Win systems
Ofir Arkin found following. During his research on ICMP he had
encountered a new OS fingerprinting method. When a wrong code is
sent along with the correct type of ICMP ECHO Request message
Microsoft Windows Boxes would act differently than other operating
systems would on the ICMP ECHO Reply.
Ofir queried his LINUX box (RH 6.2) with an ICMP ECHO Request
changing the ICMP Code from 0 to 38.
10:06:02.329509 lo < localhost.localdomain > localhost.localdomain: icmp: echo request
4500 0020 3372 0000 fe01 0610 c0a8 0105
c0a8 0105 0826 675a 7402 0e20 0186 0cd7
10:06:02.329639 lo > localhost.localdomain > localhost.localdomain: icmp: echo reply
4500 0020 096d 0000 ff01 2f15 c0a8 0105
c0a8 0105 0026 6f5a 7402 0e20 0186 0cd7
As you can see from the tcpdump trace the reply would not change
the code to 0, and leave it the way it was. If we examine what
RFC 972 requires than LINUX do exactly what it tells.
The sending side initializes the identifier (used to identify ECHO
requests aimed at different destination hosts) and sequence number
(if multiple ECHO requests are sent to the same destination host),
adds some data (arbitrary) to the data field and sends the ICMP
ECHO Request to the destination host. In the ICMP header the code
equals zero. The recipient should only change the type to ECHO
Reply and return the datagram to the sender.
This also means that we trust another machine to behave correctly.
LINUX changes the type field value to 0 and sends the reply.
Ofir has checked the behavior of my Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional box. He has sent the same ICMP ECHO Request message
to the Microsoft Windows box:
10:03:33.860212 eth0 > localhost.localdomain > icmp: echo request
4500 0020 3372 0000 fe01 0614 c0a8 0105
c0a8 0101 0826 d618 6102 f658 0183 c8e2
10:03:33.860689 eth0 < > localhost.localdomain: icmp: echo reply
4500 0020 2010 0000 8001 9776 c0a8 0101
c0a8 0105 0000 de3e 6102 f658 0183 c8e2
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
The Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional operating system changed
the code value on the ICMP ECHO Reply to 0. Ofir tested this
method with IBM AIX, SUN Solaris 2.6 & 2.7, OpenBSD, NetBSD,
FreeBSD and they produced the same results as the LINUX box did.
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server SP 6a, Microsoft Windows 98 SE
produced the same behavior as the Microsoft Windows 2000
We have a new method to differentiate between a Microsoft Windows
box to the rest of the world.