core (daylight savings)


    Win NT 4.0


    James Michael found following.  If an NT server is rebooted in the
    hour following the end of daylight savings (time back 1 hour),  it
    will lock up at  either the logon screen  or the blue kernel  load
    screen.  Cycling power will not fix this problem until 1 hour  has
    passes since the transition period.

    For example, set time to 1:59:55am on the end of daylight  savings
    date.  Allow  NT to transition  to 1:00am.   Shutdown and restart.
    Server locks up.  Rebooting, or power cycling with the time  still
    prior to 2:00am will result  in the server hanging.   Changing the
    BIOS time to 2:00am onwards will resolve this issue.


    This bug applies  to all NT  servers running less  than SP4.   SP4
    resolves this issue, but not  intentionally.  This issue has  been
    confirmed by Microsoft, and will release an article.