Internet Explorer


    SSL Certificates In Internet Explorer


    Following is based on ACROS  Security Problem Report.  Their  team
    has discovered two flaws in Internet Explorer that allow bypassing
    of warning about  an invalid SSL  certificate.  SSL  protection is
    used in most  major Internet-based financial  services (e-banking,
    e-commerce).  The flaws we  have found effectively disable one  of
    the two basic SSL functionalities:  to assure users that they  are
    really communicating with the intended  web server - and not  with
    a fake one.

    There are two  flaws in implementation  of SSL certificate  checks
    in Internet Explorer.

    Flaw #1
    Internet Explorer  only checks  the certificate  conditions (*) at
    the *FIRST* SSL  connection it establishes  with a certain  server
    (first in  the "life"  of the  particular instance  of IE  - until
    it's closed).   If the  conditions are  met, every  subsequent SSL
    connection with the same  server is established WITHOUT  REGARD TO
    CERTIFICATE CONDITIONS.  Obviously IE assumes that if  certificate
    was OK the first time, it will be OK later, too.  This  assumption
    is critically flawed as will be demonstrated in Example #1.

    Flaw #2
    Even at  the first  SSL connection  to a  certain server  Internet
    Explorer doesn't  check all  three certificate  conditions (*)  in
    case the  first SSL  connection is  made through  an image  (<IMG>
    tag) or a frame (<FRAME> tag).   In this case, IE only checks  for
    certificate  issuer,  while  it  DOESN'T  CHECK  FOR EXPIRATION OR
    SERVER NAME.  The potential security consequences of this will  be
    shown in Example #2.

    Both  examples  will   demonstrate  how  a   user  connecting   to  can  be  tricked  to  actually  connect to
    attacker's  server  without  the  browser  ever  issuing a warning
    about invalid certificate.   The IP address  of  is  In both examples, attacker sets up his fake  web
    server.  This web server looks to its visitors exactly like server - same text,  same design, same functionality  - it
    only has  different IP  and different  SSL certificate.   And,  of
    course, a different owner with very unpleasant plans.

    Example #1
    Attacker  has  ability  to  monitor  network traffic and change IP
    routing   somewhere    between   user's    browser   and    server   He installs  ANY key+certificate  on his  server
    and gives the server  IP address (the  certificate
    can even be issued by his own CA, it can be expired and it can  be
    for any server name, although in case of self-issuance it can well
    be for   By monitoring  network traffic attacker
    can   determine   when    user   is   trying    to   connect    to  After first  SSL handshake with the  real
    server at he  knows that user's Internet  Explorer
    has  checked  the  server's  certificate  and  that it won't do it
    again  until  IE  is  closed.   Attacker  then  changes IP routing
    between user and server  so that all IP packets  to  are  routed  to  his  server  rather  than to the
    original  one.   This  way,  without  user  ever  noticing it, all
    subsequent  communication  with  will  actually be
    established with the attacker's server.

    A variant  of this  attack could  be that  instead of  changing IP
    routing, attacker  disables (DoS)  the real  server
    and then sets up his own with the same IP address
    somewhere where current IP routing will make it accessible.

    The reader can  try this lab  example: set up  two web servers  (A
    and  B)  and  install  on   server  A  a  valid  certificate   for (or whatever  you might have  access to) issued  by a
    trusted  CA,  say  Verisign.   Install  on  server  B  an  expired
    certificate  for  (or  whatever),  also  issued by a
    trusted CA.   Give both  servers the  same IP  address but connect
    only server A  to your network.   Make sure  resolves
    to this IP  within your network.   Now, open Internet  Explorer on
    any  other  machine  and  connect  to    As
    expected, see  the default  web page  from server  A appear.  Then
    unplug  server  A  from  the  network  and connect server B to the
    network.   Refresh  the  page  in  Internet  Explorer  and see the
    server B's  default page  appear.   You (the  attacker) have  just
    successfully switched  the real  server with  a fake  one and  the
    user didn't get any warnings!

