

    WinNT with IIS


    Aris  Yahnis  found  following.   He  has  a  system  with IIS 4.0
    installed + sp5 and noticed something wierd.  If a user has on his
    page a file misc.lnk wich was created in his own probably NT  box,
    and this file points anywhere  on the web servers file,  then when
    he will try to view the file  he will be able to see the  contents
    of the file the .lnk points to.

    Example  xploit.   Find  a  web  hosting  site,create  a  fictious
    account, make  a shortcut  of a  file you  would like  to see  ex.
    c:\winnt\profiles\administrator\ntuser.dat  upload  the  .lnk file
    to the web server and then go ask for it.  Answer yes to open  the
    file remotely (or something like that).

    When you choose yes to open the file what actually happens is,  it
    downloads the  .lnk file  to your  hard drive  and executes  it...
    therefore opening the link to the file on YOUR hard drive,  unless
    you have NetBIOS and it could  get it from the remote server  that
    way depending if you have access  or not bla bla bla, and  not the
    remote server.   For example if  you create a  symlink file called
    'mang.lnk' and stuck it in my  wwwroot and then did a get  request
    on it and it returned the  contents of the .lnk file.... when  you
    click "Open" from within IE/Netscape...  it does a get request  on
    the file and saves it to your hard drive and runs it.  It  doesn't
    sound too much dangerous, but in real recure enviroments something
    to avoid.


    The ability to follow links should  be a feature to be enabled  on
    a per website basis.   Of course, the general  caveat to the  *nix
    version of this, is that the file to be requested must be readable
    by  the  webserver.   So  files  like  /etc/shadow  could  not  be
    displayed  in   most  server   configurations,  but   files   like
    /etc/passwd could  be.   Maybe the  real question  is, "Should  NT
    allow the  webserver to  read files  that could  cause someone  to
    exploit   a   security   hole?"    Or   maybe   "Should  those  NT
    Administrators  allow  the  user  IIS  run's  under  to view these