

    MS IIS 4 & 5


    Ramses  Rodenburg  found  following.   He  recently confirmed some
    rather  severe  misbehaviour  of  the  FTP service in IIS4/NT4SP6a
    _and_ IIS5/W2K-Server (IIS 3 might probably be affected as  well).
    The bug  effectively renders  useless all  means of access-control
    on any physical path from  a drive's root directory down  to where
    IIS  first  needs  to  physical  access  a  directory  with  'NTFS
    Execute' permissions.

    Take, for instance, the following scenario:

        <FTProot>                      (homedir for FTP site)
            |--user1                   (virtual homedir for user1)
            |    |--webroot1           (virtualized UNC share)
            |    |--webroot2           (virtual dir to C:\TEMP)
            |    `--webroot3           (physical dir _under_ 'user1')
            `--user2                   (virtual homedir for user2)
                 `--webroot1           (virtualized UNC share)

    When user2 logs on to the FTP server, it has to have at least  (X)
    permissions on the ftproot in order to be able to CD into it.  IIS
    notices the presence of a virtdir called 'user2' and CDs into  it.
    Of course, the  physical dirs to  which 'user1' and  'user2' point
    have NTFS permissions  set to only  allow their respective  owners
    Full Control.

    Now  consider  user2  somewhat  smart  by  deducing  there must be
    another  user  called  'user1'.  User2  tries  a  'cd /user1'.  As
    expected, by NTFS permissions,  user2 is denied access  to user1's
    homedir.  User2 doesn't let go that easily and tries some more  by
    a 'cd /user1/webroot1',  this being the  logical deduction of  the
    presence  of  a  directory  called  '/user1/webroot1'  in  user2's
    homedir.  User2 gets a  nice '250 CWD command successful'  on this
    one - WITH full  necessary permissions to modify  whatever content
    is available there, as all  the right account info was  entered in
    the MMC  password box  for the  virtualized UNC  share!!!  He gets
    whatever permissions  are given  to the  groups in  which he  is a
    member.   This  could  include  any  or  all  of  EVERYONE, Users,
    NETWORK, and INTERACTIVE depending on how the machines are set up.

    Everything  user2  has  done  so  far  is  completely  normal  and
    everything up  to now  behaves completely  as expected,  including
    the ability of user2 to access '/user1/webroot1', because no  ACLs
    can be set on virtual directories whatsoever.

    The 'hack' -for as far  this qualifies as a one-  continues; user2
    does a 'cd /user1/webroot2' to see what else is available.  Again,
    regardless of the  NTFS permissions on  the real directory  behind
    /user1, only the ACLs on the physical directory called  'webroot2'
    are examined. If there's an 'Everyone:F' ACL which, except when it
    says  'Everyone:C',  mostly  there  is,  user2  can  do everything
    thinkable.  Weird  situation here: 'cd  ..' fails with  an 'Access
    denied' message :c).

    Now here's the punchline: user2,  like having a walk in  the park,
    gives a  'cd /user1/webroot3'  a try.   Not to  user2's  surprise,
    access is granted.   Which, from an  my point of  view, is  pretty
    bizarre.   One would  think IIS  has to  be able  to enumerate the
    physical directory  behind '/user1'  in order  to even  verify the
    presence 'webroot3/' - let alone be able to CWD into it!

    It  should  _NOT_  be  possible  to  CD  through (=NTFS execute) a
    directory  one  does  not  have  permissions  for.  Hence, this is
    a _severe_ bug in IIS.

    Below is a communications log, in  which an FTP login done by  the
    user  'user2'.   User2  does   not  have  permissions  to   access
    directory 'user1'.  Nevertheless, the  user IS  allowed to  change
    directories to directories 'user1/webroot[123]'.

        Connecting to, Port 21 (#1)
        Connected.  Waiting for response.
        220 ftptester Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
        USER user2
        331 Password required for user2.
        PASS xxxxxx
        230 User user2 logged in.
        215 Windows_NT version 5.0
        REST 100
        350 Restarting at 100.
        REST 0
        350 Restarting at 0.
        257 "/user2" is current directory.
        TYPE A
        200 Type set to A.
        PORT 192,168,0,16,12,32
        200 PORT command successful.
        150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
        226 Transfer complete.
        Transfer done: 46 bytes in 0.000 secs (46.00 k/sec)
        CWD ../user1/webroot2
        250 CWD command successful
        257 "/user1/webroot2" is current directory.
        CWD ..
        550 ..: Access is denied.
        CWD ../..
        250 CWD command successful.
        CWD user1
        550 user1: Access is denied.
        CWD user1/webroot2
        250 CWD command successful.
        CWD ../../user1/webroot2
        250 CWD command successful.
        CWD ../..
        250 CWD command successful.
        257 "/" is current directory.
        TYPE A
        200 Type set to A.
        PORT 192,168,0,16,12,32
        200 PORT command successful.
        150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
        226 Transfer complete.
        Transfer done: 0 bytes in 0.000 secs (0.00 k/sec)
        CWD /user1
        550 /user1: Access is denied.
        257 "/" is current directory.
        CWD /user1/webroot1
        250 CWD command successful.
        257 "/user1/webroot1" is current directory.
        TYPE A
        200 Type set to A.
        PORT 192,168,0,16,12,37
        200 PORT command successful.
        150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
        226 Transfer complete.
        Transfer done: 149 bytes in 0.120 secs (1.24 k/sec)


    Removing the 'Bypass Traverse Checking' will fix it.  To be  sure,
    you'll probably have to reboot the machine though.