



    Uwe found following.  Under W2K SP1 he checked some RPC over named
    pipes functionality  on 2  boxes.   His client  process runs under
    local administrator account, e.g. "clnt-adm".  The server  process
    runs under a different "Administrator"-Account.

    1.) First,  the  pipe  don't  connected, network monitor says  "no
        permission" (or so), that's Ok.
    2.) Uwe created an identical "clnt-adm" on the server machine  and
        the  pipe  works,  his  RPC  is  running.   Now we disable the
        created  "clnt-adm"-account  on  the  server  while  the RPC's
        running, but the pipe doesn't disconnect!  Hmm.
    3.) We stop and  restart server process, with  disabled "clnt-adm"
        account on  the server  - the  pipe connected  again and RPC's
    4.) We stopped server and  client process, logged out, logged  on,
        started server process still with disabled "clnt-adm"-account,
        started client process, the pipe connected, RPC works!
    5.) First, after server machine reboot the pipe don't connected as


    That means: You need only one time a matching account to create  a
    named pipe and you can do remote processing until the server  will
    be restarted?!   No matter if  accounts are changing  or deleted?!
    (Administrators, reboot your W2K boxes frequently?!)