Handler Mapped File Extensions


    Win NT (with IIS3?)


    'Tanstaafl'  posted  following.   Handler  mapped  file extensions
    reveal system  file paths  for web  directories.   If you  take  a
    simple URL, like:

    you  get  the  raw  asp  code  for the file INDEX.ASP (or anything
    else.)  The handler returns the raw code of the file without going
    through PERL  5 (or  the appropriate  programming language), these
    leaves previously undiscovered problems open for attack. (Although
    most of the programs are well protected against  buffer-overloads,
    these script can be read and the information gained can be used to
    "crack" the site.)

    A related problem is the ability to transfers the sub-directories,
    because   the   .STM   file   reads   firstly   what's   in    the you are able to go from  'd:\main\WWW\'  to
    any other directory within this hierarchy.  Example:

    Returns "Error processing SSI file 'd\main\WWW\something.stm'"

    Returns   the   raw   "something.asp"   code   in   the  directory
    'd\main\WWW\', and

    Returns   the   raw   "something.asp"   code   in   the  directory
    'd\main\WWW\asp\'.  This includes any other files you've  included
    as information  handlers, (  Java class  files, VB  files, etc...)
    even encrypted password files.  As long as you know the file names
    you can  access the  raw code.  (This also  means you can download
    it.).  Additional credit goes  to Michal Zalewski.  HotBot  search
    engine can be used to locate vunerable machines:


    The displaying  of file  system path  seems to  be limited to IIS3
    servers.   The  installs  of  IIS4  will  only  return the path as
    provided in the URL.