Internet Explorer
Win systems with IE5
J.Kent Robinson found following. He was running IIS4 on NT4
(SP5) server. Several web pages had permissions assigned with NT
ACL (both NT Challege/Response and Basic Authentication). Kent
discovered that protected pages can be viewed by unauthorized
user (presumably from cache) if authorized user previously
accessed pages from same computer client. This happens even
after the browser has been completely closed and then reopened.
An unauthorized user accesses the page by hitting the page link.
This brings up the pop-up logon window. Hit cancel. User gets a
401 screen. Hit the back button. Hit the forward button. Viola.
The user without credentials has access to the protected content.
This was tested on NT4 WS, Win98 and Win2000 clients with the same
Speking of that, Justin King added following. In Internet
Explorer (v5/nt,v4/nt,v5/win98), when you go to a website (say,, and it requests authorization (via basic
authentication), and you enter it, you're able to browse the rest
of the site without reentering my password on each page. This is
fine. However, if you go to another website on the same machine,
but a different port (say,, you authentication
information is still sent. This seem to be a security flaw with
the browser.
Quoting RFC2617, Page 3:
"The realm directive (case-insensitive) is required for all
authentication schemes that issue a challenge. The realm value
(case-sensitive), in combination with the canonical root URL
(the absoluteURI for the server whose abs_path is empty; see
section 5.1.2 of [2]) of the server being accessed, defines
the protection space. These realms allow the protected
resources on a server to be partitioned into a set of
protection spaces, each with its own authentication scheme
and/or authorization database."
Note that the client must use the combination of the canonical
root URL and the real value to decided if the protection space is
the same. The canonical root URL of a server in port 80 and a
server in some other port will be different (
vs, so they indeed represent different
protection spaces and IE is sending the authentication messages in
If you care about this, clear your cache. A user could simply
open the page directly out of the cache. Or a user could mail the
contents of the cache out. Bottom line, you cannot protect data
on your hard drive from people with physical access to it. Don't
walk away from a computer that has sensitive data on it if anyone
who shouldn't be reading that data has physical access to the
The IE cache in Windows NT is per-user, and ACLd so only that
user has access. From description above, it appears that the
"unauthorized" user was running using the same account in the
same logon session as the "authorized" user. (Closing the browser
and reopening it doesn't count.) So, as far as the OS is
concerned, it's the same user, and both are equally authorized.
Logout and log back in as a different user. (There is an option
to tell IE to clear the cache after the browser closes. But
nothing short of logout is spec'd to work completely.)