MS Internet Explorer


    Win systems (IE 4.x)


    John Schultz found following.  IE 4.x does not appear to save some
    of the  custom security  settings you  may modify  via the  View |
    Internet Options | Security dialog.  If you switch to a  different
    security level and then back to the Custom level, you will  notice
    that some settings  have not been  retained.  On  testing machine,
    disabled  were  Java,  scripting,  and  ActiveX,  in  addition  to
    changing a  few other  security settings.   If you  disable  these
    items in the Custom level, switch to the High level to access some
    site that  requires a  disabled feaure  (such as  Java), and  then
    switch  back  to  the  Custom  level,  one would expect Java to be
    once-again  disabled.   All  testing  was  done  while set for the
    Internet zone.

    Here  are  the  security  settings  John has noticed changing when
    switching from the Custom level  to the High level, and  then back
    again.  It is believed this list is not inclusive of the  settings
    that do not "stick" -  it's just the settings John  noticed during
    his testing:

    * Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting - was disabled
      in Custom level, enabled in Custom level after switching to High
      level and back to Custom.
    * File download - was enabled in Custom level, disabled after  the
    * Java  permissions -  was disabled  in Custom  level, set to High
      safety after the switch.
    * Installation  of desktop  items -  was set  to Prompt  in Custom
      level, set to Disable after the switch.
    * Active scripting - was  set to disable in Custom  level, enabled
      after the switch.

    These changes would occur when changing security level from Custom
    to High and either:

    1. Closing the Internet Options dialog, reopening the dialog,  and
       selecting Custom level.
    2. Clicking the Apply button without closing the Internet  Options
       dialog, and selecting the Custom level.

    This  was  tested  on  IE  4.01  SP1  with all IE security patches
    applied.   The Help  | About  dialog displays  version 4.72.3110.8
    and update versions ;SP1;2922;2958;


    MS don't think it's a problem.