IIS 4.0 And Proxy 2.0 (it may occur with IIS 3.0 too)


    Win NT


    Wayne Bardowell posted following.  It has been confirmed that  IIS
    and proxy 2.0  with Multiple Ip  addresses bound to  Nic card will
    cause an  access violation  and bring  the server  to it''s knees.
    Bill Landry  confirmed that  even with  a single  IP address;  the
    combination of  IIS 4.0  and MS  Proxy 2.0  is not  a good working
    solution.   Web sites  with more  then a  couple of  graphics will
    download to the browser very slowly, if at all.

    According to Microsoft, if Socks is enabled (the default), and the
    computer  has  more  than  one  IP  address  bound to the internal
    network  adapter,  an  access  violation  or  Dr. Watson error may
    occur.  This problem  may occur even if  the Socks service is  not
    used by any clients.  This problem occurs due to corruption in the
    process heap.


    This issue will be addressed with  SP4.  Check out KB 183755  that
    speaks about this problem.  You may uninstall IIS 4.0 and go  back
    to IIS 3.0 in  order for the WebProxy  to work properly.   To work
    around this  problem, you  can disable  the SOCKS  service.  To do
    this, refer to the  following Microsoft Knowledge Base  article ID
    Q173961.  Anyone  experiencing the 'IIS4  & Proxy 2.0'  bug should
    be aware that simply un-installing IIS4 does not altogether remove
    the problem.