kernel (MessageBox)
Win NT
Jeff Sumner found following. He has a server app that has several
clients attached to it. When certain conditions happen on a
client, the server app spawns a new thread that simply calls
MessageBox. The thread is created so the main server thread can
still be processing when the message box is displayed. He found
that when 16 of these threads are created, NT pretty much hangs
until a few of the message boxes are closed.
There is a test program to recreate this (exact same behavior).
The test program is a console app that takes an integer parameter
for the number of message boxes to pop up. Running this test app
while the NT performance monitor up will show following. Any
number up to 15 works fine, but as soon as you specify 16 or
higher, the task manager stops dead cold until a couple of the
message boxes (and subsequent threads) are closed. The code for
the test program was sent to following
The MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION flag given to MessageBox is causing
the problem. This flag allows an NT service to display a message
box, regardless of who is logged in. The box will still display
even if nobody is logged in. However, NT does not like the 16th
box at all. If you take this flag out, then each message box is
created with its own window, and each one appears in the task bar,
but only if the "Allow Service to Interact with Desktop" option
is enabled for the service under Control Panel | Services. In
this case, NT performs fine when more than 15 message boxes are
specified, but no message boxes will be displayed if nobody is
logged in. Anyway to bypass, check this key:
The default data for this key:
%SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows
SharedSection=1024,3072,1024 Windows=On
SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1
ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16
So, if you set MaxRequestThreads=5 the system halts at 5
messageboxes. It's an ajustable bug...
I'm not sure if following applies to this, but I suspect so...
The patch is available at