    Example #2
    Attacker has ability to change  DNS records on user's DNS  server.
    He could  have legitimate  administrative privileges  there or  he
    could  do  it  using  any  one  of  numerous  known  DNS  attacks.
    Attacker sets up  a fake e-bank  server at IP  address
    and installs on it any  key+certificate from a trusted CA  (it can
    be for any server name and  can also be expired).  He also sets up
    a   web   page   on   some   free   web   service,   for   example  containing  this HTML

        <img src="">

    (note that whatever.gif doesn't need to exist on

    He then changes DNS record for from
    to  and using  social engineering  or one  of numerous
    technical methods makes  the user open  the above web-page  in his
    Internet Explorer.  When that  happens, IE tries to get  the image
    whatever.gif  from  over  SSL  secured connection.  resolves  to  which is the attacker's
    server.   When  SSL  session  is  established,  IE only checks the
    certificate issuer and if it  is one of the trusted  ones, session
    is  established  without  checking  for  expiration date or server
    name.   After  that,  IE  won't  check  the  certificate  on   any
    subsequent  connections  to  - until it is
    closed.   After  this  "prelude",  user  can  try  to  connect  to but will actually connect to the attacker's
    server - with no way of knowing it - except for two things:

        - inspecting the certificate  (double click on the  lock icon)
          will reveal invalid data;
        - monitoring network traffic will show that the server is  not
          at  where  it  should  be  but  rather   at

    It is  a very  rare practice  to check  any of  these when nothing
    suspect is happening.

    Tests were performed on:

        IE 4.0   - affected
        IE 4.01  - affected
        IE 5.0   - affected
        IE 5.01  - affected

    Why does the first  vulnerability occur?  The  first vulnerability
    occurs because IE doesn't perform all of the expected  certificate
    validation,  if  the  session  was  set  up in either of two ways.
    Under  normal   circumstances,  IE   does  perform   all  expected
    certificate validation.  However, if the connection to the  server
    is made via either  an image or within  a frame, IE only  verifies
    that the certificate was issued by a trusted party.

    Why does  this pose  a security  threat?   It could  help make  it
    possible for a malicious web site to pose as a different web  site
    - one that the user trusts.  By itself, the vulnerability wouldn't
    be sufficient  to accomplish  this, but  it would  be an important
    part of such an  attack.  To pose  as a trusted site,  a malicious
    web site  operator would  need to  accomplish two  goals: he would
    need to be able to convince  someone who visited his site that  it
    was actually a different site.  He would need to be able to set up
    an SSL session in the guise of the site his is posing as.

    This vulnerability could enable him to accomplish the second goal,
    because it would allow his site to present a certificate and  have
    it  accepted  even  if  it  didn't  match  the  name  of his site.
    However, accomplishing the first  goal would be a  separate issue,
    requiring that the malicious  user either carry out  DNS poisoning
    or physically interpose his machine in place of the other server.

    What is DNS poisoning?  DNS (Domain Name Service) is the  protocol
    by which  web addresses  (e.g.,  are translated
    into IP  addresses (e.g., DNS  poisoning involves
    providing bogus data to a DNS server in order to misdirect  users.
    For instance, a malicious user who operated Web Site A but  wanted
    to pose as Web Site B might mount a DNS poisoning attack in  order
    to put  Web Site  A's IP  address into  the entry  for Web Site B.
    Users who  used the  "poisoned" DNS  server to  locate Web  Site B
    would then be served Web Site A's IP address.

    DNS  poisoning  is  a  technically-difficult  attack.   Even  when
    successful, the effects are limited to particular DNS servers  and
    only last for a short  period.  Thus, even with  the vulnerability
    in  hand,  it  would  be  very  difficult for a malicious web site
    operator to actually carry out an attack using it.

    Why does the second vulnerability occur?  The second vulnerability
    occurs because IE caches  certificates that it has  validated, and
    doesn't revalidate certificates from the same site if a subsequent
    SSL session is started with that site during the same IE  session.
    Consider  the  following   scenario:  the  user   starts  IE   and
    establishes an SSL session with Web Site A He ends the SSL session
    with Web Site  A and browses  some other sites  He returns to  Web
    Site A and establishes a  new SSL session.  When  establishing the
    first  SSL  session,  IE  would  validate the certificate from Web
    Site A.

    Note that, because of the first vulnerability, there are cases  in
    which  IE  would  not  perform  this  validation completely.  When
    establishing the second SSL session with Web Site A, IE would note
    that it has previously validated a certificate from that site, and
    would  simply  use  the  certificate  the  site  presented without
    validating it - even if the certificate were completely different.

