

    Win 2000


    Ofir Arkin  found following.   RFC 1349  define the  usage of  the
    Type-of-Service field in  the IP Header  with ICMP datagrams.   It
    distinguishes between  ICMP error  messages, ICMP  query messages,
    and ICMP reply messages.  Simple rules are defined:

        - ICMP Error message is always sent with the default TOS (0x00)
        - An ICMP request  message may be sent  with any value in  the
          TOS  field  (The  RFC  further  specify  that  although ICMP
          request messages  are normally  sent with  the default  TOS,
          there are sometimes  good reasons why  they would sent  with
          some other TOS values).
        - An ICMP reply message is sent with the same value in the TOS
          field as was used in the corresponding ICMP request message.

    Using this logic  Ofir has decided  to check if  certain operating
    systems  react  correctly  to  an  ICMP  Query  messages  with   a
    Type-of-Service field value, which  is different than the  default

    The check out was produced with ICMP query message types sent with
    a  Type-of-Service  field  set  to  a  known value, than set to an
    unknown value (the  term known and  unknown are used  here because
    he  was  not  experimenting  with  non-legit values, and since any
    value may be sent inside this field).

    The following example is an  ICMP Echo request sent to  my FreeBSD
    4.0 machine.  The tool used here is HPING2 beta 54.  The –o option
    with HPING2 enable it to insert Type-of-Service values.

        [root@aik /root]# hping2 -1 -o 8
        default routing not present
        HPING (eth0 icmp mode set, 28 headers + 0 data
        bytes46 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 id=16 rtt=1.1 ms
        46 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 id=17 rtt=0.4 ms
        46 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 id=18 rtt=0.3 ms

        --- hping statistic ---
        11 packets tramitted, 11 packets received, 0% packet loss
        round-trip min/avg/max = 0.3/0.4/1.1 ms

        Snort Trace:

        08/09-21:48:37.280337 ->
        ICMP TTL:64 TOS:0x8 ID:60783
        ID:48899   Seq:0  ECHO

        08/09-21:48:37.280928 ->
        ICMP TTL:255 TOS:0x8 ID:16
        ID:48899   Seq:0  ECHO REPLY
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
        00 00                                            ..

    As it can  be seen the  TOS field value  remained the same  in the
    reply as the RFC states.   Experimenting with a Hex value of  0x10
    produced the same behavior.

    Since FreeBSD 4.0 does  not respond to ICMP  Information requests,
    or to ICMP Address Mask Requests Ofir had to verify this  behavior
    with ICMP Timestamp request and see if in the reply the TOS  field
    value is the same as it is in the request - It is.

    When Ofir was examining ICMP Echo requests he noticed something is
    wrong with a certain Microsoft OS:

        [root@aik /root]# hping2 -1 -o 10
        default routing not present
        HPING (eth0 icmp mode set, 28 headers + 0 data bytes
        46 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=128 id=74 rtt=0.9 ms
        46 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 id=75 rtt=0.5 ms
        46 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 id=76 rtt=0.5 ms

        --- hping statistic ---
        8 packets tramitted, 8 packets received, 0% packet loss
        round-trip min/avg/max = 0.5/0.6/0.9 ms
        [root@aik /root]#

        Snort trace:

        Initializing Network Interface...
        Decoding Ethernet on interface eth0

        -*> Snort! <*-
        Version 1.6
        By Martin Roesch (,
        08/09-21:43:53.257483 ->
        ICMP TTL:64 TOS:0x10 ID:34638
        ID:45571   Seq:0  ECHO

        08/09-21:43:53.258294 ->
        ICMP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:86
        ID:45571   Seq:0  ECHO REPLY
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
        00 00                                            ..

    Oops!  Some one  zero out my Type-of-Service  field!  To keep  the
    story short - Microsoft Windows 2000 family (Professional, Server,
    Advanced Server) all zero out the TOS field with ICMP Echo replies
    for ICMP Echo request with the TOS field value different than  the

    Other Microsoft  Windows operating  systems maintain  the value in
    their  replies,  as  well  as  :  Linux Kernel 2.2.x, Linux Kernel
    2.4t-x, FreeBSD 4.0, OpenBSD 2.7, NetBSD 1.4.2, SUN Solaris 2.7  &
    2.8, Compaq Tru64 UNIX 5.0, AIX 4.1, OpenVMS v7.

    Is this  makes those  Microsoft Windows  2000 machines  identified
    easily and  uniquely?   99.9% yes.   The other  0.01 %  belongs to
    Ultrix.   Only  Ultrix  behaved  like  the  Microsoft Windows 2000

    How can  we distinguish  between the  two?   First, there are much
    fewer Ultrix  machines out  there than  Microsoft’s Windows  2000.
    Secondly, if we would send an ICMP Information request or an  ICMP
    Address Mask  request than  only Ultrix  would answer  our request
    (if not  filtered of  course) and  not the  Microsoft Windows 2000

    Other ICMP query message types help us to identify a unique  group
    of Microsoft operating  systems. As a  rule all operating  systems
    except  the  named  Microsoft  windows  operating  systems   here,
    maintain a  single behavior  regarding the  Type-of-Service field.
    All would maintain  the same values  with different types  of ICMP
    requests.   But, again,  Microsoft have  some of  the "top" people
    understanding TCP/IP to the degree we humans do not understand  so
    we have the following Microsoft operating systems zero out  (0x00)
    the  Type-of-Service  field  on  the  replies  for  ICMP Timestamp
    requests:   Microsoft Windows  98/98SE/ME. Microsoft  Windows 2000
    machines  would  zero  out  this  field  as  well (maintaining its
    initial behavior with ICMP Echo replies).

    This means that  Microsoft Windows 98/98SE/ME  would not zero  out
    the Type-of-Service field value  with ICMP Echo requests  but will
    do so with ICMP Timestamp requests.

    Here we got a way to fingerprint Microsoft Windows 2000 machines
    from the rest of the world and from the rest of the Microsoft
    Windows operating systems.


    Nothing yet.