

    Microsoft Windows NT 4 running Internet Information Server 3 or 4


    David Litchfield found following.   Any web site running  Internet
    Information Server 3 or 4  and using Internet Data Query  files to
    provide search functionality on the site may be exposed. IIS  also
    comes with  some sample  IDQ scripts  that are  vulnerable so  any
    website with these sample files left on are at risk.  Using  these
    IDQ scripts or even custom scripts it is possible to break outside
    of the web virtual root and gain unathorized access to files, such
    as  log  files  and  in  certain  cases  the backup version of the
    Security Accounts Manager (sam._)

    It does require  for the attacker  to know the  path to the  file,
    for the file to be on the same logical disk drive as the IDQ  file
    and for ACL to allow read access to the anonymous Internet account
    or the Everyone/guests group.

    The extent of this security  hole depends upon whether the  recent
    "webhits" patch has been installed. See

    If the patch has been  installed there is still a  vulnerability -
    however, those  that have  not installed  this patch  are most  at
    risk.  Microsoft  are re-releasing this  advisory and the  updated
    patch.   Please  note  that  Windows  2000  does  not  seem  to be
    vulnerable to  this.   Cerberus' vulnerability  scanner, CIS,  has
    now been updated to check for this issue.  For those that  already
    have a  copy of  the scanner  you can  download the updated module

    However those that do not yet have the scanner, if you would  like
    a copy please go to and  follow
    the Cerberus Internet Scanner link on the frontpage.

    If the "webhits" patch HAS NOT been installed
    Any idq file that resolves remote  user input for any part of  the
    template file is dangerous.  eg:

        CiTemplate = %TemplateName%

    The ISAPI application that deals  with IDQ queries is idq.dll  and
    it will follow double dots in paths to template files, meaning  an
    attacker can break out  of the web root.  If the idq file  appends
    .htx to the CiTemplate eg:


    some may  think this  will limit  attackers to  viewing only  .htx
    files.   Not  so.   Quoting  from  the  Index Server documentation
    (/iishelp/ix/htm/ixidqhlp.htm),  "Index  Server  does  not support
    physical  paths  longer  than  the  Windows  NT  shell  limit (260
    characters)."  Due to this limit it is possible to append lots  of
    spaces onto  the name  of the  file we  want to  read and  thereby
    pushing the .htx out of the buffer and we're served back the file.

    IDQ files known to be at risk in one way or another:


    There are may be more.

    If the "webhits" patch HAS been installed
    Machines that have had the patch installed will only be vulnerable
    if the IDQ file does not specify a .htx extention eg:

        CiTemplate = %TemplateName%


        CiTemplate = /somedir/otherdir/%TemplateName%

    are vulnerable whereas

        CiTemplate = /somedir/otherdir/%TemplateName%.htx

    is not vulnerable.


    Review your IDQ files to determine if you are at risk.  If so edit
    them and use hardcoded template files. eg




    and then edit your search form to reflect this change.  Remove any
    sample  files  from  the  system  -  not just idq files. Apply the
    updated patch.