Internet Explorer




    Georgi Guninski  found following.   Internet Explorer  5.01  under
    Windows 95  and 5.5  under WinNT  4.0 (suppose  other versions are
    also  vulnerable)  allows  circumventing  "Cross  frame   security
    policy" by accessing the DOM of "old" documents using

        <IMG SRC="javascript:...">

    and a design flaw in IE.  This exposes the whole DOM of the target
    document and opens  lots of security  risks.  This  allows reading
    local files, reading files from any host, window spoofing, getting
    cookies, etc.

    This is a strange exploit.  If you open a new document in a window
    that  contains  an  old  document,  the  old document's DOM may be
    accessed by the new document until the new document is  completely
    parsed and displayed.  Looks like IE keeps the old document  until
    the new document is finally parsed and displayed.  If you put a:

        <IMG SRC="javascript:...">

    in the  new document,  it has  access to  the old  document's DOM.
    Examine the source code for more info.  The code is:

        <A HREF="img2.html" TARGET="victim">link</A>
        alert("Create a short text file C:\\test.txt and it will be read and
        shown in a message box");"file://c:/test.txt","victim");
        <IMG SRC="'javascript:alert(\'Here is your
        file:   \'+opener.document.body.innerText)');alert('Just an alert, but
        is necessary. Wait a little.')">

    Demonstration is available at:


    Workaround: Disable Active Scripting