



    New exploit found  by the securax  crew on 3/3/error.   They found
    that any program in windows 98 will crash if you try to open  that
    file.  eg: try  Start --> run -->  c:/con/con or open in  Word the
    non-existing document c:/con/con both  attempts will result in  en
    Blues Screen of death and a lockup.

    This can  also be  exploited to  crash remote  servers.   Test was
    done on servU-FTP v  2.4a (works on any  windows 98 FTP even  with
    anonyous or guest account).  It looked something like this:

        230 user logged in, proceed
        215 UNIX TYPE:L8
        connect ok!
        257 "c:/home" is current directory.
        haal directory op
        TYPE A
        200 Type set to A.
        PORT xx.xx.xx.xx :-)
        200 PORT Command succesful
        150 Opening ASCII mode data connect
        Download: 86 bytes
        Wacht op de server
        226 transfer complete
        250 directory changed to /c:/
        250 "/c:/" is current directory
        CWD /con/con              --> this does the trick


    no  more  response  server  crashed.   This  is  probably just the
    beginning of a  new series of  exploits for windows.   This little
    flaw could easily be used in a macro virus.  Maybe even be  placed
    in the registry

        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open c:\con\con "%1" %*

    USSRback found same some time ago, but this seems to be issue

    Zoa  Chien  completed  story  with  following.   Local  and remote
    users  can  crash  Windows  '95/'98  systems using special crafted
    path-strings  that  refer  to  device  drivers  being  used.  Upon
    parsing this path  the Ms Windows  OS will crash  leaving no other
    option but  to reboot  the machine.  With this  all other  running
    applications on the machine will stop responding...local use: with
    any application that allows saving  or opening of a file  | remote
    use: with all HTTPd/FTPd/Email/Usenet (and possibly  napster/samba
    /icq /...).  This bug could also be used in macro viruses.

    Remote users can crash  Windows '98 systems using  special crafted
    path-strings  that  refer  to  device  drivers  being  used.  Upon
    parsing this path  the Ms Windows  OS will crash  leaving no other
    option but  to reboot  the macine.   With this  all other  running
    applications on the machine will  stop responding.  NOTE: This  is
    not a bug in Internet Explorer, FTPd and other webserver  software
    running Win95/98.  It  is a bug in  the Ms Windows kernel  system,
    more specific in the handling  of the device drivers specified  in
    IO.SYS, causing this kernel meltdown.II.

    When the Microsoft Windows operating system is parsing a path that
    is being  crafted like  "c:\[device]\[device]" it  will halt,  and
    crash the entire operating system.   Four device drivers have been
    found to crash the system.  The CON, NUL, AUX, CLOCK$ and  CONFIG$
    are the  two device  drivers which  are   known to  crash.   Other
    devices as LPT[x]:, COM[x]: and  PRN have not been found  to crash
    the system.  Making combinations as CON\NUL, NUL\CON, AUX\NUL, ...
    seems  to  crash  MS  Windows  as  well.   Calling  a path such as
    "C:\CON\[filename]"  won't   result  in   a  crash   but  in    an
    error-message.  Creating the  map "CON", "CLOCK$", "AUX"  "NUL" or
    "CONFIG$"  will  also  result  in  a  simple error-message saying:
    ''creating that map isn't allowed''.

    Device drivers?  These are specified in IO.SYS and date back  from
    the early Ms  Dos days.   Here is what  we have found.   Here is a
    brief list:

    CLOCK$     - System clock
    CON        - Console; combination of keyboard and screen to handle
                 input and output
    AUX or COM1- First serial communicationport
    COMn       - Second, Third, ... communicationport
    LPT1 or PRN- First parallel port
    NUL        - Dummy port, or the  "null device" which we all   know
                 under UNIX as /dev/null.
    CONFIG$    - Unknown

    Any call  made to  a path  consisting of  "NUL" and  "CON seems to
    crash routines  made to  the FAT32/VFAT,  eventually trashing  the
    kernel.   Therefore, it  is possible  to crash  -any- other  local
    and/or remote application as  long as they parse  the path-strings
    to  call  FAT32/VFAT  routines  in  the  kernel.  Mind you, we are
    -not-  sure  this  is  the  real  reason, however there are strong
    evidences to assume this is the  case. So...  To put it  in laymen
    terms...  It seems that the Windows98 kernel is going berserk upon
    processing paths that are made  up of "old" (read: Ms  Dos) device

    How to reproduce the problem:
    (1) When  receiving  images  into  HTML  with  a path refering  to
        [drive]:\con\con or [drive]:\nul\nul.  This will crash the  MS
	    Windows '98  Operating System  when viewing  this HTML.   This
	    has  been  tested  on  Microsoft  Outlook  and Eudora Pro 4.2.
        Netscape Messenger seems not to crash.

