'ByteRage' posted following. This was tested on Windows 98 (first
edition) *with* CON\CON kernel patch by MicroSoft. Although
this is an OS matter, here are some affected ftp server programs
BisonFTP V4R1
Broker FTP Server
G6 FTP Server v2.15 (AKA BulletProof FTP Server)
GuildFTPD 0.922
SurgeFTP 2.0f
WarFTPD 1.71
WFTPD 3.00 R5
The AUX read bug has already been discussed by neme-dhc for
Xitami webserver & Small http server and there maybe also other
advisories out there, but most of them seem to regard these bugs
as originating from the server software, which is not the case.
On the tested win98 system, when programs accessed the AUX device
for reading, CPU usage increased to 100%, and in most cases the
computer would completely freeze.
Sometimes server software had filtering to prevent 'downloading'
(GET) the AUX device, but this filtering can easily be
circumvented by referring to the device as AUX. (with a trailing
dot, or maybe appending an extension like AUX.FOO or by randomly
appending dots & spaces (AUX. . .. ... .. .)).
Serv-U FTP version 3.0 & ArGoSoft FTP Server were the
only server program that were immune to attack even with the
trickery, so they must be filtering out devices using API calls,
which is a good idea from a security standpoint.
Nothing yet.