IIS 4 with FAT FS
Following is based on a VIGILANTE-2001001 Advisory by Hack
Kampbjorn. Active Server Pages (ASP) are web scripts that are
executed on the Internet Information Server (IIS) and the result
is send to the user. IIS determines if a file is an ASP script or
not by the .asp extension. With Unicode there are many ways the
asp extension can be encoded. On FAT file systems some of them
will not be recognized as an ASP script by IIS and executed on the
server but instead IIS will disclouse the source code of the
The Microsoft Security Response Center has investigated the
report, but they note that the problem as reported would only
affect an IIS server that has been configured to use a FAT
volume. However, by design, FAT doesn't provide a security
mechanism, and it's never an appropriate file system to use on
a production web server. Instead, as discussed in Microsoft's
best practices guides and security checklists production servers
should always use NTFS volumes. The reported problem does not
affect systems using NTFS.
As a workaround convert the file system to NTFS. And consider
removing reading access right for the IUSR_<hostname> from ASP
scripts (only giving IUSR_<hostname> execute rights)