Internet Explorer


    IE5 when run on a Windows NT 4.0 system


    IE 5 includes  an Offline Browsing  Pack that is  not installed by
    default.   The  Offline  Browsing  Pack  provides a Task Scheduler
    that  replaces  the  native  Windows  NT  Schedule  Service   (the
    schedule  service  is  also  known   as  the  "AT  Service").    A
    vulnerability in  the Task  Scheduler poses  a privilege elevation
    risk and  could allow  normal users  to execute  code on the local
    machine in System context.  (The Windows NT Schedule Service  does
    not have this vulnerability).

    The IE  5 Task  Scheduler controls  who can  create and submit "AT
    jobs."  The utility that is used to create AT jobs can only be run
    by an administrator, and the  Task Scheduler will only execute  AT
    jobs that are  owned by administrators.   However, if a  malicious
    user  had  change  access  to   an  existing  file  owned  by   an
    administrator (it would not need to be an AT job), he or she could
    modify it to be a valid AT job and place in the appropriate folder
    for execution.  This would bypass the control mechanism and  allow
    the job to be executed.   The affected components are part of  the
    IE 5  Offline Browsing  Pack, which  is not  installed by default.
    Windows NT 4.0 includes a  native scheduling service, but it  does
    not have this vulnerability.

    Arne Vidstrom  and Svante  Sennmark found  this issue  originally.
    Their test setup was the following:

        * Windows NT 4.0 Server
        * SP 5
        * IE 5.00.2014.0216
        * Task Scheduler running
        * Default permissions on the disks and in the registry
        * The  account "test"  is a  User and  the attacker  knows the
          password for this account
        * There exists a file "file.txt", owned by Administrators  and
          with Change permissions for "test"
        * Hex Workshop  or similar is  installed (can be  installed by
          the attacker)

        * Windows NT 4.0 Server
        * SP 5
        * IE 5.00.2014.0216
        * Task Scheduler running
        * The attacker knows the password for an administrator account
          on ATTACKER
        * The clock has been set fairly close to the clock in TARGET

    The interactive attack scenario we used was the following:

    1) The attacker creates a job at ATTACKER to be run at hh:mm, with
       the command:

        at hh:mm net localgroup administrators test /add

       This results in a job file c:\winnt\tasks\At1.job being created

    2) The attacker copies the At1.job file to TARGET and opens it  in
       Hex Workshop.

    3) The attacker  opens file.txt in  Hex Workshop, and  deletes the
       contents of the file.

    4) The attacker copies the contents of At1.job to file.txt in  Hex
       Workshop,  deletes  At1.job  and  saves  file.txt.  He/she then
       closes Hex Workshop.

    5) The attacker renames file.txt to At1.job.

    6) The attacker *moves* At1.job into the c:\winnt\tasks directory.

    7) At hh:mm, the Task Scheduler runs the job, which adds "test" to
       the Administrators group.

    8) The  attacker logs  out and  logs back  in again,  now being an

    Note: If the job file isn't owned by Administrators but by "test",
    the attack will  fail, thus the  need for file.txt.   The attacker
    must *move* the file at step 6 instead of copying it, in order  to
    maintain the Administrators ownership of the file.

    If you create a job file  with the GUI interface on ATTACKER,  you
    have to specify  under which account  the job is  supposed to run.
    Even if you construct a valid  job file like this and get  it into
    TARGET like  we describe  above, the  job will  not run.   This is
    because the access credentials are  not copied with the job  file.
    However, if you use the  "at" command, the Task Scheduler  will be
    backwards compatible  with the  Schedule service  and run  the job
    under a preselected account,  the so-called "AT Service  Account".
    This  account  can  be  changed  to  any  account  (but only by an
    administrator), but as default it  is SYSTEM (the same account  as
    the Schedule service  uses).  This  special case job  file doesn't
    have any real access credentials  tied to it, the only  check that
    the  Task  Scheduler  does  for  its  validity  is  that  of  file
    ownership.   You  have  to  be  an  administrator  to use the "at"
    command, so the  check is if  the file is  owned by Administrators
    or not. The designers probably relied on the fact that in  Windows
    NT,  there  is  no  way  to  give  away ownership to another user.
    However, by changing the contents of a file that is already  owned
    by an  administrator, and  to which  you have  Change permissions,
    you can circumvent that.  This is why/how this attack works.

    *Network attack is not  possible on a default  installed machine.*
    However, it could  be performed with  slight modifications if  the
    configuration is changed from the default.

    Except a default installation of Windows NT and Internet  Explorer
    5, there must  at least exist  a shared directory  on TARGET where
    "test" have Change permissions, and a file there that is owned  by
    Administrators and to which "test" have Change permissions.   Even
    if the attacker doesn't have access to c:\winnt\tasks, he/she  can
    change the tasks directory to the shared directory by changing:


    remotely and waiting for somebody to reboot TARGET for the  change
    to take effect.   *But this can only  be performed if the  default
    permissions on  the winreg  key have  been changed  so "test"  has
    network access to the registry.*  Also note that there is  no need
    for anybody to be logged in for the job to run.


    The vulnerability is eliminated by IE 5.01, which is available at: