Internet Explorer


    Internet Explorer 5.0


    THR found following.   He found a  bug which will  freeze Internet
    Explorer 5.0.   There are  *many* bugs  that will  crasch browsers
    but what  makes this  one special  is the  following.   In IE  5.0
    Microsoft has fixed the bugs from IE 4.0 that was based on infinit
    loops in JavaScript.  If  a JavaScript contains a loop  which will
    cause IE 5.0 to  run slowly or be  unresponsive, the user will  be
    warned and he/she will  be prompted whether the  JavaScript should
    be aborted or not.  This exploit is a JavaScript which changes the
    bgColor in an  infinit loop and  when you open  it you wont  get a
    warning.  The browser will just freeze!  Get the source code here:

    When you  enter the  html document  below, IE  will freeze and you
    have to close it with ctrl + alt + del.


    var color = new Array;
    color[1] = "black";
    color[2] = "white";

    for(x = 0; x <3; x++)
	    document.bgColor = color[x]
	    if(x == 2)
		    x = 0;



    Disable javascript.