IE 5.0 (others?)
Jesse Noller set up an NT box, with just the basic setup, no other
modifications, other than SP5, and an installation of Internet
Explorer 5.0 and found following. He was pondering writing some
HTAs (HTML Applications) for my web-design business when he
thought about the relationship between IE 5.0 and HTA's. After
some testing with different types of code and operating systems, a
certain realization occured to me.
One of the main advantages of HTAs over regular Web pages, is that
they are fully trusted. As such, HTAs are allowed actions that
Internet Explorer would never approve of for Web pages. The
bottom line is that HTAs do not bother the user with questions and
interruptions. They are *fully* trusted. There are several
implications for being a trusted application. HTAs have
read/write access to the system registry on the client machine.
HTAs run embedded ActiveX controls and Java applets without any
warning. Zone security is off for HTAs, so all operations subject
to security zone options are nevertheless permitted for HTAs. So,
one may program a VB program set to nuke certain system files
(Virus Scan system files, Ini's, even registry keys), attaching it
to an installshield wizard. So, instead of allowing the typical
user to download and run the program, where, possibly, hostile
code, and program might otherwise be discovered, you simply say,
"Please run this application from the current location". Although
advanced users would know better, this is becoming the norm, so,
many users might not. Bad guys have now opened the door, inserted
evil code, and destroyed your data.
Now, when running something like this under administrator
privileges in NT, not only does it open the registry, but the
entire system. Simple trojans like netbus can then be installed
without end-user knowledge. It can also allow for theft of
encrypted data and password files. Although precautions for this
can be taken, many user might not know. Microsoft has end-users
execute them also. This security hole affects all versions of win
Main testing simply consisted of downloading multiple types of
virus scanning utilities, installing them, then building the
Installshield, and attaching Netbus and a hostile VB program to
wipe out viruscan system files, reboot the machine, and continue
the install. Jesse then programmed the HTA, and executed it on
more Win box. Netbus was succsessfully installed, giving system
access. However, this has been done logged in as Admin. Many
people might not do this on console regularly, but many do.
Lower than IE5.0 was not yet tested.
First of all, admin should never browse and security zone should
handle this properly somehow.