Browsers below (javascript)


    Internet Explorer 4.x & 5 and Netscape 4.5x, 4.x on Win9x


    Georgi Guninski found following.   There is a design flaw  in both
    Internet Explorer 5.0 and Netscape Communicator 4.51 Win95  (guess
    all 4.x versions of both  browsers are vulnerable too) in  the way
    they handle bookmarks.  The  problem arises if the user  bookmarks
    (adds  to  favorites)  and  later  chooses  a  specially  designed
    "javascript:"  URL.   When  the  bookmark  is  chosen  later,  the
    JavaScript code in it is executed in the context (the same  domain
    and  protocol)  of  the  document  opened  prior  to  choosing the
    bookmark.  So, the JavaScript code has access to documents in  the
    same domain.   An interesting case  is choosing the  bookmark when
    the active document  is a local  file (the protocol  is "file:") -
    then  the  JavaScript   code  has  access   to  local  files   and
    directories.   The vulnerabilities  are more  serious for Internet
    Explorer 5.0.  Some of the vulnerabilities follows.

    For Internet Explorer 5.0:

        - Reading local files if the filename is known;
        - Reading files in the domain of the active document (even  if
          the web server is blocked by a firewall);
        - Reading links in the active document and in documents in the
          same domain; Web spoofing of documents in the domain of  the
          active document;

    Demonstration is available at:

    For Netscape Communcator 4.51:

        - Browsing local directories;
        - Reading local files in the directory of the active document;
        - Reading links in the active document and in documents in the
          same domain; Web spoofing of documents in the domain of  the
          active document;

    Demonstration is available at:


    Workaround: Disable JavaScript or do not bookmark untrusted pages.
    You can't  reproduce this  on IE  5.0 with  SP5 (getting  an error
    message stating "Cannot find server or DNS error" after  following
    Georgi's instructions  using TEST.TXT).   Even pasting  the entire
    script  in  the  address  box  fails  to  reproduce  his described