    Why does  this pose  a security  threat?   It's easiest  to see by
    example.  Suppose you just completed an SSL session with Web  Site
    A, and  five minutes  later decided  to start  another SSL session
    with the  same site.   Now suppose  that during  the previous five
    minutes, a  malicious user  had somehow  managed to  interpose his
    server  between  you  and  Web  Site  A,  or had carried out a DNS
    poisoning attack to masquerade as Web Site A.  When you started  a
    new SSL  session with  Server B  (thinking it  was Server  A), the
    malicious  user  could   send  you  a   bogus  certificate.    The
    vulnerability  would  cause  IE  to   not  try  to  validate   the
    certificate, but instead simply use the certificate blindly.   The
    result would be an SSL session with Web Site B that appeared to be
    with Web Site A.

    Would  you  need  to  return  to  the  same site in order for this
    vulnerability  to  be  exposed?   Yes.   IE  correctly validates a
    site's certificate the first time it's used (within the limits  of
    the  first  vulnerability,  discussed  above).   It's  only if you
    establish a  subsequent session  with the  same site  (or one that
    appears to be the same site) that the vulnerability is exposed.

    What would  happen if  I closed  IE between  the two SSL sessions?
    The  vulnerability  wouldn't  be   exposed.  IE  only  skips   the
    certificate validation if it  already has a validated  certificate
    in the cache.  The cache is cleared each time you close IE.

    Is there  a way  to manually  verify certificates?   Yes.   At any
    point during an SSL session, you can view the server's certificate
    by double-clicking on the key icon that appears at the lower right
    corner of the screen.  This  will let you see who the  certificate
    was  issued  to,  who  issued  it,  the expiration date, and other

    In  addition,  you  can  configure  IE  to  always  request manual
    confirmation of a certificate  before setting up any  SSL session.
    Anytime  a  certificate  is  submitted  that  wasn't  issued  by a
    trusted party,  IE will  display a  warning message  that lets you
    inspect the  certificate and  decide whether  to proceed.   If you
    want  to  always  make  the  choice  yourself,  you can do this by
    removing the  default trusted  certification authorities  in IE as

        - Choose Tools, then Internet Options
        - Select the Content tab, then click "Certificates"
        - Select   the  tab   labeled  "Trusted   Root   Certification
          Authorities" and remove the entries.
        - Click OK


    Microsoft has provided a  patch that disables this  vulnerability.
    It is freely downloadable from:

    The patch causes IE  to correctly validate certificates  no matter
    how the session was  established, and to validate  the certificate
    before every SSL session, under all conditions.

    Internet Explorer  users who  can't or  don't want  to install the
    patch can use a  "manual" method to make  sure they are not  under
    attack.  When visiting an SSL-protected site, double click on  the
    lock icon (in  status line) and  see whether the  certificate used
    for  the  connection  is  really  issued for the correct hostname.
    E.g.   If  you  visit,  make  sure   the
    certificate used is issued  for and not  for some
    other hostname.

    Internet Explorer  users who  are also  users of  any critical web
    services  employing  Secure  Sockets  Layer  (SSL)  protection  to
    provide secrecy and integrity of browser-server communication  are
    strongly advised  to install  official Microsoft's  patch and thus
    disable this vulnerability.   Main examples of  such critical  web
    services are:

        - web banking systems (especially the ones using passwords for
          authentication - even one-time passwords),
        - web stores (especially the ones accepting credit card data)
        - other web-based e-commerce systems.

    Providers of critical web services employing Secure Sockets  Layer
    (SSL)   protection   to   provide   secrecy   and   integrity   of
    browser-server communication should advise their users to  install
    official Microsoft's  patch and  thus disable  this vulnerability.
    Since this vulnerability  allows for the  type of attack  that can
    completely  bypass  the  real/original  web  server,  there are no
    technical countermeasures  which providers  of web  services could
    deploy  at  their  sites.   However,  to  make  the attacker's job
    harder, it  is a  good idea  to make  users enter  the secure site
    directly  (writing  or   clicking   a
    browser's bookmark), NOT clicking  on a hyperlink in  an unsecured
    (or untrusted) site, commonly for users'
    convenience.  You can accomplish  this by removing all links  from
    your unsecured [parts of] sites to the secured ones.  Please  note
    that this won't completely  neutralize the vulnerability, it  will
    only improve your odds a bit.

    This vulnerability does NOT  allow the attacker to  steal client's
    SSL  key  and  thus  execute  the  man-in-the-middle attack on web
    services using  client SSL  certificates for  user authentication.
    It still does, however, allow the attacker to place a fake  server
    (an  exact  copy)  and  collect  other  information  users provide
    (including the data in their client SSL certificates).