Win 2000
Steve Mansfield found following. Came across the following
interesting 'features' in W2K Prof (original and SP1). There
doesn't seem to be anything about them on Technet.
Imagine you have a shared machine (no domain) with a number of
users already setup with security settings, which programs to use
for mail etc.
You add a new user and the default group membership is 'users'.
You log in as them to setup email etc. If you try to setup up
Outlook Express as that user you will get a message saying that
some errors are being generated and get kicked out. After trial
and error Steve has found that the minimum group level for
setting up Outlook Express is 'power user', so you have to give
your new user higher permissions, set them up and then demote
This has a knock on problem and is the cross pollination aspect.
If while logged on as the new 'power user' you change, say, the
default email program and the content settings, these (changed)
settings will be enacted for ALL the machine users. Not what was
intended, surely. So if you have, say, 10 users with different
settings adding just one user would require manually changing
them all back.
Also on the subject of security level problems there is a problem
with Symantec Fax Starter Edition supplied with Outlook 2000.
You cannot fax if the curent user has permissions lower than
'power user'. If a 'user' is logged in and tries to fax they get
a dialog with no text but a red traingle and an OK button. The
fax job disappears. Again surely not what was intended.
Nothing yet.