

    IIS 4, 5


    Following  is   based  on   a  ACROS   Security  Problem    Report
    #2000-07-22-1-PUB.   This  team  has  analyzed  how  popular   web
    browsers could  be tricked  to reveal  the session  ID cookies and
    discovered a way how  this can be done  by a remote attacker  even
    when  SSL  is  used  to  protect  this data while in transfer over
    insecure channels like Internet.

    As a result, ACROS has  identified a weakness in Microsoft's  IIS.
    However, it  *should not*  be assumed  that only  this product  is
    affected but rather  all vendors of  web servers and  HTTP session
    management solutions are  urged to review  their products for  the
    identified  vulnerabilities.   The  purpose  of  this report is to
    describe a security problem  in IIS's session management  and also
    to provide a workable  scenario for exploiting this,  and similar,

    So  you  have  launched  your  new  web-based e-banking system and
    protected it  with 128-bit  SSL.   Your users  logon to it through
    their browsers, providing their usernames and one-time  passwords,
    then cryptographically strong random session cookies are  computed
    and sent  to their  browsers for  session authentication.   Entire
    communication is protected with SSL so there's no way anyone could
    intercept the sensitive cookies.

    You feel safe; you trust SSL  to do its job protecting your  users
    and your system.   Their session ID  cookies are secure.   Or  are

    We will  show that  it could  be possible  to retrieve the session
    cookies from  your user's  web browser  with little  or no  user's
    cooperation,  even  when  due  care  was  taken  to  protect   the
    communication between browser and  server with SSL [We'll  put all
    client scripting issues aside  for the time (including  cross-site
    scripting,  which  is  by  the  way  very  suitable  for  stealing
    cookies).  We'll also put all bugs in various SSL  implementations
    aside and assume SSL is working as specified].

    Most "stateful" web-based systems are using session ID cookies for
    maintaining sessions.   A session  ID cookie  is generated  on the
    server in such a manner that a potential attacker could not  guess
    (or  calculate)  its  value.   Usually  (and  preferably),  strong
    cryptographic algorithms are used  for this purpose (BTW,  several
    vulnerabilities have  already been  identified in  various session
    mechanisms as a result of  not using them).  Server  only provides
    the user with a session ID cookie when he has proved his  identity
    (by providing username and password, for example).

    Cookies are  generally transmitted  between browser  and server in
    plaintext  in  HTTP  headers.   For  protection  against   network
    sniffing and traffic redirection, SSL is often deployed to encrypt
    and authenticate the communication.

    Note: While it is generally clear that username:password pairs are
          indeed authentication  data and  therefore sensitive,  it is
          many  times  not  clear  that  session  ID  cookies are also
          frequently  used  for  authentication.  Numerous   web-based
          financial systems  we have  seen are  using some  (stronger)
          form  of  authentication  for  initial  login (like one-time
          passwords or SSL client certificates), while throughout  the
          session they rely entirely on users' presentation of correct
          session ID cookies.   Obviously, for the attacker,  stealing
          such a  cookie would  mean a  successful takeover  of user's
          identity.   Hence  the  notion  that  in  critical  systems,
          session  ID  cookies  are  just  as  sensitive  as passwords
          (effectively  they  are   equivalent  to   username:password

    Note: There  may be  other kinds  of sensitive  data contained  in
          cookies (e.g. credit  card data).   ACROS is confident  that
          competent system developers will be able to extrapolate  our
          findings to their systems in such cases and act accordingly.

    Throughout the analysis it is assumed that the attacker is capable
    of the following:

        1) Listening to network traffic between client and server
        2) Generating  fake (spoofed)  network traffic  between client
           and server

    Note: These assumptions are only a part of the assumptions  stated
          in the SSL Specification.  SSL was developed for the purpose
          of  protecting  against  this  (and  much  stronger) type of

    For this analysis, A. have set up IIS 5 web server (,
    installed  a  valid  SSL  key+certificate  and  written  a  script
    (login.asp)  that  sets  a  (native  IIS) "session ID cookie" when
    accessed  by  browser.   ACROS  has  also  written  another script
    (cookies.asp), which displays the contents of all cookies sent  by
    the browser.

    Then they opened a browser, typed ""
    which executed the script  login.asp and our browser  was "marked"
    with the session  ID cookie.   The cookie was  sent between client
    and server  over an  encrypted SSL  connection, preventing  anyone
    listening from intercepting them.

    Then, by opening the page ""  (no
    SSL here!) we  could observe session  ID cookie being  transmitted
    to  the  server   over  an  unencrypted   link,  thus  making   it
    interceptable for a network listening attacker.

    The conclusion is  that even though  a session cookie  was sent to
    the browser over an encrypted connection (and would be normally  -
    in a real-life system - sent back to the server over an  encrypted
    connection  too),  it  is  also  sent  to  the same server over an
    unencrypted  connection  if  the  browser  establishes one.  While
    normally, the browser wouldn't establish such a connection (except
    in a badly  designed web application),  this opens an  opportunity
    for the attacker to *make* any user's browser do so.

