Internet Information Server


    Win NT 4.0


    Mnemonix found  following.   All versions  of Internet Information
    Server seem  to have  a feature  that can  cause security problems
    when it has been configured to run Perl scripts to produce dynamic
    web pages.  Basically the security implications of this problem is
    that  data  can  be  read  from  execute  only virtual directories
    sometimes  leading  to  the  discovery  of  UserIDs and passwords.
    Script extentions (in  this case .cgi  or .pl) are  mapped against
    the interpreter in the registry under the following key:


    When the web service receives  a request from a browser  it checks
    the extention of the file requested and deals with it accordingly.
    In this case  if a .pl  or .cgi file  is requested IIS  checks the
    registry to  see what  interpreter should  deal with  that kind of
    file and then passes the requested information to the interpreter,
    perl.exe.  Consequently any URL  appended with .pl will passed  by
    IIS to perl.exe.  This means that a URL appended with  will
    be passed to perl.exe also.

    To demonstrate how this could be a problem: Some CGI scripts often
    require a .txt  file that contains  a userID and  password such as
    wwwboard.cgi.   Create a  text file  with two  lines. On the first
    line type "Webadmin" and  on the secondline type  "Password". Like


    And name the file pass.txt the request the following URL:

    You should receive a response similar to:

        Can't call method "webadmin" in empty package "password" at
        C:\InetPub\scripts\pass.txt line 1

    You can also glean information from other "sensitive" files such
    as .asp or ...idc


    You could even run old perl scripts that are still in the /scripts
    directory but have had their extention changed:

    This problem is exacerbated by the fact that perl.exe will  accept
    willcards such as * and ? so you don't even need to know that name
    of a file. You can request:*

    and  perl.exe  will  open  the  first  text  file  in  the scripts
    directory that it comes across.   So what is happening here?   The
    information passed to perl.exe from the request:

        /scripts/ is /scripts/file.ext .pl

    [note the space]
    Perl.exe  assumes  that  the  ".pl"  is  an argument that is to be
    passed to the  script. So what  is actually happening  here is IIS
    is fooled into  thinking that a  request has been  made for a  .pl
    file, this information is passed  to perl.exe; the file is  opened
    and passed  ".pl" as  an argument.   Below is  a script  that will
    demonstrate this:

        print ("Content type: text/html\n\n");
        print ("<HTML><BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF>");
        print ("<HR><CENTER><H2>IIS and Perl.exe problem</H2></CENTER><HR>");
        print ("Argument passed to perl.exe is $ARGV[0]<HR>");
        print "<br>", "PATH_INFO:       ",    $ENV{'PATH_INFO'};
        print "<br>", "PATH_TRANSLATED: ",    $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'};
        print "<br>", "SCRIPT_NAME:     ",    $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};


    Request this file with the following URL:

    You  will  see  that  ".pl"  is  assgined to the variable $ARGV[0]
    This was tested with Perl  version 5.001 build 110. It  seems that
    other versions are affected, too.  Affected machines:

        NT Server 4.0 Service pack 1    IIS 2.0
        NT Server 4.0 Service pack 3    IIS 3.0
        NT Server 4.0 Service pack 3    IIS 4.0
        NT Wkst   4.0 Service pack 3    PWS 3.0

    It is  not yet  know if  other Web  servers such  as Netscape  are
    affected.   Testing  will  prove  if  this  is  so  and  would  be


    Solution to this problem is  to use the ISAPI interpreter  instead
    PerlIS.dll. This leads to better performance anyway as the  script
    is run in the  same memory space as  IIS and only one  instance of
    it ever needs to be  loaded into memory unlike perl.exe  where for
    each script requested  a new instance  of perl.exe is  loaded into
    its own memory space. Although IIS 4.0 can check for the existence
    of a file other versions don't and IIS 4.0 has to be  specifically
    told to  do this  - it  is not  done by  default. MS should really
    create a  patch for  all versions  of IIS  that will  check for  a
    file's  existence  as  standard.   The  EMWAC  HTTP  Server is not
    affected this hole.

    SP4 fixed this.  Note that if you install SP5 without   previously
    SP4  and  SP5  is  supposed  to  resolve  all  issues addressed by
    previous service packs, after  running David Litchfield's NT  Info
    Scanner on the machine in  question, you'll find that the  path to
    the  IIS  root  directory  can  still  be obtained by requesting a
    nonexistent .idc file.  As described in Microsoft article  Q193689
    this issue  is fixed  by SP4.   However, SP5  apparently does  not
    repair it.   Perhaps this is  the intended behavior,  but it seems
    like a bug.