Kixtart-based logon script


    Systems running Kixtart-based logon script


    Bill  Freberg  found  following.   He  got  a  user who is somehow
    bypassing our Kixtart-based  logon script, and  thus circumventing
    SMS  inventory,  drive  mappings,  screen  saver policy, etc, etc.
    After some experimenting, he discovered that if, immediately after
    entering your domain password,  pressing several Ctrl-Cs in  rapid
    succession will prevent a  logon script from executing.   Kixtart,
    by default, automatically disables Ctrl-C/Break keys.  For  grins,
    Bill putted in a "BREAK OFF" command at the top of the script  but
    still was able to preempt  execution of the logon script  by doing
    the above.   This was tested  on NT4 workstation+SP4.   It appears
    that NT buffers the Ctrl-Cs  and processes them prior to  invoking
    the Kixtart interpreter (kix32.exe).


    Nothing yet.