    For the purpose  of exploitation, there  are at least  two ways of
    making the user's browser connect to an arbitrary URL.

    Malicious E-mail Technique
    The first  one is  (very popular  in examples)  sending the user a
    "malicious" e-mail message including a hyperlink to the attacker's
    web page, which contains a hidden <img> tag opening an unencrypted
    connection to the affected web-based system.  When the user clicks
    on the link in the  attacker's e-mail message, the attacker's  web
    page is opened in the browser and the <img> tag causes the browser
    to send its  session ID cookie  to the critical  web-based system,
    over an unencrypted channel.

    But  surely,  a  serious  attacker  can't  go  relying on the user
    clicking a  link in  his e-mail  message while  his browser  still
    holds the session ID cookie.  He needs a more effective technique.

    Active Network Technique
    This technique assumes the attacker has the ability to both listen
    to and generate fake (spoofed) network traffic between browser and

    We will assume  a web-based system  at ""
    using session ID cookies for session authentication.

    Phase 1: The HTTPS waiting phase
    First, the attacker listens to the communication between the  user
    (his browser) and  server to determine  when the user  connects to on port 443 (HTTPS port).  This is an indication
    that the user has started a session on the sensitive server. After
    some  amount  of  data  is  exchanged  between  the  two  (due  to
    encryption the attacker can't observe much more than the amount of
    exchanged  data),   attacker  can   assume  that   the  user   has
    successfully  authenticated  to  the  server  and  his browser has
    received the session ID cookie.

    Note: Actually, network traffic analysis can give pretty  reliable
          hints whether the HTTP authentication was successful or not,
          especially when the  attacker had the  ability to observe  a
          controlled session beforehand and learn the sizes of various
          server's responses.

    Phase 2: The HTTP waiting phase
    After the "HTTPS  waiting phase" is  over, the user's  browser has
    the session ID cookie in its memory.  Now, what the attacker would
    like to see is the user's browser connecting to
    over (unencrypted) HTTP  protocol on port  80.  To  force that, he
    waits for the browser  to send a HTTP  request to ANY server,  for
    example "".

    Phase 3: Cached authentication data retrieval
    When  this  happens,  the  attacker  sends  a  fake  response from
    "" to the browser, containing the following document:

        <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; URL=index.html">
        <body background="">

    What this document does is (1) try to load "image.gif" from server
    ""   over   unencrypted   HTTP   protocol   (thus
    transmitting session ID cookie  for this server in  cleartext) and
    (2) reload  the page  after one  second.   This (second) time, the
    attacker lets the real  "" server answer the  request
    so that the user gets  what he requested (user friendliness  above
    all.  Meanwhile, by sniffing the network traffic, the attacker has
    retrieved the user's session ID cookie for the current session.

    Note: The   file   "image.gif"    doesn't   need   to   exist   on

    Note: If  the  ""  server  doesn't  have port  80
          (HTTP) open, the  attacker can make  a fake response  on its
          behalf, convincing the browser that the port is open.

    By knowing the user's session  ID cookie, the attacker can  hijack
    his current session, assuming his identity.


    Users of web  browsers can destroy  session ID cookies  by closing
    all instances of their  browsers immediately after logging  out of
    critical web-based systems - that's before accessing any other web
    site.  Also,  between logging in  and logging out  of such system,
    they shouldn't visit any other web site - not even web sites  they
    trust.  Basically, for  connecting to critical web-based  systems,
    every user should:

        1) Close all  instances of the  browser (if there  are any) to
           prevent possible JavaScript attacks
        2) Launch the browser
        3) Log in to the system
        4) Use the system
        5) Log out of the system
        6) Close  all  instances  of  the  browser (to delete  session

    The above procedure  could also protect  users from various  other
    vulnerabilities inherent  to web-based  systems and  should in our
    opinion be used as a "best practice".

    The original version of patches for IIS 4.0 Alpha and the IIS  5.0
    systems did not install correctly.  The IIS 4.0 x86 version of the
    patch does install correctly.

    Patch availability:

        - IIS 4.0: x86 platforms:
                 Alpha platforms: Available from Microsoft Product Support Services
        - IIS 5.0:

    Note: The patch  installs support for  secure Session ID  cookies,
    but does not enable  it for reasons of  application compatibility.
    As discussed in the Knowledge  Base article, it can be  enabled or
    disabled on a site-by-site basis.

    The IIS 4.0 version of this  patch can be installed on Windows  NT
    4.0  systems  running  Service  Pack  6a,  and will be included in
    Service Pack 7.

    The IIS  5.0 version  of this  patch can  be installed  on Windows
    2000 systems with or without Service Pack 1, and will be  included
    in Service Pack 2.