

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 and 5


    Georgi  Guninski  found  following.   Internet  Explorer 5.0 under
    Windows 95/NT  4.0 (suppose  Win98 is  vulnerable) allows creating
    and overwriting local files and  in SOME cases putting content  in
    them  using  the  window.external.ImportExportFavorites()  method.
    In SOME cases putting content in the file is possible which  means
    arbitrary programs may be executed.

    The problem is the window.external.ImportExportFavorites() method,
    which is used to import and export bookmarks from and to  Netscape
    Communicator.   The  bigger  problem  is  it  allows  creating and
    overwriting  files,  which  obviously  leads  to  a  dangerous DoS
    attack.   One  may  overwrite  critical  files  which  may lead to
    reinstalling Windows.  Example of this is:


    which will  create a  file c:\fav.hta,  containing IE's  favorites
    without  asking  the  user,  just  notifying  him the operation is
    successfull.   In SOME  cases, HTML  code may  be injected  in the
    exported file  by importing  a specially  designed HTML  file. The
    file to be imported may reside  on a samba or Windows file  server
    and may be accessed by  Microsoft Networking.  The difficult  part
    is this  must be  exported by  using only  the <A>  tag, but  HTML
    Applications help again.

    Georgi has  verified importing  on a  Windows NT  4.0 box directly
    connected  to  Internet  and  it  worked  fine.   But he could not
    reproduce  importing  favorites  with  Windows  95  connected   to
    Internet via dial-up.

    It  is  possible  to  import  the  file  (favourites) using "http"
    protocol, but  then the  user must  click the  default button YES,
    Microsoft does not warn about any security problems in this  case.
    So the code looks like this (in a HTML file):

        // you must change the IP or make the file local !!!!!!!!!!
        // Sure, the StartUp folder is better

    In the  imported file  (fav.imp), residing  on a  samba or Windows
    server without authentication:

        <!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
        <DT><A HREF="#" STYLE="left:expression(eval('f= new
        Hi\');a.WriteLine(\'pause\');a.close();alert(\'File C:\\\\GTEST.BAT
        created\');window.close();'));" ADD_DATE="923225094"
        LAST_VISIT="934146000" LAST_MODIFIED="923225096">123456</A>
        <DT><A HREF="#" STYLE="left:expression(eval('a=new
        started\');window.close()'));" ADD_DATE="923225094"
        LAST_VISIT="934146000" LAST_MODIFIED="923225096">123455</A>

    To  see  the  effect  start  c:\fav.hta  (it  may be placed in the
    StartUp folder  and executed  automatically).   This vulnerability
    can be exploited via email or Usenet message using
    The  user  must  have  installed  file  sharing  in  order  remote
    importing to work.  Demonstration is available at:


    Disable Active Scripting.  Patch Availability:

    - Internet Explorer 4.01 for Intel:
    - Internet Explorer 4.01 for Alpha:
    - Internet Explorer 5 for Intel:
    - Internet Explorer 5 for Alpha: