



    Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton  found following.  NT  admin password
    change algorithms expose  user plaintext passwords.   Eye-catching
    line,  huh?   Well,  under  specific circumstances, unfortunately,
    it's true.

    Conditions  required  if  using  NTLMv1   (LmCompatibilibyLevel=0)
    follows.  NT admin runs  USRMGR.EXE or SRVMGR.EXE and either  adds
    a  new  user,  workstation  or  changes  a  user's  password.  The
    encrypted-password-block  goes  over-the-wire  in  full view, i.e.
    self-encrypyted but otherwise sticking out like a sore thumb (it's
    516 bytes long).

    The algorithm used is described in detail in the book mentioned at
    the end of this  message, but basically it  uses what is termed  a
    "User Session  Key" as  a straight  RC4 key  to encrypt a 516-byte
    block,  mostly  random  data,  with  the  user's plaintext UNICODE
    password and the length of the  password, at the end of the  block
    (if you're getting bored of  how frequently microsoft uses RC4  as
    a cypher stream and keeps resetting it, get used to it, it appears
    to have been pretty much standard practice at the time this  stuff
    was developed).

    NT admin's user session key is: MD4(Administrator's NT#).

    So,  let's  get  this  straight.   You  are  sniffing network data
    (assuming  of  course  that  this  is  possible: most networks are
    switched, these days, right?).   You capture a couple of  516-byte
    blobs from  a bored  administrator who  is adding  workstations by
    rote to a domain.  You  XOR the two blocks together, and  the last
    few bytes  are, well,  basically, a  classic academic  exercise in
    cryptographic decoding of XORed plaintext.

    Let's go through it with you, it's kinda fun.
    - if the last 4 bytes of the XORed data-blocks are zero, then  the
      length of the two passwords are the same.
    - if they are non-zero, then you know the difference-in-length.

    This might not be useful, until you realise that the passwords are
    stored in  UNICODE.   ascii converted  to UNICODE  goes like this:
    byte, zero, byte, zero....

    So, to take a  guess (to an accuracy  of 255 times out  of 256) at
    how long one of  the passwords is, you  skip every other byte  and
    count the number of zero bytes in the XORed data-blocks.

    Then, you can  work out, from  the XORed lengths,  what the length
    of the _other_ password was ...  but you needn't have gone to  all
    that trouble,  because guess  what?   If you'd  looked at the data
    two packets  beforehand, you  would have  seen a  SamrCreateUser()
    function - oh,  that's DCE/RPC \PIPE\samr  opcode 0x32, for  those
    of you who do not have your Windows NT [or samba, for that matter]
    source code  memorised.   And as  we all  know, workstations added
    with SRVMGR.EXE  and when  joined to  a domain  (except NT5 wksta)
    set the initial password to the name of the workstation.

    _However_, this simple  fact allows us  to work the  math from the
    other   angle:   namely,   that   knowing   that   _one_   use  of
    SamrSetUserInfo (opcode 0x3a) can  be used to decrypt  another, if
    one of the plaintext passwords is well-known.

    So.  To cope,  when using LMcompatibilityLevel=0x0 on  NT domains,
    with the  issue of  password-changes by  administrators going  and
    pretty much sending the passwords plaintext, and assuming that you
    _care_ about security:

      1) use switched networks (i.e avoid possibility of  unauthorised
         network traces being taken)
      2) if you see an administrator using SRVMGR.EXE or USRMGR.EXE on
         anything other than a secured line, or preferably only on the
         console, sack them instantly OR:
      3) for every single password  change or new user create,  change
         the administrator's password, as  it is basically useless  if
         used twice.

    That includes changing  the administrator's password.   So if  you
    change the administrator's password  remotely, you have to  change
    the administrator's password.

    What about NTLMv2 (LmCompatibilitylevel=0x5)?  Basically the  same
    thing, except that Microsoft got really sophisticated with NTLMv2,
    and to  untrained eye,  it looks  pretty good.   It uses  HMAC_MD5
    three times, making  it at least  ... um... [quick  math, md4 =  4
    loops, md5 = 64.  64/4=tired,6am,hmmm.2^6/2^2=2^4 easier to do sub
    than  div  16*3=48]  48  times  more  computationally expensive to
    brute-force than NTLMv1.

    And then there's the "User Session Key", which is calculated  from
    random information generated in  the MS-CHAP sequence, too,  which
    is really impressive.

    Consequences:  the   "User  Session   Key"  is   generated  on   a
    per-connection basis.   this means  that if  you want  to keep the
    administrator's password  secure, then  unlike when  using NTLMv1,
    you  only  [only]  have  to  drop  the  connection in between each
    remote use of USRMGR.EXE or SRVMGR.EXE or join-NT4-host-to-domain.

    To do this, first terminate USRMGR.EXE / SRVMGR.EXE, then pull  up
    a command-prompt and type:

        net use

    If there is a \\mypdc\ipc$ connection shown, then do:

        net use \\mypdc\ipc$ /del

    If it bitches at you and says it's in use, go close all those damn
    explorer.exe  windows  you  left  lying  around,  all  the _other_
    remote-access  programs  that  you  leave  open  as  part  of your
    day-to-day job and which could be hijacked and used for all  kinds
    of  horrible   stuff,  such   as  spoofing   SamrCreateUser()  and
    SamrSetUserInfo calls to create accounts like MrHacker (Full name:
    Anonymouse Hacker The  New Administrator In  Town) ... unless,  of
    course, you  are using  switched networks  and/or SMB  signing, or
    have gone the whole hog on NT5 and are now using IPsec... assuming
    of course that IPsec (a  documented protocol) and SMB signing  (an
    undocumented protocol) are secure, at which point, we are off  the
    deep end.


    Upgrade to NT5.