Internet Explorer


    Internet Explorer 4.01 (versions prior to SP2), 5


    The    IE    5    security    model    normally    restricts   the
    Document.ExecCommand()  method   to  prevent   it  from     taking
    inappropriate action on a user's computer.  However, at least  one
    of these restrictions is  not present if the method is invoked  on
    an IFRAME.  This could allow a malicious web site operator to read
    the contents of files on  visiting users' computers, if he  or she
    knew the name  of the   file and the  folder in which  it resided.
    The vulnerability would not allow the malicious user to  list  the
    contents of folders, create, modify  or delete files, or to  usurp
    any administrative control over the machine.

    Originally this was found by Georgi Guninski.  It is also possible
    in some cases to  read files behind fiewall.   The problem is  the
    combination  of  IFRAME  and  document.execCommand.  Normally, you
    cannot use execCommand on an  IFRAME from another domain.   But if
    you do:  "IFRAME.focus(); document.execCommand" then command  will
    be executed in the IFRAME (some commands do not work in this  way,
    but some do  and that is  enough).  So,  we create an  IFRAME with
    SRC="file://c:/test.txt" and inject JavaScript  code in it.   When
    the JavaScript code  is executed, it  is executed in  the security
    context of the  IFRAME - the  "file:" protocol.   The injection is
    done  using  the  "InsertParagraph"  command (guess other commands
    will do) which sets the ID of  the paragraph.  But if you place  a
    "  in  the  ID,  then  a  STYLE  tag  may  be  inserted also.  The
    JavaScript code is injected using the STYLE tag:


    This vulnerability may be exploited using HTML email message or  a
    newsgroup posting.  The code is:

    alert("Create text file c:\\test.txt and it will be read");
    function f()
    <IFRAME ID="I1" SRC="file://c:/test.txt"></IFRAME>

    Demonstration is available at:


    As an interim step while the patch is under development, Microsoft
    recommends that customers add sites that they trust to the Trusted
    Zone, and  disable Active  Scripting in  the Internet  Zone.  This
    will  provide  full  functionality  for  all  trusted sites, while
    preventing  untrusted  sites  from  being  able  to  exploit  this

    Internet Explorer 4.01 users should  apply IE 4.01 Service Pack  2

    Internet Explorer 5 should apply that patch for this vulnerability

        Intel Platform:
        Alpha Platform:

    The IE5 patch  also includes the  previously-released fix for  the
    "Download Behavior"  vulnerability.   The IE5  patch also  will be
    available shortly at