        <A HREF="c:\con\con">crashing IE</A>
        <!-- or nul\nul, clock$\clock$ -->
        <!-- or aux\aux, config$\config$ -->

    (2) When using GET /con/con  or GET /nul/nul using WarFTPd  on any
        directory  will  also  crash  the  operating  system.    Other
        FTPdaemons have not been tested.  So it's possible to remotely
        crash  MS  Windows  '98  Operating  Systems.   We  expect that
        virtually  every  FTPd  running  Windows  '95/'98(se)  can  be

    (3) Inserting  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\_
        open with the value of

        c:\con\con "%1" %* or c:\nul\nul "%1" %*

        will also crash the system.  Think of what Macro virii can  do
        to your system now.

    (4) It's possible to crash any Windows '95/'98(SE) machine running
        webserver software as Frontpage Webserver, ...  You can  crash
        the machine by feeding an URL as

    (5) Creating a HTML  page with IMG tags  or HREF tags refering  to
        the local "nul" path or the "con" path.

        <!-- or nul\nul, clock$\clock$ -->
        <!-- or aux\aux, config$\config$ -->

    There are much more methods  in crashing the Ms Windows  Operating
    System but the essential part seems to be calling a path and  file
    both refering to  a device name,  either NUl, CON,  AUX, CLOCK$ or
    CONFIG$, with the  objective of getting  data on the  screen using
    this path.   As you may  notice, crashing the  system can be  done
    remote or local.

    Netscape doesn't crash at first, because the string to call a path
    is changed to file:///D|/c:\nul\nul.  Upon entering c:\nul\nul  in
    the  URL  without  file:///D|/  you  -do-  crash  Netscape and the
    Operating System.

    This  can  be  exploited  by  simply  attempting to open a file or
    directory called "con\con" (or "nul\nul") and there are many  ways
    to achieve this.   Locally just type  "dir con\con" into  a MS-DOS
    Prompt, or opening a  webpage with the <IMG  SRC="c:\con\con"> tag
    in I.E. (presumably  other browsers too).   Remotely;  Gene6  - G6
    FTP Server v2.0  - login and  type 'ls con/con'  ..  most  Windows
    FTPds and possibly HTTPds can be exploited in the same way (Sambar
    HTTP Server 4.3 seems safe though).

    If the machine has a directory shared with the standard SMB File &
    Printer Sharing (even read only shares) it can also be hit:

        [stephen@eddie stephen]$ smbclient //eddie95/TEST -I
        Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
        smb: \> ls con\con

    This type  of attack  will render  all applications  useless, thus
    leaving the  system administrator  no other  option than rebooting
    the system. Due to the wide  range of options how to crash  the MS
    Windows operating system, this is a severe bug.  However,  Windows
    NT systems don't seem to be vulnerable.

    Any permutation of certain DOS  device names as a filename  of the
    form  "device\device"  when  opened  will  crash  Windows   95/98.
    Devices that seem to trigger the bug include "con", "aux",  "nul",
    and "clock$". So not only  will "con\con" trigger it, but  so will
    "aux\clock$", "clock$\con", etc.

    Possible exploit vectors:

    * HTML formated web pages, email and USENET messages. E.g.

        <img SRC="file://c:/con/con">

      Tested under Netscape 4.6 on  Windows 98 Second edition.   Email
      clients that render HTML  messages include Outlook and  Netscape

    * Forums  that  allow  people  to  submit URLs to be displayed  to
      others.  E.g. web message boards.

    * Web servers. E.g. Personal Web Server using the URL


    * File sharing / SMB.
      Tested  with  Samba.  Connect  to  the  Windows  share  and  "cd
      /con/con".   It was  pointed out  that Windows  95/98 users that
      share printers  also have  a passwordless  share called PRINTER$
      which leaves them open to attacks via this problem. E.g.

        D:\>net use * \\\PRINTER$
        Drive G: is now connected to \\\PRINTER$.
        The command completed successfully.

        G:\>cd \CLOCK$\CLOCK$

      The specified network name is no longer available.

    * FTP Servers.
      Tested and found vulnerable with WarFTPD 1.70B and G6 FTP 2.0b6.
      Login to the FTP server  (as any user, even anonymous)  and send
      the command "GET /con/con".

    * Mail  servers  that  store  attachments as separate files  while
      using the filename provided in the message. E.g. The Bat.


    MS Windows NT 4.0 and 2000 aren't affected as well.  It is adviced
    Windows'98 users  to either  upgrade to  the systems  specified as
    above,  or  not  to  follow  html-links  that  refer to the device
    drivers specified  as above.   Microsoft has  been notified.    No
    official patch has been announced.

    A simple byte hack could prevent this from happening as long as you
    don't use older MS DOS programs making legitimate use of the device
    drivers.   By  replacing  all  "NUL",  "AUX",  "CON"  "CLOCK$" and
    "CONFIG$" device  driver strings  with random  values or  hex null
    values.  Mind you, upon hexediting these values, you must be aware
    that your system may become unstable.

    Patch availability:

        - Windows 95:
        - Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition: