Internet Explorer


    Win systems


    Noah Spurrier found following.  This bug will cause all  instances
    of the  browser to  crash.   It may  also crash  WindowsNT itself.
    This code uses standard HTML  forms with no dynamic HTML  content.
    The following show a sample of the code.

        <title>This has just crashed your browser.</title>

        <frameset cols="100%">
        <frame name="index" src="#crash">

        <A NAME="crash">Oops!</A>

        Oyo! You need frames in order to crash.


    This bug will  frequently crash the  Windows desktop (GUI)  (under
    9x).  You may have to reboot without shutting down.  In fact,  you
    may be  unable to  shutdown cleanly.   Rebooting a  Win95  machine
    without first shutting down can sometimes cause problems with  the
    filesystem.  On NT this will eat up all your CPU.

    What  makes  this  bug  interesting  is  that  it does not use any
    dynamic  content,   so  it   completely  bypasses   any   security
    restrictions you may have turned on.  As far as I am aware,  there
    is no way  to configure your  browser to prevent  it from crashing
    while interpreting this simple HTML code.  What this code does  is
    use standard, plain HTML frames in  a rather odd way.  A  frameset
    and one frame is created.  Normally the frame source would be  set
    to be an external link, but  in this example, the frame source  is
    set to be a named link within the current HTML file. This  creates
    an endless loop  in the HTML  parser of MSIE.   If the browser  is
    left running in this endless loop it will eventually cause a stack
    fault.   This usually  takes about  30 seconds.   The endless loop
    also creates a very high CPU  cycle load, so it is very  difficult
    to shutdown  the browser  with the  Task Manager  before the stack
    fault occurs.

    Because MSIE 4 is so tightly integrated with the OS it may  happen
    to crash the desktop  as well. This is  certainly true if the  the
    Active Desktop is turned on.  If Microsoft has not fixed  this bug
    in  Win98  then  presumably  this  problem  will  be even greater.
    Windows98  practically  grafts  the  balls  of  the browser to the
    brains of the OS.


    There  is  a  couple  of  things  you  could try out to lessen the

    1. Use Regedit:


       add a REG_DWORD value:


       Set it to  1.  Then  reboot.  This  creates a seperate  process
       for the taskbar and desktop, also when you run MSIE4 it runs it
       under a new process IEXPLORE.EXE instead of explorer.exe.  Thus
       enabling   the   suffering   browser   to   be  killed  without
       detrementing the rest of the O/S.   You will also find your  NT
       machine  [esp.  SMP]  will  have  better  desktop  performance.
       However, this may result in a loss on functionality in Explorer
       Most places that suggest using this reg hack to split processes
       *always* state that  it does not  work properly with  IE Active
       Desktop.  Most places, like

       strongly recommend reversing this before adding or using Active
       Desktop.  You may check also:

       It _exactly_, down to  the example, describes the  symptom, and
       the fix!  If you know  the name of the .CPL file  that controls
       the  function  you  are  looking  for,  just  run  "CONTROL.EXE
       <FILE>.CPL" from the command prompt.  Brings it up by itself.

    2. Advanced Option in MSIE4
       Choose "Browse  in a  new process",  this way  if the  page was
       downloaded by the 'spawned' browser, it would run in a seperate
       process and thus killable without losing the O/S again!