Internet Information Server




    Michael Pye found following.  He noticed a bug with IIS4  logging.
    In w3svc  extended log  format, when  logging the  amount of bytes
    transferred, it seems to always state the actual size of the  file
    that is being transferred, regardless of whether all of the actual
    file was transferred.

    e.g. you  have a  30mb file  you have  on your  web site.  A users
    selects  to  download  it,  but  only  transfers  5mb of it before
    stopping the transfer.  IIS will  log that a hit with status  code
    200  (ok),  and  31457280  will  be  logged as the amount of bytes
    transferred,  whereas  in  actual  fact  only  5242880  bytes were

    Michael also tested Apache on Solaris which DOES correctly log the
    amount  of  bytes  transferred,  i.e.  it  only  records  what was
    actually transferred rather  than the size  of the file.   The IIS
    docs  state  that  the  "bytes-sent"  field  in  w3svc logs should
    record "The number of bytes sent by the server ". It does not.


    Nothing yet.