Internet Explorer


    IE 5.0 with Outlook98 (if last one is installed first)


    Tuomas Viljanen found following.  If IE5 has been installed on  NT
    4.0 SP4 (or any  other MS 32 bit  OS), an Outlook 98  installation
    will hang and  crash.  So  far it is  not known the  cause of such
    behaviour,  but  remedy  is  to  rename  the  wintrust.dll file in
    %systemroot%\system32 directory as or anything.   The
    IE5 installation apparently  replaces the NT  default wintrust.dll
    with its own version, which causes for some reason the Outlook  98
    installation to  crash.   The Outlook  installation OTOH  installs
    its very own  version of wintrust.dll  in the system32  directory.
    So, problems with wintrust.dll occur if a machine is installed  in
    the following order;

        1. NT 4.0
        2. SP4
        3. IE 5.0
        4. Outlook '98 (the install will crash)


    So far it is not known the cause of such behaviour, but remedy  is
    to rename the wintrust.dll file in %systemroot%\system32 directory
    as or anything.  On the other hand, no troubles  seem
    to occur if you first install IE5 annd Outlook 98 only later.   It
    seems that IE5 has more sophisticated security features and  won't
    run the  unsigned binary  files that  OL98 uses  to install.   The
    default IE5  security zone  settings for  "Local Intranet"  can be
    modified and OL98 will then install without incident.  The  "Local
    Intranet" zone, "Execute  Unsigned" setting is  by default set  to
    "off".  By turning this "on", Outlook98 will install silently over
    a Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 system that has Internet Explorer
    5.0 on it!  Here is the  registry key you can import to make  this
    change programmatically:

        [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WindowsCurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\1]