



    'No Strezzz Cazzz'  found following.   Neil Kirr found  this bug 2
    years ago!  Reason  that we make this  posting is because we  have
    more/additional  information.  Neil  only  mentioned one password,
    'NSC' found two.  He used Outlook98, he uses Outlook Express  4.72
    on NT4.  Also  in a reply from  the MS Outlook Program  Manager to
    the NTBugtraq mailinglist  it is said  that "User.dmp is  the file
    written out when NT blue-screens".  This is not true, at least not
    in  this  case,  it  is  obviously  created  because  of  an error

    'NSC' found out about it while using the [find "POP3PASS" *]
    command while on the \WINNT\system32 directory:

        ---------- USER.DMP

    We  thought  this  was  really  weird,  first  of  all because NT4
    stored  POP3-password  in  plain  ASCII.   And  second  because we
    never noticed the USER.DMP file in the \WINNT\system32 before.  So
    open   the    file   and    retrieve   your    POP3-password    by
    Search/Find/POP3PASS (d0h). It showed up in the following lines:

                         y-\        POP3PASS \
        ":." O?u-~A"" O?          D e M o N 7 1 1 6 C D C

    This is important  to know, because  it was close  to "D e  M o N"
    (we named  provider DeMoN  but in  USER.DMP it  was printed with a
    space between each  letter) so we  could use that  as an indicator
    in case  we don't  know the  password.   By the  way, if  you open
    USER.DMP it might take a little while before you actually see  its
    content when you  open it.   Task Manager will  tell you that  its
    "not responding" but it is, just be a little patient.

    'NSC'  noticed  that  not  only  the  complete  contents of his OE
    (E-mail, usenet  and settings)  where stored  throughout the file,
    it also contained the contents of his IE "Favourites" folder,  his
    complete "History" folder  and a shitload  of other data,  most of
    it useless.  But  it has a phonky  effect when you scroll  it down
    quickly, so that makes up for being useless.

    In USER.DMP You can find both your POP3 and dial-up password where
    located within the first  upper 10% of the  file.  So now  we know
    that if we don't know any of those passwords we can probably  find
    them close to the account where our POP3 is located, and close  to
    our account name.  Be sure you read the file from up to down,  not
    from left to  right, use "Word  Wrap" if needed.   We can  confirm
    that in all four USER.DMP's we  have had so far the passwords  are
    close to the account or the account name.

    USER.DMP is created  by the infamous  Dr. Watson program.   It's a
    dump  of  the  process  space  of  whatever  the last program that
    crashed was.   Basically the same  concept as core  files on *nix.
    If you have windbg installed you  can load a user.dmp file and  go
    to the  assembly view  to figure  out where  if crashed  (somewhat
    more useful if you actually wrote the program and have the  source
    files/symbol tables handy).

    Unfortunately NT4 doesn't control  access to this file  very well.
    Then again NT4 doesn't control access to a lot of sensitive  files
    by default (Everyone/Full  Control on C:\  for example).   Windows
    2000, while a bit more sane with security in genereal, flunks  the
    test  here.   The  default  location  of  user.dmp  on  Win2k   is
    C:\Documents  and  Settings\All Users\Documents\DrWatson\user.dmp.
    This means that  if you are  not an administrator  of the machine,
    user.dmp never gets created (only admins have write access to  All
    Users).  However, if you are, it gets put there with Everyone/Full
    Control...  sigh...

    The reason  that the  account name  and/or password  have "spaces"
    between the letters  is because they  are likely stored  in memory
    as  Unicode  strings.   So  those  aren't actually spaces, they're
    ASCII null characters;  and there's no  way to search  for that in
    notepad.   Sysinternals  (  has  a  "strings"
    utility  that  can  dump  both  ASCII  and  Unicode strings out of
    binary files.

    The problem arises in that  NT's default location for user.dmp  is
    world-readable.   On   NT4  systems,  the   default  location   is
    %SystemRoot%\user.dmp,   which   will   usually   end   up   being
    C:\WINNT\user.dmp.   Default  permissions  on  NT4  systems   give
    Everyone Full Control  on the WINNT  directory.  Crash  dump files
    can often contain passwords  and other sensitive information  that
    was stored in memory and never  intended to be written to disk  in
    plain text.   One example  of this  is the  mail and  news  reader
    Outlook Express,  which stores  the user's  mail account passwords
    in plain text (Unicode strings) in memory.  OE also happens to  be
    crash-prone when it encounters ill-formatted messages.

    Description of exploit:
    1. Users Jim and Bob share the same NT workstation; both use OE to
       check mail
    2. OE stores its saved mail and account information in the  user's
       profile directory, which by default is set with permissions  so
       that only the  user it belongs  to can access  it.  Hence,  Jim
       cannot access Bob's mail directly because the OS won't let  him
       into Bob's profile directory.
    3. Bob is using OE  and it crashes, either accidentally  or caused
       by a message sent by someone designed to cause the crash;  such
       as  a  buffer  overflow  /  invalud  HTML / scripting / ActiveX
    4. Jim can then open the user.dmp (world-readable) and sift
       through it to get Bob's password.   A good utility for this  is
       the Sysinternals ( utility strings,  which
       can extract a list of Unicode strings out of a binary file.

    Windows  2000  is  also  vulnerable,  but  in fewer circumstances.
    It's   default   location   for   user.dmp   is  C:\Documents  and
    Settings\All Users\Documents\DrWatson\user.dmp.  This location  is
    world-readable by default, but  not world-writable.  Normal  users
    will not have the user.dmp file created as they do not have  write
    access, however  users that  are an  administrator (possibly power
    users  as  well)  of  the  local  machine  will be exposed to this


    Run drwtsn32.exe to  set crash dump  options.  There  are two ways
    to get around this problem (per-user):
    1) Uncheck the "create crash dump file" checkbox.
    2) Change  the crash  dump location  to a  directory that only you
       have access to.

    For a system-wide fix, delete the registry key

        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug\Debugger

    This  will  cause  Dr.  Watson  to  be  replaced  with  a   simple
    "Application Error" box.

    If you have installed MSVC  it will automatically make itself  the
    system debugger, and  it does not  create crash dump  files so you
    are not vulnerable.

    MS needs to fix Dr.  Watson so that it sets  permissions correctly
    on the files it creates.  A quick fix for the problem would be  to
    make Dr. Watson's default crash dump location be somewhere  inside
    the current  user's profile.   This of  course will  only work  on
    NTFS file  systems, but  if you  are using  FAT or  FAT32 for your
    filesystem there  are much  worse things  that unprivileged  users
    can do...