MS Internet Explorer


    Win 95, Win 98, Win NT


    Fabio Ciucci found following.  It's a denial-of-service problem in
    that it prevents you from using the system.  His applet is hanging
    the system.  Sample and info can be retreived from:

    Only one Kb of .class file is required (it's a special Java applet
    who uses the "modified" java specifications by Microsoft) to crash
    not only  Explorer 4.0,  4.1 (and  Explorer 5  beta too!), but the
    whole Windows system  (Windows 95, and  Windows 98): all  the open
    tasks are lost immediately, and a reboot is required.  On  Windows
    NT, Internet Explorer  crashes, but the  operating system in  most
    cases is still usable.

    The applet will NOT RUN  in true and 100% pure  Java environments,
    such  as  Netscape  Navigator,  Sun's  HotJava  or  using the Java
    Plugin.   As  explained  before,  Java  is  a  secure and reliable
    technology,  and  the  bug  is  only  present in NON STANDARD Java
    modifications  done  by  Microsoft  in  his Internet Explorer 4 on
    Windows  systems  (the  applet  will  not  work  on  Explorer 3 or
    previous, and in Apple Mac Explorer).


    MS is working on it.