NT 4.0 Terminal Server


    Following  is   based  on   a  CORE   SDI  Vulnerability    Report
    CORE-20001108.   GINA  stands  for  Graphical  Identification  and
    Authorization and  describes an  interface for  the validation  of
    logon credentials.  The default implementation is MSGINA.DLL.

    The  MSGINA.DLL  in  Microsoft  Windows  4.0  is  responsable   of
    performing  the  authentication  policy  of  the interactive logon
    model,  and  is  expected   to  perform  all  identification   and
    authentication user interactions.

    Microsoft Windows  NT 4.0  Terminal Server  ships with  a remotely
    and locally  exploitable buffer  overflow in  a Dinamically Linked
    Library (RegAPI.DLL) that MSGINA.DLL uses.

    It could be  exploited by entering  a long string  in the username
    field.  This buffer overflow  when being triggered will result  in
    a system  crash (if  triggered locally)  or a  connection drop (if
    triggered remotely).

    By  providing  a  specially  crafted  username an attacker has the
    ability  to  obtain  access  to  the  Terminal  Server and execute
    arbitrary commands as user SYSTEM.

    This vulnerability was discovered by Bruno Acselrad of CORE SDI.

    So,  Windows  NT  4.0  Terminal  Server  has  a remote and locally
    exploitable buffer  overflow in  the GINA  subsystem.   Entering a
    long username in the username edit box will make the system  crash
    (if done locally) or drop the connection (if done remotely).   The
    problem  occurs  when  MSGINA.DLL  calls  the  ReUserConfigQuery()
    function in RegAPI.DLL.

    Within  that  function  wscpy()  is  first called and then wscat()
    appends to a local  variable of fixed lenght  a fixed key and  the
    username string.

    This local variable can  be overflowed resulting in  the execution
    of arbitrary commands on the vulnerable host.


    Patch availability: