n-pasting  won't show up this way,  but text
    or objects immediately convertible  to text are (rtf,  html, etc),
    such as sensitive passwords, review details, salary data, etc.  up
    to the first carriage return.  Exploit is quite simple:

        1. at any locked nt4 console (or via remote control) give  the
           three fingered salute
        2. either shift+tab to highlight the username or use the mouse
        3. ctrl+v  to paste  the contents  of the  clipboard over  the

    This makes the contents of the clipboard visible, up to the  first
    CRLF.  In worst case you have your password or the administrator's
    on the clipboard for some stupid reason and a wily cracker  pastes
    it into the password field and gains access to your desktop...


    Windows NT 4.0
    A supported fix that corrects  this problem is now available  from
    Microsoft, but has not been fully regression tested and should  be
    applied only to systems  determined to be at  risk of attack.   If
    your  system  is  sufficiently  at  risk, Microsoft recommends you
    apply this fix.   Otherwise, wait for the  next Windows NT 4.0  or
    Windows NT Server 4.0,  Terminal Server Edition service  pack that
    contain this fix.   To resolve this  problem immediately,  contact
    Microsoft  Product  Support  Services  to  obtain  the fix.  For a
    complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services phone  numbers
    and  information  on  support  costs,  please  go to the following
    address on the World Wide Web:

    The version of this fix should have the following file  attributes
    or later:

        Date      Time                 Size    File Name     Platform
        01/18/99  07:06p               124,176 Msgina.dll    (x86)
        01/18/99  07:08a               160,528 Msgina.dll    (Alpha)

    Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4:
    This hotfix has been posted to the following Internet location:

    Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3:
    This hotfix has been posted to the following Internet location:

    WARNING: If  you install  the SP3  version of  this hotfix you may
    invalidate  other   Post-SP3  hotfixes   that  also   include  the
    replacement  of  Msgina.dll  in  the %Windows%\System32 folder. To
    eliminate the  vulnerabilities identified  in this  fix and  other
    Post-SP3 fixes, please install Service  Pack 4 and then apply  the
    Post-SP4 version of this hotfix.

    Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition
    This hotfix has been posted to the following Internet location:

    NOTE: If this product was already installed on your computer  when
    you purchased  it from  the Original  Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
    and you need this fix, please call the Pay Per Incident number.

    Windows NT 3.51
    A hotfix is not available for Windows NT 3.51.