

    IIS 5.0


    Following is based on a @stake Advisory by mnemonix.   Microsoft's
    Internet Information Server 5.0 is WebDAV (RFC 2518) enabled.   As
    part of the extra functionality provided by the WebDAV components.
    Microsoft  has  introduced  the  SEARCH  request  method to enable
    searching  for   files  based   upon  certain   criteria.     This
    functionality  can  be  exploited  to  gain what are equivalent to
    directory listings.   These directory listings  can be used  by an
    attacker  to  locate  files  in  the  web directories that are not
    normally exposed through  links on the  web site.   .inc files and
    other  components  of  ASP  applications  that potentially contain
    sensitive information can be viewed this way.

    For a SEARCH request to succeed the Index Service must be  running
    and read access must be given to the directory being searched.  By
    default  all  directories  are  indexed,  however, by default, the
    Index Service is not started.

    Therefore  those  at  risk  from  this  particular issue are those
    running IIS 5.0 with the Index Server service running.

    By making a request similar to:

        SEARCH / HTTP/1.1
        Content-Type: text/xml
        Content-Length: 133

        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <g:searchrequest xmlns:g="DAV:">
        Select "DAV:displayname" from scope()

    It is possible to gain  a directory listing of the  root directory
    and  every  sub-directory.   The  impact  of  this  is  such  that
    attackers may be able to discover "hidden" files or enumerate .inc
    files used in  ASP applications and  then directly download  them.
    .inc  files  can  contain  sensitive  information such as database
    login names and passwords.


    If  you  don't  use  the  Index  Server  service then it should be
    disabled.  This will prevent this  issue.  If you do use  it place
    any files that may be considered as sensitive in a directory  that
    is not indexed  or that has  had the read  permission removed from

    Microsoft has written a KB article about this issue.  More can  be
    found at: