MS Internet Explorer


    MSIE 5 & 4.x


    Juan Carlos Garcia Cuartango found following.  Microsoft  delivers
    with IE 5 an Active X control called "DHTML Edit control Safe  for
    Scripting for IE 5".  In  Juan's opinion this control IS NOT  SAFE
    AT ALL.   He has found  two vulnerabilities in  this component: It
    makes public the clipboard and it allows cross-frame access.  IE 4
    is also affected as far as  the control is a signed component  and
    the browser will download it  from MS site.(see below my  comments
    about the CLSID).  Demos are available at

    Let's briefly try to summarize the implications of this issues:

    1- The hole makes public the clipboard.
       There is nothing  new here.   This is the  third time Juan  has
       reported this kind of vulnerability.   MS says that this  issue
       can  be  blocked  by  setting  the  "Allow paste operations via
       script" to 'prompt'.  This  security option is set to  'enable'
       by default (Medium security).   IE 4 does not have  this option
       and there is no way to avoid the exploit.

    2- The hole allows cross-frame access
       The first Internet browser  security rule is: scripts  can only
       interact  only  whit  documents  same  domain and protocol.  MS
       calls this  the cross-frame  security, Netscape  refers to this
       rule  as  "The  same  origin  security  policy".   DHTML Editor
       violates  this  rule  and  allows  "transaction  spoofing",   a
       malicious  script  can  submit  transactions  without  the user
       knowledge.   Juan  has  asked  his  lawyer consultant about the
       issue and their response was:   "Noboby can anymore use the  IP
       addrress  as  a  proof  of  an  Internet crime against Internet
       Explorer users".  MS says: "We don't see that this  constitutes
       a security issue".

    3- Even if Microsoft fixes the hole the hole could exist  forever.
       Why?   As far  as we  know this  is the  first time  a hole  is
       "SIGNED".  MS has released  an "" file as an  ActiveX
       component signed by Microsoft, anybody can distribute this file
       and the  victim will  only see  a message  telling him that the
       component is "Microsoft signed",  one trusts MS, everybody  who
       trusts MS, we will accept the ActiveX.  MS has invented a  very
       clever  method  to  sign  software,  but  there is not a way to
       revoke the signature.

    4- There is something rare in the CLSID
       Whenever an HTML page references a not registered CLSID nothing
       happens,  just  the  object  is  not  created.  The "DHTML Edit
       Control" CLSID (clsid:2D360201-FFF5-11d1-8D03-00A0C959BC0A)  is
       very special, Internet Explorer (4 and 5) will try to  download
       the component from MS even  if CODEBASE is not defined  for the
       object.  Is this a documented feature?

    You can test this behaviour,: unregister the component  dhtmle.ocx
    (using regsvr32.exe) and then load the page

    Why the browser decides to go to MS site?  It only knows:


    Acoording  to  MS  documentation  a  CODEBASE  parameter  must  be
    explicited in the OBJECT "object" to download the component.

    Affected Software Versions:

    - Microsoft  Internet Explorer  5 on  Windows 95,  Windows 98, and
      Windows NT 4.0.
    - Microsoft Internet  Explorer 4.0 on  Windows 95, Windows  98 and
      the x86  version of  Windows NT  4.0. Internet  Explorer 4.0  on
      other platforms, including the Alpha version of Windows NT  4.0,
      is not affected.

    DHTML Edit Control delivered with MSIE  5 can read user files.   A
    demo is available at:

    Some technical details are below.  The vulnerability appears  when
    the  WEB  server  redirects  the  HTTP  request  sent  by the Edit
    Control..  To do this redirection the code you need is:

        dh.LoadURL( http://domain/redirect.asp?file://c:/config.sys )

    The ASP page response.asp contains:

        response.redirect request.querystring

    This ASP will redirect the request to any URL (including "HTTPS:")
    the DHTMLE  Edit Control  location "property"  will still  contain
    http://host/redirect.asp?file://c:/config.sys but the file will be
    displayed.      The    file    contents    is    accessed    using
    dh.DOM.body.innerText.  A similar thing  can be done using a  PERL
    (my demo uses a two line long PERL script).


    1) Internet Explorer has  customizable security settings in  place
       for   users   who   are   concerned   about   allowing  certain
       functionality.   In this  particular case,  concerned users can
       easily  block  this  behavior  by  checking either 'disable' or
       'prompt'  under  "Allow  paste  operations  via  script" in the
       custom settings  section in  security zones.   Using the  IEAK,
       admins  can  also  adjust  the  default setting for this option
       before  distributing  Internet  Explorer  to  their users.  The
       option  is  set  to  'enable'  by  default  to  allow  enhanced

    2) Upon investigation Microsoft  did find a cross  domain security
       violation in the DHTML edit control which MS will revoke,  fix,
       and release.

    3) Internet Explorer has a  mechanism in place which allows  MS to
       release a .reg file to block ActiveX controls by changing a bit
       in the registry.

    4) The   following  information   found  on   MSDN  (search     on
       CodeBaseSearchPath)  addresses  this  concern:  When   Internet
       Component Download is called to download code, it traverses the
       Internet search path  to look for  the desired component.  This
       path is  a list  of object  store servers  that will be queried
       every     time     components     are     downloaded      using
       CoGetClassObjectFromURL.  This way, even if an <OBJECT> tag in
       an  HTML  document  does  not  specify  a  CODEBASE location to
       download  code  for  an  embedded  OLE  control,  the  Internet
       Component Download will still  use the Internet search  path to
       find the necessary code.

    Internet search  path syntax;  The search  path is  specified in a
    string in the registry, under the key


    The value for this key is a string in the following format:

        CodeBaseSearchPath = <URL1>; <URL2>; ... <URLm>; CODEBASE;<URLm+1>;  ... <URLn-1>; <URLn>

    In  this  format,  each  of  URL1  through URLn is an absolute URL
    pointing  to  HTTP  servers  acting  as  "object  stores".    When
    processing  a  call   to  CoGetClassObjectFromURL,  the   Internet
    Component Download service will first try downloading the  desired
    code from the locations URL1  through URLm, then try the  location
    specified  in  the  szCodeURL  parameter  (corresponding  to   the
    CODEBASE attribute in the <OBJECT> tag), and will finally try  the
    locations specified in locations  URLm+1 through URLn.   Note that
    if  the  CODEBASE  keyword  is  not  included in the key, calls to
    CoGetClassObjectFromURL will  never check  the szCodeURL  location
    for downloading code.  By  removing the CODEBASE keyword from  the
    key,  corporate  intranet  administrators  can effectively disable
    Internet Component Download for corporate users.

    Customers who are potentially affected by the vulnerability should
    evaluate the degree of risk that this vulnerability poses to their
    systems and determine whether  to download and install  the patch.
    The patch can be found at