Windows NT/2000
Tony Thai found following. He reported a vulnerability in Windows
NT/2000 which allows a user with local admin privileges on a
member server/workstation to elevate their privileges in a Windows
NT/2000 domain. This problem is related to Windows NT services
and is only exists if the an service exists on the local computer
which uses a privileged domain account to logon.
A user with local administrator privileges to a workstation or
server which is a member of a domain can elevate their privileges
if a service exists on the local computer with higher rights than
the user. Eg. if the service is configured to start with an
account which has domain administrator privileges.
To take advantage to this, a user modifies the parameters for the
service which starts with higher privileges to start an
application or run a command of their choice. After restarting
the service, the command/application is executed in the context
of the account used to start the service.
To replicate this do the following:
1. Find a service on the local computer which has the Startup
Account as a Domain Administrator account.
2. Using the regedt32.exe, in the registry search for the key
corresponding to the service under HKLM\System\CCS\Services\
3. In the key corresponding to the service, replace the ImagePath
value with the following
<path to ntreskit folder>\srvany.exe eg. c:\ntreskit\srvany.exe
4. Replace the Type with 0x110.
5. Create a subkey called Parameters and add a value called
Application with the following value
c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe /k net user user123 password /add /domain
6. In the services application in Control Panel, start and stop
the service which was modified in steps 3 and 4.
7. An account user123 will be created in the domain.
8. Modify the Application value in step 5 with the following value
c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe /k net localgroup administrators user123 /add /domain
9. In the services application in Control Panel, start and stop
the service which was modified in steps 3 and 4.
10. The user123 account is added to the administrators local group
on the domain controllers.
Note: If all services on the local computer do not use domain
accounts then the computer is not vulnerable. To reproduce the
problem on a computer without services running using a domain
account, configure an existing service to start with a domain
account with membership to the domain administrators group. This
service should be of type 0x10 or 0x110. Then continue with step
Similar steps can be used to add the user to the domain
administrators group using different utilities. Other variations
are possible. This was tested on a Windows NT 4.0 workstation
running in a Windows NT 4.0 domain. Service Pack 4. This was also
reproduced on a Windows 2000 computer running in a Windows 2000
domain Service Pack 1.
Possible attacks include exploiting a buffer overflow on a Web
Server which is a member of a domain giving local system access.
Privileges may be then be elvevated from local system to domain
admin in the appropriate environment.
It should be pointed out that anyone with local Admin privileges
on a box that has a Domain Account-based service running can
easily run l0phtcrack, or some similar tool, against their own
SAM and determine the password of the service account that way.
They can, then, use that account information to do other things
(like not having to use Srvany to launch a service of their
It reminds us of a story someone once told Russ Cooper of how a
machine he had kept getting compromised by fellow co-workers,
they all had the same Backup agent software using the identical
userID on all machines within a domain... That story is almost
3 years old now.
The technique Tony describes is a little more interesting, but is
just another manifestation of the problems blindly giving Local
Admin access create.
Restrict service accounts to run without domain adminstrator
privileges. It is prudent to ensure that all service accounts are
configure with the minimal level of privileges required.