



    Following is compiled from postings to NTbugtraq June 28 - June 30
    by Martin Wolf and Michael Benadiba.  When a user logs into an  NT
    machine, there are a few processes that are started automatically,
    including explorer.exe.  These programs are normally in  %winroot%
    or %winroot%\system32.  The problem is that NT will look for these
    programs first in the user's home directory.  If no user folder is
    specified, it will look in the root of the system drive.  Only  if
    the program it is looking for  is not found in that location  will
    it look in the 'normal' location.  This allows any user to  rename
    any executable  and have  it run  at login,  effectively bypassing
    many policy restrictions.   The list of currently  known filenames
    that  will  work  is:  explorer.exe, nddeagnt.exe, taskmgr.exe and
    userinit.exe.   To  test  this:  Log  in  as  a normal user.  Copy to  your home  directory and  rename it  explorer.exe.
    Log out and log back in.   On a funny note, the original  poster's
    suggestion was renaming calc.exe as explorer.exe and reboote   (in
    case  you  find  yourself  in  this  situation, CTRL-ALT-DEL, Task
    Manager,  File,  Run,   %systemroot%\explorer.exe  restores   your


    This is ultimately caused by the fact that in MS-DOS, Windows  and
    NT, "." has  always implicitly been  the first entry  in the PATH.
    And when  NT starts  up an  executable, the  current directory  is
    initially set to the user's home directory...  This whole  problem
    stems from Microsoft entering  relative names into the  registry -
    You'll  be  able  to  rectify  the  problem  (  MS  Definition   -
    undocumented feature?? ) by editing the registry and changing  the
    Shell key ie.

        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SHELL = "C:\winnt\explorer.exe"

    Unfortunately  Windows   has  a   problem  with   the  key   value